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Very bad reaction after reintroducing dairy...


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I had gas in my stomach since the afternoon and now it's 9pm and my back is aching like crazy. I am very nauseous and I have a lot of discomfort in my chest and stomach. What is going on? Does this have to do with the dairy reintro? I havent had food poisoning but it feels like one !

The only problem I've had with dairy before were occasional stomach aches

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Gas, nausea & chest pains are fairly common reactions to diary. Back pain does happen along with joint paint, but isn't quite so common. What exactly did you eat? Is this your first dairy reintro?

ETA: Just read your other post about dining out during reintro & see that you only had whole milk at one meal. The back pain could then be indicative of a lactose intolerance although it seems quite extreme given that you only had a small amount. I'd be inclined to go back to template meals until the symptoms subside (which may well take longer than two days) & then maybe try a mature cheese or natural yoghurt (both lower in lactose) to see if you have a similar reaction.

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All it takes is a tablespoon of half & half to send me into fits of agony.  Cheese is only slightly better.  


ThyPeace, grew up in Wisconsin and misses dairy more than she can say.  But doesn't miss the 3-month stomach ache she had before figuring it out.

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  • 1 year later...

Is it normal to have these symptoms for two entire days after reintroducing dairy? I never had problems previously. Perhaps no lactose for 30+ days means it will take a while for the enzyme lactase to be formed? Any help appreciated.

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Is it normal to have these symptoms for two entire days after reintroducing dairy? I never had problems previously. Perhaps no lactose for 30+ days means it will take a while for the enzyme lactase to be formed? Any help appreciated.

This is certainly sometimes the case because the body stops producing it when it is nolonger required. That said it can be dependant on what type of dairy you ate though - you could be reacting to the lactose, the casein, or the whey, which is why many people break down their reintros a little further to try out the likes of mature cheeses, thick creams, yoghurts etc - the general rule of thumb is the higher the fat content the lower the lactose, so if lactose is your problem then you could try high fat dairy products with good success.

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  • 2 years later...

I reintroduced dairy by eating a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Now day 4 since and still feeling sick. Immediately after it was lots of noise in my belly. Then day 2 was like a bad hangover, barfed a lot. Then it followed by diarrhea for 2 days. Folks around me are blaming me for putting myself through whole30. Should I go and get checked out for allergies? It does feel like I have a food poising. But I haven’t been sick like this for years. When will I recover from this? I’m afraid to go to work and have no appetite to eat overall. When I do I’m eating whole30. I have little kids and feel bad for being so sick and unavailable. Also I noticed my exzema patch which was clear for a month now, is back a day or two ago. I don’t know what to do. How do I get over this?

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Hi, @JoyBug, I'm sorry you're not feeling great. This sounds a lot worse than most of the reactions I've heard of to dairy -- tummy troubles, especially gas/diarrhea, are pretty common, throwing up definitely less common but possible, but the fact that it's lasted four days is pretty extreme. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything to talk to your doctor about this, but know that it may not be a true allergy, and therefore allergy testing may not show any results. Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy to lactose, it's your body not producing the lactase that helps digest the lactose, so if that's what's going on, allergy testing won't necessarily show any problems with dairy. If you do talk to your doctor, don't just go in and ask for allergy testing, tell them exactly what's going on so they can decide what the best option is. I'd also wonder if you just got a really unfortunately timed stomach bug or case of food poisoning that just happened to overlap dairy reintroduction day, so you've got possible dairy reactions, plus maybe some other stuff?

Not eating is not really going to help anything. If you really aren't sure you can keep food down, try sipping some broth or soup, and if that works okay, maybe try baked potato or sweet potato with some ghee or coconut or olive oil and some salt, or something fairly bland like grilled or baked chicken breast seasoned with just salt and pepper, or scrambled eggs. If you're still feeling nauseous, peppermint or ginger tea may also be helpful for settling your stomach a bit.

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  • 1 year later...


I stumbled across this post just now. I self diagnosed myself with gluten and dairy intolerance in April. I am 27 now and was having wheat based diet along with beers for almost 7-8 years. It completely ruined my health. I constantly was having brain fog, anxiety, stomach issues, acid reflux, etc. Along with that I was having dairy once in a while and felt similar symptoms. As my diet was wheat based and had dairy occasionally, I was able to tell that I had lactose intolerance but never took it seriously. Since I started avoiding gluten, most my anxiety, headaches, skin problems are gone. And along with it I am avoiding dairy too. I am writing this comment and hoping a reply in regards to the duration of symptoms staying after stopping dairy or gluten. Its been 3 months since I controlled my diet but here and there some contamination happens and I get sick. The syntons seems to get more severe the next time it happens and stays longer. Is there a reason for it? Is it just because the nervous system and body is healing and small quantities are also creating disturbances?

Any reply would be appreciated. These food intolerances are driving me crazy.

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