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Flavored Coffee

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I recently bought a bag of ground Starbucks for use at home, and it is caramel flavored. The only ingredients listed are "coffee" and "natural flavors"... my gut is telling me that it is fine and there is not any sugar substances in it because they would have to label that... however, I wanted to know if anyone had a "TRUE" answer to that. Anyone know? I'm going to do some more internet scouring myself. Thank you in advance for any help you may offer!!

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To me 'caramel' is just another way of saying sugar and companies are renowned for sneaking sugars into their products in all sorts of ways. I'd be contacting Starbucks to see exactly what that 'natural flavor' is.... From what I've seen of caramel flavorings they tend to propylene glycol - glycol being a sugar alcohol so that would make it off limits for the duration of your whole30.

Lots of folk flavor their coffee themselves with vanilla pods, or ground cinnamon/nutmeg/cloves added to the grains before brewing.

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Thanks!! I do use cinnamon and such to flavor my coffee now... I bought this bag and didn't think about it until after the fact. I won't use it until I know for sure, or until I find out it's not-useable. I will be searching Starbucks!! Thank you!

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Whatever Starbucks says, you should not drink this during a Whole30. Caramel is cooked sugar. Natural flavoring is a black box, but you can't get a caramel flavor without some kind of added sweetness. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Next question on this topic. What about Gloria Jean's Blueberry Sunrise? This is something DH and I enjoy as a treat on the weekends, but wondering if we need to forego during our Whole30. I googled and couldn't find an ingredient list, but the description makes it suspect, to me. It says, "Fresh blueberries with a note of sweetness and a background of hot off the griddle traditional pancakes with a hint of butter with a medium body, a medium acidity and a smooth finish" I'm not sure what the source of the "hint of sweetness" is, but the "background of hot off the griddle traditional pancakes with a hint of butter" lead me to believe that we will wait until Whole30 is over to enjoy it. If anyone has better luck than I did finding an ingredient list, please share. Thanks! 

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