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Do I have to eat fruit?

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I'm on day 28 and have been eating a banana every few days. I do it more out of convenience than anything. I can throw it in my purse and eat it if I get hungry and can't eat a real meal. It has saved me from cheating more than once. It's kind of the perfect amount of food to get you to your next full meal if you get hungry.


But I worry if it's keeping my sugar dragon alive. I still crave sweets as much as I did on day 1. So long-term, as I plan to stick to this way of eating for the most part, do I need fruit every day? I could take it or leave it, but I would stick with it if it's something I need. What do you guys think?

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Bananas, particularly when very ripe, are high in fructose and if you're eating it on it's own then it could well be keeping your sugar dragon alive.

Fruit is not compulsory on whole30 and the recommendation, should you choose to eat it is to eat it with, or as part of a main meal - not on it's own. Personally I eat it very rarely.

Up the size of your three meals to avoid the need for snacking, and you'd be better to opt for something like a boiled egg, tinned fish or compliant jerky to have in your bag for emergencies.

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Guest Andria

No, you do not need to eat fruit everyday if you do not want to.  The recommendation if you are going to have it is to stick to 1-2 servings per day.  


The way you are eating fruit (i.e., banana) currently is not doing you any favors and is likely keeping your sugar cravings amplified.  The glucose hit from a banana, without the mitigation of fat or protein, will spike your insulin and rapidly drive your blood sugar levels down causing you to feel hungry sooner than if you had a balanced meal.  You can find better emergency food like compliant jerky or Epic bars, veggie sticks and some nuts(preferably mayo or avocado, but if you are out without a refrigerator they may not work) in a pinch. 


How often are you getting caught in a situation where you need to eat a banana in lieu of a meal?  If it is every few days, can you work on planning ahead, eating before you go out or packing a compliant meal following the template guidelines?

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I think I'd rather just not rely on fruit after my whole30. I was trying to avoid bars and nuts because they are a bigger calorie hit without much value. At least for me. I always get hungry in between lunch and dinner, no matter who much I eat at lunch. It's when I pick my daughter up at school around 3 when the hunger hits. The banana was just easy to eat while sitting in the car waiting for her to come out. I'm sure I can come up with something else for that time of day. 

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I am trying to do it with meals only, I know this is something that I could easily fall into snacking on and letting it "push the veggies off my plate" so for me allowing myself some with meals means I don't feel deprived and I feel good knowing I am getting those particular carbs to help me stay more balanced :)

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Personally, I can go months without fruit. I like a few of those little cuties mandarins when they first come out, a mineola or 2 and then I am done with fruit until summer, when the blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries come out and I enjoy a few berries in my salad, a few red grapes in a chicken salad and then I am good to go until winter when the citrus comes around again. 

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