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I hate vegetables! So this is how I eat them... A lot of them...


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I steam broccoli, cauliflower and then add a variety of different vegetables and herbs each time (mustard greens, chard, spinach, parsley, dill, etc)  


I put it all in the Blendtec and turn it into puree.  Add Himalayan salt, keep in fridge and eat it all week.  It tastes NOTHING like the original vegetables, and the texture is like mashed potatoes!  OK, its more like baby food.  But it is extremely good.  AND its a great way to get different veggies like the mustard greens or chard that I wouldn't normally fix for myself. 

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You almost certainly don't hate vegetables. You hate the way veggies you have eaten have been prepared. There are typically more than a dozen different ways to prepare any veggie, 10 of which you have never imagined. 


Eating pureed veggies is okay. I would rather you were eating most of them whole and needing to chew them more because liquid/pureed food digests faster than whole foods and thus disrupts satiety signals. However, I won't argue against what you are doing.


By the way, most strong greens like chard, mustard greens, kale, etc. are better if wilted with a splash of apple cider vinegar, some chopped onion, and dried cranberries sweetened with apple juice. 

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One awesome thing that often happens on the whole30 is that people start liking veggies. You take away the processed sugar/salt/fat and start to enjoy the natural sugars in veggies more.


It would be a shame if you taught yourself to like only one preparation of veggies (pureed) or worse if you got burned out on puree from eating it too much. Try some other options. Try the same mix of veggies long sautéed and not pureed. Try them in a quick sauté (still crunchy) too. Try roasting and try raw. It's ok to keep the puree in the mix, but experiment with other things. Keep trying until you have one or two more options at least.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oops, I should have been more clear.  I DO eat a huge variety of vegetables everyday - the majority are not in a puree.  Many of them are raw, and many are sauteed into scrambled eggs or beanless chili, etc.  


Because this was a the recipe section, I figured I could share a good vegetable dish to keep on hand.   :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You could also thin your puree with bone broth and have it as an additional veggie alongside a meal. I have done that several times with leftover veg. I put in a pot with onions, carrots, the veg, seasonings like garlic and ginger cooked it until the veggies are soft and then blended and had in a large mug along side a meal. You can mix coconut milk into it as well to make it creamy. You could certainly do something similar with your veggie puree to change it up. 

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I did similar, and mixed the green "soup" with a bit of spicy red salsa to balance flavors.  It was more like a spinach-gazpacho and REALLY refreshing with the temps and humidity.  Thank you for idea to add broc/caul + other vegs, not just greens!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could also thin your puree with bone broth and have it as an additional veggie alongside a meal. I have done that several times with leftover veg. I put in a pot with onions, carrots, the veg, seasonings like garlic and ginger cooked it until the veggies are soft and then blended and had in a large mug along side a meal. You can mix coconut milk into it as well to make it creamy. You could certainly do something similar with your veggie puree to change it up. 

You could go a step further and add more broth and make a delicious soup!

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