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A Work In Progress - Michelle's Whole30 Log


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Day 12 for me! 


I took the day off work to celebrate my birthday :D


In the morning I went for coffee with my friend.  My sister, Mom and Dad took me out for lunch.  I had to make a few changes to the restaurant's spinach and mandarin orange salad and I brought my own dressing.


This afternoon I had a pedicure, thanks to my daughter and son-in-law.


Soon I am going to treat myself to a warm cup of berry herbal tea after my bath.


Yesterday, I felt like I could have taken on the world.  Today, not so much.  I am feeling tired, but that's okay!  In three more days I have finished half the challenge ;)


This is the first birthday where I did not have a cake or cupcakes and I am just fine.  In the "spirit of cakelessness" I hope all of you are doing fine in your lifestyle journey.




Michelle B)


"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud" - Maya Angelou





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Day 15 - BUH BYE!!!


I have been on a two day hiatus as I had some type of flu bug that started Thursday afternoon.  I had to take a sick day on Friday and now it is Saturday night and I am beginning to feel human again (instead of feeling like a limp dishrag).


During my illness I stayed Whole 30 true.  However, I saw a commercial for Ritz crackers and my brain (talking like Homer Simpson) said "Mmmmmm.....Ritz crackers....".  Later in the day, as that was all I could do was lay on the couch, I saw another commercial for Tostitos and salsa...uh uh...there went the Homer Simpson voice again.


Today, I have been thinking about air popped popcorn with olive oil and sea salt............


On a more positive note?  Out of curiosity, I tried on a pair of pants I have not been able to get in to for a LONG time.  They fit :o


I am at the half way point!!  I must not give in to temptation!!!




Michelle B)

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Day 18 done like dinner!!


I continue to feel great one minute, pooped the next, then like a superstar then tired as all heck. 


A co-worker noticed my pants are starting to get baggy.  That's a "non-scale" victory!!


My mind still drifts to popcorn.  Why, why, why? 


I am tired today.  When I am tired I am aware enough to know I need to divert myself.  Tired=mindless eating for this girl.  As my son-in-law would say "Madam, it's not a good look!"  I had a bath and reminded myself how dedicated I have been this far.


Tomorrow my co-workers and I are going out for lunch.  I have already planned by looking at the menu in advance.  I will bring my own dressing for the spinach salad I found.


I am gonna keep on keepin' on.




Michelle B)




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Way to go!!!!!

I felt the same way on 16 17 and 18-great then whooosh.

Day 20 and 21....much more stable in a good energy level.


I hope your lunch goes well today!


I noticed even a garden salad can come with cheese. ( never saw a farmer grow cheese but ok) so I have to remember this when ordering.

I have yet to bring my own topping (salsa) for a salad. I think I will though in the future.


Can't wait to hear how your day was!


Way to go on the looser pants!!! :D

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Day 19 - "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude". -Maya Angelou


This quote came in very handy for me today.  My co-workers and I had our team meeting today.  The morning started off just fine as I had breakfast before we met, in the morning, and I was fine with coffee while others ate or not.


Lunch was fine too as I was able to order a really great salad with greens, roasted carrots and dill, egg and chicken and other veggies.  I brought my own dressing from home to ensure I knew what I was eating.  I was very hungry and enjoyed eating the whole thing :o


When we got together in the afternoon, one of my co-workers had gone to a lot of trouble making butterscotch confetti squares, puffed wheat cake, gummy bears and she placed chips and cheezies out for everyone. 


For a brief moment, I felt sorry for myself.  No one else had restrictions.  They could eat whatever they wanted without putting any thought in to it.  Part of me felt isolated and different. 


When our work day was over I went home and thought about it.  If I really, really, wanted to, I could have eaten all of the treats in front of me.  I have done that for years and years.  That would be EASY!!  I didn't.  I tried something new by staying on my Whole30 path. 


Instead of continuing my "self-pity party" I patted myself on the back for making great choices today.  My brain and body are thanking me for not delving in to a sugar frenzy.  I would have paid for it for days.  I just know it.  I have come this far, I don't want to blow it.


I didn't like that fact that I was the only one singled out from eating treats, that weren't good for me.  (Remember the old adage...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?!).  Could I change it?  No.  This is my healthy journey not anyone else's.  I had to change the way I thought about the situation.  Good for me!!!  I did it!!


