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Reintro question


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Hi everyone,


I'm only on Day 9 but am leaving for a business trip overseas 4 days into my reintroduction and will be gone for a week.  I can guarantee having a compliant breakfast, but lunch and dinner will be trickier.  Any tips for how to manage this in an appropriate way? 



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So you are going to be eating off plan for a week before you can finish reintroductions. That is going to interfere with your getting a clean read on how different foods affect you. The more off plan eating during the week of travel, the more interference you will experience.


What I would do is enjoy my trip and eat local food as much as possible. Then when you come home, go back to Whole30 eating for 1-2 weeks to reset and then do your reintroductions. It is not the same as 30 days, but since you will have 30 days before your trip, you should be able to recognize when you are feeling Whole30 good again.

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While you're on your trip, you can practice and experiment with foods for your proper Reintroduction Phase.


Melissa says: “Go make a choice that you’re going to have that less-healthy food. Something that’s going to be worth it and delicious and special for you. Tell yourself that you’re going to have that one glass of wine. Then when that one glass is done, it’s done. I don’t care if you have to physically remove yourself from the table or have someone take the bottle away, you finish that glass and you’re done. But that gives you a sense of confidence that you have a small win under your belt and then you’re able to proceed with making choices with a little more self-confidence.”


 There is no “better” or “worse” choice when it comes to straying off track. 


Dallas says: “There is no real ‘more bad’ or ‘less bad’ food. When it comes down to you making choices that you know are not healthy choices, in my mind, the only reason to make that choice is because it’s so good that it’s worth the consequences. Which means that you are the only person who knows the answer to that question. There is no hierarchy of which bad choices you should make on the days you are off the program.”

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This is really helpful - thanks to both of you!  I love the idea of making good choices on where to splurge, and to just enjoy the trip and reset when I come back.  I typically have an "all or nothing" mentality when it comes to paleo, and I don't want to be careful but still enjoy myself.


I'd also love snack suggestions for the plane and hotel!  Rxbars?  Larabars?  PrimalPacs?

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