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Slow Cooking?

Lissa Kristine

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I plan on starting my Whole 30 on September 4. It's an unusual date, but it works better for me for several reasons.

Currently, I have a not-so-stable job working at a preschool. On average, I work from 7-9:30am to as late as 6:30pm. Four days a week, I babysit from 6pm to 8pm. One day a week (alternating Wednesdays and Fridays), I have church from 7pm to whenever. Needless to say, I'm too tired to think about preparing lunch for the next day- not to mention dinner and/or snacks for babysitting.

I've realized my best option is to prepare slowcooker meals when I get home from work/church (since I have plenty of days where I don't get home until after 11pm- starting the crockpot before work would be foolish). I'll prepare only a few servings in a 2 quart crockpot- enough to pack some in a thermos for lunch, and some in a container to freeze for dinners later on in the week (or to grab and reheat in the microwave at work if I'm really too tired to even think about prepping for the slow cooker).

I'm just interested if anyone knows of any good slow cooker recipes? I saw a beef and sweet potato stew, but I'm considering breaking out of only having stews, etc.

Thanks for the help!

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I'm in a slow cooker phase currently. I have Slow Cooker Pork Vindaloo underway right now. I've been working on Indian recipes and have lots listed at http://www.wholelifeeating.com/recipe-index/. All slow cooker recipes start with the words "Slow Cooker," so if you scan down you can find at least a dozen. I have mostly stopped cooking vegetables with meat in the slow cooker because I like to do veggies separately, but you can add carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, broccoli, parsnips, turnips, etc. to most anything.

Three recent good ones that I like a lot are:

Slow Cooker Chicken Curry and Cauliflower

Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala and Cauliflower

Slow Cooker Butter Chicken

The butter chicken is insanely good.

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