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Challenging Weekend Ahead


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I am on Day 12 of my first Whole 30 and things are going really well. I've had some bouts of fatigue, but nothing major, and i've already had some days with incredible energy.  I'm loving the food and the way it's making me feel.  I'm not even craving or missing anything which absolutely amazes me since I was a big wine & cheese, evening snacking kind of person.  My first real challenge will be this weekend.  I'm driving to Santa Barbara later this afternoon to meet friends. We'll be camping out, running a 1/2 marathon tomorrow morning, wine tasting afterwards, and then dinner out. Sheesh! All my triggers at once! LOL!  I can't skip it as it is a friend's Bachelorette party and this is what she wanted to do. I've spend the last 2 days cooking, prepping and packing all my food, including pre- post- WO, and some extra just in case running that distance makes me more hungry than usual. I volunteered to be one of the wine tasting Designated Drivers, and made a point of telling everyone I'm not drinking right now. I think I have tonight and most of tomorrow under control, but I still have some concerns about the restaurant. I'm trying to find out where we're going so I can check menus ahead of time, but knowing I'll be tired from lack of sleep and racing, and knowing I will have tapped my willpower reserves HARD most of the day dragging drunks around to wineries, I'm still worried I'll make a bad choice. Still, I am determined to stay compliant to the absolute best of my ability. I guess I'm not really looking for advice; I think mostly I just needed to put this out there in the universe and get it all straight in my head.


thanks for listening!

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You've got this. You're prepared, you're packed, AND  you've even got contigency plans to deal with any curveballs. If you haven't already, pack some olive oil and vinegar so that you'll have something compliant to add to salad or veggies at the restuarant.


Have fun!

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Thansk Munkers! That's a great idea. One of the restaurants is mexican and my sister (who is doing Whole 30 with me) gave me the great idea of asking them for raw carrots/celery so I can dip the guac with everyone else at the table (provided it's compliant of course).

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Good for you for thinking this through and working so hard to be prepared for dang near anything. Best of luck on the race, and enjoy yourself!

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What an experience!  I finished the race!  I was nowhere near my average time for that distance, and I definitely suffered a bit more than normal since I wasn't taking in all the gels and carb-replacer drinks my body is used to, but I did the entire 13.1 miles on a homemade gel of yams, applesauce and coconut milk, plus coconut water to drink. My energy was okay throughout (amazingly!), but I will need to add electrolytes in. The only ones I had in the house were non-compliant.  By mile 12 I seriously considered having some GU performance liquid, but decided to tough out that last mile to prove to myself I could do it... and I did!  Taking the girls wine-tasting was a breeze. I wasn't even tempted. And while the restaurant was a challenge (had to send back the 1st order) I made it through and got enough to eat.  Halfway through my Whole 30 now, and I know NOTHING can stop me! :D 


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