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April 22nd is my 2nd day of the autoimmune part of diet


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I am a 46 year old female and  decided to bite the bullet and start the diet after reviewing and planning recipes for the past two weeks. I would find it easier if I could have eggs, nuts, peppers, hot sauce, etc.... I am desperate to see if this will make a difference in my symptoms of extreme fatigue, burning muscles, brain fog, and this weird, itchy,prickly, stinging sensation that occurs intermittently all over my body.

Mayo clinic couldn't really find too many answers, except for Fibromyalgia.


I am not too much of a meat eater, but fortunately, love all vegetables. Any advice and support would be much appreciated!

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Hi Aimee,


Have you done a standard Whole30 in the past? The Whole30 as written (without the "special populations" modifications) is a naturally anti-inflammatory program and it may very well be enough to get you some improvement.  We recommend folks do a standard Whole30 before moving to the AIP (auto-immune protocol).  AIP can be extremely restrictive and it's possible you might not need that level of restriction.


You mentioned not being a big meat eater, can you work in eggs, seafood, poultry etc? You might also benefit from some digestive enzymes at first to help with digesting a larger amount of protein than you might be used to.


Edit: woopsie, Shannon and I were posting at the same time!

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Have you ever done a regular Whole30? We normally recommend you do that first, especially if it's a big change from how you were eating before. Even without the further autoimmune restrictions, Whole30 is an anti-inflammatory way of eating, and many people find relief without having to do the more restrictive AIP. AIP makes it more challenging to do, especially if it's a big change.


That's not to say you can't jump right in with the AIP, if that's what you choose to do, but if you do get to a point where it just feels too restrictive to do it, and you're considering giving up or it's making you so stressed that it's making you less healthy, consider just doing the regular W30 first.

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The functional medicine doctor recommended that I start autoimmune first. It's OK, because I really am learning when I am TRULY hungry. If my stomach is growling, I will eat meat :)


I am waiting for my stool sample results to see if I have SIBO or yeast overgrowth.

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I did a 6 week stent on AIP and what helped me was Diane Sanfilippo's book Practical Paleo. She gives you a 30 day meal plan and recipes to help you keep yourself fed. The blog Empowered Sustenance has a lot of AIP-friendly stuff as well since the author has started following the protocol to help with her own health issues.

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