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Dairy Reintroduction

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Hi - I introduced Dairy today (first reintroduction). I had a 150ml pot of 0% organic natural yogurt and a 40g lump of smoked cheddar with my lunch. Within an hour my stomach gurgled, bloated and I had to move urgently to spend 15 minutes on the loo. Does that prove anything? Could it just be a fluke? Is it worth waiting a few days and doing it again or should I just move onto another reintroduction? I am OK now except for a bit of tummy bloating. 


I wasn't aware of any specific intolerance before I did my W30 but afternoon or evening rushes to the loo were not unknown but I have never noticed any particular pattern.


BTW I have never drunk milk on it's own, only as an ingredient which is why I tried cheese and yogurt. Should I man up and drink a glass of milk?

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Since you had no prior suspicion of problems with dairy, I would go back to Whole30-compliance for two days and then try dairy again to see if you get another bout of gurgle and bloat. If you slip by without a problem, you can call the first instance a fluke. If it happens again, you will know that you have an issue. It could be the yogurt or the cheese or both. A few more people have trouble with cheese than with yogurt. 

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Thanks Tom. I'll have another go another day. Tbh I am not fussed about eating dairy anymore (which had surprised me) and I didn't particularly enjoy what I had (though I did pick things I wasn't that fussed about). It's more about can I tolerate a bit of hidden dairy when I eat out like cream in mash potato. Same with gluten.

I did notice I was very cravey afterwards and dived into a small punnet of cherries later in the day. I think they are something I won't buy again because they were like sweets to me.

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I also notice that I handle full fat dairy better than low/non-fat dairy. So if you decide to try again I agree separate the cheese and the yogurt and try full fat yogurt rather than 0%. Nutrients that are in dairy are all fat soluble anyway. 

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