I am confident, as time goes by, the more situations, like this, that I experience in my healthy lifestyle journey, the wiser I will get in regard to ensuring I have a positive attitude and reminding myself I am taking care of me rather than putting whatever I want in my body then feeling the ramifications later.


I am going to have a great supper of asparagus and sausage patties (Whole30 recipes).  I am excited about making new recipes and learning more about the Whole30.  It's a new adventure and for the most part I am enjoying it.  I do feel better which is what has me keeping on!!




Michelle B)

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I have completed Day 20!!  I am tired but I get up at 5:30 am every work day.  My goal this weekend is to try some new recipes in order to change it up.  This is the time where people may get bored with their food.  I am gonna spice mine up...literally.


Hope everyone is doing well!!




Michelle B)

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Hey Michelle, if you are consistently craving carby things like popcorn, tortillas, crackers etc, you might try upping your starchy veggie intake.  Are you eating at least one fist sized serving per day?  Making sure you have enough carbohydrate in the form of these starchier veggies can really numb down the cravings.  These starchy veggies can also help with overall energy levels.


Glad to see you're doing well!

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:D Day 23 is coming to a close!!!  Woohoo!!


Thank you so much for the tips, ladyshanny, I will keep that stored in my memory bank U appreciate all the suggestions I can get!!  More starchy veggie it is!!  Truth be told, I wasn't eating at least one fist sized serving per day. 


Non-scale victory??  My sister gave me a pair of really nice jeans a few years ago that I could never get in to....that is until yesterday!!  What a great surprise!!  I am flabbergasted!!  :o I have not weighed myself since Day 1 and look forward to seeing what the scale will say.  My wise daughter reminds me that just because a person doesn't lose pounds doesn't mean they aren't losing inches.  I am soooo glad not to be a slave of the scale with this program!!


Yesterday we had a BBQ at my son's house.  We had BBQ chicken (mine was plain but delicious), roasted vegetables and watermelon.  It was delicious!!  This was in lieu of my birthday and also to celebrate Father's Day.


My daughter and son-in-law are going to join me on my healthy journey quest.  We are doing another Whole30 together starting July 2.  My first Whole30 challenge ends on June 28 but I am gonna keep on plugging along.  I feel so much better than I can remember!!


Tonight, I had grilled asparagus and salmon cakes (Whole30 book) for supper!!  Nummy!!  Tomorrow morning I am going to put a roast in the slow cooker (Whole30) and have a nice warm meal waiting for me at the end of my work day.


I am coming in to the home stretch, people!!  :D




Michelle B)

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I have completed Day 24 unhinged!!


I really enjoyed the slow cooker roast and veggies tonight.  Delicious!!


Really debating whether or not I should do the July 1 hot dog thingy or pass.  I am really worried about old habits creeping up on me.


Feeling a bit tired today.  Probably cuz it is almost 9:00 pm and I have been up since 5:30 am.


Hoping all is well in your Whole30 world!!


Michelle B)

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Day 25 - Woot woot!!


Random comments at work today "Michelle...how are you doing on your new eating plan?  You look great!  Your skin looks so healthy and your eyes are shining!" "Michelle...not sure what you have been doing but you are looking really good!"  "Michelle...you are looking thinner." 


Things I have noticed?  I actually have energy to go to the grocery store to buy whatever I need after work, instead of being so exhausted that I flop on the couch and lay there. 


I no longer crave popcorn and other salty snacks due to me eating more starch veggies (butternut squash etc). I appreciate that tip immensely.


Now that I am approaching the 30 day mark, I am getting "antsy".  This is my plan, I am gonna continue the Whole30 after my Whole30, on July 1 I may do the celebratory hot dog and marshmallow roast then kick in to my July Whole30 on July 2 (my daughter and son in law are joining me) with the July end date being the 31st. 


I am really nervous about the "freedom" in regard to July 1.  I am nervous about how I will feel afterwards.  Will I have to deal with cravings again for awhile?  BOO.  I am scared to sway from my protective Whole30 track.  :blink: Today, I don't have to worry about it.


Hope all is well in your healthy lifestyle worlds!!


Michelle B)

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Day 27 is outta here!!!


I am no longer sweating about July 1.  I am taking my good buddy, LISAPT's advice.  She encouraged me to be creative on July 1.  Such as grilling pineapple pieces.  Hmmmmmm....sounds quite nummy.


