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Sooo tired!


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This sounds about right for where you are - check out the timeline:  http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/


Keep in mind it's a general timeline - so it's not accurate for everybody.


Best way to get through this phase is eat plenty of starchy vegetables (think any root vegetable and or squash).  Also make sure you are eating full template meals. http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first days I noticed how much better I slept and how tired I actually felt without wine and  sugar keeping me on an up and down cycle. I crashed much earlier than usual at night. The fatigue does go away, though. But, for me, sleeping well is continuing… Day 12. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 9 and apparently I am a day or two late for the just wanting to nap all the time faze...I went to bed at 7:30.  Do not remember my husband coming to bed at 9...slept straight through til 5 and popped awake about 2 minutes before my alarm went off.  I didn't even fully change into my pajamas last night...fell asleep in the same shirt I wore to work.  Is is possible to feel rested but super sleepy at the exact same time??


I also still miss cheese.

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Hi everyone,


I'm late to this thread but I am currently on Day 4 and I have been feeling sooooo foggy. I felt like this yesterday too. I'm having issues concentrating at work and my thoughts don't feel like they're linking connecting. I've read that this is fairly normal but are there any tips on how to combat this? Or, do I just ride it out? I only have one cup of coffee per day because any more than that makes it difficult for me to sleep. I've been drinking a TON of water and tea. I just wanted ot see if there were any other tips out there. 



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kmg4805, in my past whole30 journeys I have found that sneaking a nap in where I can doesn't hurt.  It doesn't necessarily help either.  But I have the l ability to park in a quiet garage at work and curl up in my back seat for 20 minutes. 


If you can't do that, choose the opposite, make time for a 3 minute run in place or stretching.


Another technique is to download the (free) Pomodoro app onto your iPhone.  (Google the Pomodoro technique)  Basically it is a timer for 25 minutes of work and then 5 minutes of break throughout the day (with a longer break after every 4 25 minutes segments.  It's a battery eater but if you can charge your phone while doing it, I promise, just the "newness" of the timer will actually keep you pretty alert . . . and increase your productivity.  It got me through some rough fatigued days when I new the fatigue was due to diet only.


Remember what they tell you: "This too shall pass".

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