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Whole 30 After a Health Scare


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My life has changed over the last 4 months.

I tried IVF in an attempt to have a second child. I managed to get to the retrieval stage, after which my body went haywire. In a nutshell, I became so sick from the hormones that I was unable to walk for the first 3 weeks. I also developed an antibody in my bloodstream that has left me chronically fatigued, exhausted, dizzy, and with constant headaches. Needless to say, I gained 11 pounds in one month that I have not been able to shed. My hormones are completely imbalanced and out of whack, I am certain I have inflammation, and I'm sure I have intestinal issues now (possible porous lining, etc.)

So, I'm over the self-pity stage and ready to grab the bull by the horns....

I have never been one to seek holistic help, but taking more drugs to cure my new symptoms was not an option. I turned to a holistic nutritionalist and personal trainer who had me start on the Whole30 right away.

I am on my second attempt at the Whole30, DAY 7 and feeling pretty good.

The majority of my symptoms have decreased substantially. (Ah-mazing).

In an attempt to keep myself on track and accountable, I am going to journal my food intake and jot down my physical awareness. Any and all recommendations/ commentary are greatly appreciated!

Day 7 Meal:

BF: Scrambled egg over raw spinach, sauteed onions and mushrooms in olive oil

L: Ground Beef with green beans, okra and red peppers

S: Handful of raw almonds

D: Diestal turkey sausage with asparagus & onions and a whole artichoke (dipped it in melted ghee)

Day 7 Physical Awareness:

Lack of energy by end of day. Feeling bloated. No cravings throughout day.

Emotionally stable today.

Not able to fit in exercise today.

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Regarding building the immune system and inflammation: I have battled a degraded immune system and inflammation for many years.

I'm not a nutritionist or a healthcare professional, so I never give advice, I can only tell you what worked for me.

I have used turmeric and other anti-inflammatory herbs to build the immune system made by New Chapter. I know that they were recently sold to Proctor and Gamble, but thus far there have been no changes in the quality of their supplements. I am not connected with them in any way. I used to work at a health food store, so I have tried many, many supplements.

I take New Chapter Zyflamend - which is an anti-inflammatory herbal blend that has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation. It contains turmeric.

I also take their ginger when I have tummy issues. I take their sinus/respiratory blend when I feel like I am coming down with something. The ginger works great. I have not had a cold or a virus in years. I also take Vitamin D, which has helped me immensely.


Ginger, turmeric, garlic, and cocont oil are incredible foods and I encourage you to eat them with abandon! :)

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The amount of food you are eating was unclear. The hint I got was when you said "scrambled egg." If you ate just one egg for breakfast, you need to eat more. The Whole9 standard is the number of eggs you can hold in one hand. I bet you can hold 2 or 3 even if you are petite.

Maybe you meant egg as in eggs in general, but I just want to raise the issue of eating plenty. Most people lose weight doing a Whole30, but restricting calories can backfire and make it harder.

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Day 8 Meal:

B: Egg Frittata with zucchini, onion, ground turkey

L: Leftover Diestal turkey sausage with asparagus & onions, 1 cup of bone broth

S: 1/2 of my daughter's plum

D: Stir-fried shrimp with cabbage, carrot and onions, 1 cup bone broth with kelp noodles and broccoli

60oz water, chamomile tea, kombucha

Day 8 Physical Awareness:

Morning tiredness (I'm thinking this is because I haven't had coffee in 3 days)

Better energy after working out later in the morning

Satiated throughout day and not tempted to cheat

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Thanks Tom,

I'm glad you brought this up. I'm very unclear as to how much I should be consuming at each meal. I am petite (5'3") and I don't trust my body just yet to moderate when I feel full. I'm focusing on eating a protein at each meal, alongside good fats and carbs in the form of vegetables. But I can't decipher how much fat should be added, and how big a protein should be consumed. My husband is a whopping foot taller than me and eats an incredible amount, so I definitely can't gage my portions around him. I have cooked each meal listed in either coconut oil, olive oil or ghee. And when reheating in a pan for a single portion, I will add in another teaspoon or so. On occasion, I'll have a tablespoon of coconut butter as a snack. At the end of the day, it's hard for me to judge if this is an appropriate amount of fats.

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The guidelines for amounts are three meals with 1) a protein portion as big as the palm of your hand, 2) a fat portion as big as your thumb, and 3) fill up the rest of your plate with veggies. If you are getting hungry, you can eat as much as 2 protein portions as big as your palm. Fat may vary from meal to meal - more in some, less in others. If the meat is fatty, you need less cooking oil for veggies. If the meat is lean, you need more. If you are eating something with fat content like avocado or olives, you can eat much more than a thumb size portion because avocados and olives are not pure fat like olive oil or ghee. You can have snacks if you are hungry, but snacks are not necessary. A mini-meal is superior to a piece of fruit or some carrots as a snack. Hope these ideas help!

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B: Fritatta with zucchini, onion mushroom and coconut milk. (At least 3 eggs worth)

L: Large Mediterranean salad sans the feta, (added avocado), drizzled with oil and vinegar.

S: Asian Pear, small handful of almonds

D: Raw garlic! (almost a full clove worth) Thai basil beef with green beans and red peppers. A good 2 cups.

50oz water, kombucha, herbal tea


Slightly tired in afternoon

Craving sweet in the late afternoon

stretching and weights workout

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DAY 10:

B: 3/4 Avocado, Turkey sausage with asparagus and mushrooms

L: Apple and Salmon Jerky (out and about, forgot to pack enough)

D: 1/2 Avocado, Kale and Seaweed Salad with a few shrimp, 2 very large grilled Sardines (marinated in Oil), 1/2 Plum, bites of the curry chicken I cooked for following day

60oz Water, Kombucha

Noticing slight acne breakout on face and back....possible detoxing?

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DAY 11:

B: Shrimp Stirfry, 1/2 Avocado

L: Cucumber Cabbage Kraut, Curry Chicken over spinach and Okra + 2 rounded tablespoons of guacamole

1 cup Bone Broth, 1 small apple, 1 Tblsp Coconut Butter

D: Curry Chicken over Spinach, guac, Apple, Coconut flakes and a few almonds

Kombucha, 36 oz H2O, 24oz herbal tea (does this count as water?) 10oz natural calm

Bloated and constipated.

Stretching workout and free motion weights.

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DAY 12:

B: Beef and green beans with egg on top and spinach

L:2 cups Bone Broth, 2 large sardines, broccoli and cauliflower

D: Baked Salmon with Pesto, Salad with Olive Oil, Broccoli , handful of raspberries and a small apple

Kombucha and Raw coconut water, herbal tea, 50oz H2O

Stretching and free motion

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