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I start Sunday....a bit nervous


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Hell everyone, I'm Sarah, 29 and from Lincolnshire UK. I'm a new mummy and have a beautiful 8 month baby girl. I've never struggled with my weight before and to be honest I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose. I just want to do this for myself. I want my daughter to grow up seeing her mummy healthy and looking after herself. Since she has been born I've turned to convenience food and I'm not feeling great. I also think pregnancy could have confused my hormones as I now seem to have acne and I guess the tiredness comes with being a new mum.

My main worry about whole30 other than managing cravings is eating out. Being the 'annoying one' that is asking questions about the menu and being th 'picky' one.

I'm out of my house on Thursday and Friday, and return home Saturday. I plan to be as whole30 as I can until then but day 1 will be once in home. Luckily my veg is starting to shoot up; so I have all you can eat herbs, lettuce, spinach, beetroot, until the end of summer. I also will have carrots, potatoes, spring onions, tomatoes within a few months :)

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Hi Sarah - there aren't too many of us in the UK so thought I should welcome you aboard - best of luck & just wanted to say I'm not at all jealous of your little vegetable supply. Nope, not at all... !!


Ok, who am I trying to kid......  :P

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Hey Sarah!

I am starting today! I tried to start yesterday and decided there was too much tempting food in the house still. Is this your first attempt at Whole 30? I tried last October but quickly gave in to cheating and then just gave up. I finally finished the book "It starts with food" so I thought it was time to try again!


Here's a little bit about me; I'd love to know about you!


  My name is Laura and I am 26. I worked in restaurants after graduating college and gained some weight. For the last year I have worked at an office job and it has only gotten worse. Sitting for 9 hours a day and being surrounded by "treats" my co-workers bring in is a recipe for disaster!


  Last summer I got really inspired to start running again and worked up to going 3-4 times a week, and up to 4 miles without stopping. I expected to lose some weight from all this running but I didn't! That was when I knew I needed to get serious about nutrition if I wanted to see results. I have slowly been cutting back on things like cereal, bread and pasta and have been attempting to make Whole 30 recipes. While I have been interested in eating Paleo for a while, reading the "It starts with Food" book has helped me a lot to know all the science behind it. I don't want to go back to all my old habits after the 30 days so I am going to concentrate on making lifestyle changes.


 I can relate to the fears about dining at restaurants... I plan to stay away from them as much as possible! I came up with two restaurants in my downtown area where I know it would be easy to find something Whole 30 approved, so I will save those for any cravings to eat out. One is a Mexican place and the other is Greek/Mediterranean.


  Really looking forward to chatting with you about our progress! Check out my Pinterest board of recipes, my user name is lolasuga.


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Hi Sarah, welcome aboard!  I started just over a week ago and to be honest haven't tried eating out yet but you're right, it is a bit daunting to be the one making a fuss.  Just remind yourself why you're doing it and don't let anyone pressure you to break your resolve...you have the best reason in the world to want to be healthy so good luck!


Also jealous of your fresh veg supply!!  Living in a one-bedder in London doesn't give many options for growing my own!  Thanks god for farmer's markets.


Best of luck


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My main worry about whole30 other than managing cravings is eating out. Being the 'annoying one' that is asking questions about the menu and being the 'picky' one.


Look at this as an opportunity to stand up for yourself and be extremely knowledgeable of the food you're putting in your body (and paying for).

Best approach to eating out is to review menus online ahead of time, select 1-3 candidate entrees that look promising as is or with potential tweaks, and call during the restaurant's down time to ask your questions and solidify your choices.  That way, at the restaurant, you can order your food with confidence.

You may find this article helpful. http://whole9life.com/2012/11/dining-out-whole30/


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I will check out your Pinterest. I'm going to set up an Instagram I think to track whole30.

I've never tried whole30 before but it seems completely what I need. We really shouldn't be eating all these chemicals and fakeness. I've been really lazy and got the Audiobook on my iPhone. I just don't have time to read. My daughter is on the go, then once she's in bed, I'm making dinner, catching up with the husband and generally knackered. So I've been listening to the book while I walk my daughter in her pushchair to get her to sleep. So I walk her twice a day for 30 mins and the audiobook is 8 hours. I'm half way :)

What is interesting is the psychological aspect of it. I know I overeat. I had a kitkat yesterday, I wasn't even hungry and didn't even enjoy it. It was pointless.

I'm planning on starting to run again. My girl is up at 6am each morning now, by the time she is in bed I am always too tired for an evening run. So I'm hopig whole30 gives me more energy to get out and do 2 runs per week.

Also glad to see another UK on the board....not too late to get your veg planted. Spinach is ready in weeks...

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Look at this as an opportunity to stand up for yourself and be extremely knowledgeable of the food you're putting in your body (and paying for).

Best approach to eating out is to review menus online ahead of time, select 1-3 candidate entrees that look promising as is or with potential tweaks, and call during the restaurant's down time to ask your questions and solidify your choices. That way, at the restaurant, you can order your food with confidence.

You may find this article helpful. http://whole9life.com/2012/11/dining-out-whole30/

Thanks. That's what I was thinking. Most places do a meat and veg option or chicken/steak grills. A lot of places also replace chips for a side salad or potato.

Will be a good idea to check menus online.

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Hi Sarah, welcome aboard! I started just over a week ago and to be honest haven't tried eating out yet but you're right, it is a bit daunting to be the one making a fuss. Just remind yourself why you're doing it and don't let anyone pressure you to break your resolve...you have the best reason in the world to want to be healthy so good luck!

Also jealous of your fresh veg supply!! Living in a one-bedder in London doesn't give many options for growing my own! Thanks god for farmer's markets.

Best of luck


My garden is tiny and I just do what I can. But my father in law has a huge plot of land which I seem to have taken over. He has lots of fruit trees as well.

You can grow herbs without a garden :) I always had chives in my student flat.

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Does anyone know if there is a section or post regarding UK people following whole30 or a website. I know where to get everything like fruit and veg, meat, eggs but I've seen recipes that use things like coconut milk. I am guessing it is the thick milk you get in a can. But when I looked at cans of the coconut milk they don't seem to whole30 to me. Also a few other ingredients I wasn't sure where was the best place to buy.

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Does anyone know if there is a section or post regarding UK people following whole30 or a website. I know where to get everything like fruit and veg, meat, eggs but I've seen recipes that use things like coconut milk. I am guessing it is the thick milk you get in a can. But when I looked at cans of the coconut milk they don't seem to whole30 to me. Also a few other ingredients I wasn't sure where was the best place to buy.

Coconut milk can have additives like guar gum in it which would be fine.  It's just to stop it seperating.  Check out the Common Additives list and as long as nothing in there is on the "NO" list, you should be fine.

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