I read somewhere that if a person is going to eat something that is not Whole30, you should think "Is it a special occasion?"  Yes.  "Is it worth it?" No, cuz I will beat myself up.  So.....I am going to look up Whole30 ideas on grilling...THANK YOU LISAPT!!! 


Isn't it great to have a Whole30 buddy?!




Michelle B)

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Good evening Whole30 people!!!


I did it!!!  I am so proud of myself!!!  I am feeling so goo about this that I plan on carrying this over to another round.  A big "shout out" to my friend LISAPT.  I was really tempted to have a hotdog and roasted marshmallows on July 1.  She said that I deserve to be creative and have healthier choices.  THANK YOU LISAPT!!!  Because of you I am gonna try the drumsticks on the link you gave me and I am gonna grill some pineapple!! 


I thought long and hard about this folks (as crazy as it sounds) but I don't want to deal with those darn cravings again.  I am scared I will plummet in to old (bad) habits.  Not worth it!!


Today my Dad said "Michelle...I think you are losing weight". ;)


I am gonna keep on keepin' on, with Whole30 Round 2, on July 1st!!   Woohoo!!! 




Michelle B)

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Day 31 = Weighing myself...I lost 12 pounds in the month of June!!  I was tickled pink!!  The last time I weighed what I weigh now was 2009.  Oh happy day!! 

I wish I would have measured myself.  However, I am getting in to pants I have never been able to wear or haven't worn for years!! (I started "dabbling" in Paleo early March which is when I discovered The Whole30; I am 20.4 pounds lighter than I was in March 2015).


Today someone commented on what an inspiration I was with my new energy levels, clear skin and that I was looking great!!  Another person asked me if I was back in to my exercise DVD's as she could tell I have been working hard at it.  I told her I was doing the Whole30.  She said she knew I was doing something. 


Speaking of exercise, I am gonna have to get on that.


I feel more positive, more confident, happier, I have more energy, my skin is clear, my eyes are brighter, I love cooking Whole30 meals, I am taking better care of myself, I am not "down in the dumps" like I used to feel.  This is soooooo good!!!


I would like to thank the creators of The Whole30, the fellow supporters, the recipe creators etc etc.  I appreciate the fact I do not have to step on the scale every day or every week.  I learned to trust the process.


I am continuing on this path.  I will start another Whole30 on July 1.  I don't trust myself to introduce foods or veer off the beaten path.   


Looking forward to our July Whole30 journey!!!  Woohoo!!!! B)

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*HAPPY CANADA DAY* to my fellow Canadians!!!  Woot woot!!!


I officially began a Whole30 Round 2 today. 


We had our traditional family BBQ at my brother's.  They had hotdogs, salads, cupcakes, punch etc etc.  I had Coconut Pineapple Chicken Kebobs and watermelon.  Did I feel like I was missing out?  Nope.  Why?  Because I feel so good and I haven't had any cravings.  It wasn't worth waking "the beast" in me.


This weekend I am gonna purchase the "Well Fed" cookbooks.  The majority of them are Whole30 approved.  The key to my success is to avoid boredom in what I am eating.


I hope everyone, who started today, had a strong Whole30 day!!




Michelle B)

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Day 2 Round 2 - I ate left over kabobs for supper.  They were still delish!!


My daughter and son-in-law are joining me today.


I told my doctor about the Whole30 and that she should recommend it to her clients.  She was very impressed with my weight loss thus far and the other benefits make me take notice!!


How is everyone else doing?  B)

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Day 8 of Round 2.


I have been getting a lot of positive feedback.  Yesterday someone said "Michelle...are you ever looking good!", another one said "MIchelle...are you ever looking slim and summery!  What are you doing?"  I told her "Whole30! Check it out!"  Today someone said "You are looking very good by the way!" 


For the most part I feel great.  Today I was tired as I got to bed after 11:00 pm and I am up every day at 5:30 am.  Tonight this girl is going to bed early!


My goal for the weekend is to make a couple of new recipes.  I love Whole30 recipes!!!


Hope you all had a strong Whole30 day!!  Woot woot!! B)

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Just read your Whole30 blog! Congrats on finishing 30 and going the second round. I am on Day 9!  I feel pretty good about it. I have stayed compliant and am really reading those sneaky labels!  I can't believe how much I have learned in such a short time!

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