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I've been eating W30 for 2 months now and my normal hormonal migraines have been non-existent which for me is really unusual but very pleasing. Yesterday however I had another kind of migraine, one I only get rarely, a really bad kind. With this kind all I can stomach to eat is toast, it helps with the nausea and stops me from vomiting so yesterday turned into a bread/toast binge as that is all I ate all day. I now prefer not to eat bread or any other grains for that matter as I feel so much better without them. Have any of you who also suffer from migraines found an alternative food that helps during an attack? 

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I usually can't eat when I have really bad migraines, other than weak tea. But what about plain mashed white or sweet potatoes instead? maybe along side some poached chicken with just salt? Salt is something I have discovered also helps. Pre Whole 330/Paleo saltines were a go to for me.  

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Sorry to hear it - I have awful migraines too but I don't get the nausea. Sounds like that is your main question, what to eat when you are nauseous... I agree with previous poster, maybe plain mashed sweet potato... a piece of fruit? Or have you ever made those fruit gummies with just fruit, water, and gelatin? Obviously you wouldn't want to make them while you have a migraine, but you can make ahead, freeze in small packages and defrost when you have an attack. These seem like they would be palatable and are also soothing for your tummy:



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