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Let's get this party started...my first Whole30 journey


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Hey everyone,

A little late, but at least I'm getting started.  I've just started Day 3 of my first Whole30, and in some ways it's been really manageable.  In others, it's a real challenge.  But first, here's why I'm doing the Whole30:


I feel a little out of control.  I feel like I'm mastered by cravings (sugar & carbs!!!!) and food and feel powerless to deal with it.  I've been saying for ages now that I need to do something about it.  It's ruining my health and wreaking havoc on me mentally, emotionally, and physically.  It's only food, yet I can't seem to help myself...I'll be strong for a week or so, and then I'll break down, or things will get stressful and crazy, or something will happen and I turn to food.  This isn't healthy...in fact, it's so far from healthy, it's destructive.  I want freedom, I want to regain control over my life, my appetite, my meals.  I don't want to be a victim or just hiding behind more excuses...so I've decided to join Whole30 so I can prove to myself that I can do it, that I do have self-control, that I can be disciplined.  Once upon a time, I was disciplined, but I let bad habits creep in over the years.  Each time I say I'm going to change, and I fail, I lose a little confidence that I'll ever overcome it.  And that has to stop. Now.  I owe it to myself and my future to win this battle. One bite at a time.


I'm hoping to incorporate more exercise into my week.  Thankfully, I do a lot of walking daily, as I live in a city & use public transit, but I want to specifically add 3 days of cardio.  I'd also like to do strength training twice a week.  Food is a huge part of my issue, but I also need to incorporate exercise more often.



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So far, so good...it's Day 4 here and I woke up feeling more energetic than the last two days (though still a slight headache, but it seems to have gone after eating b-fast).  I have had cravings and a little more restless in my sleep than usual, but nothing too overwhelming.  


Today's big event is actually going public...I admit that I've been hibernating the past three days (I'm a teacher on holiday, so I don't have to go anywhere).  I just felt like I needed to start the journey at home and felt safest here where there wasn't as much temptation, or craving-inducing food (though the TV didn't help) and where I had options if I did get hungry.  So I've avoided leaving my house...but not anymore.  Today, I am headed to work, and probably will hang out with some of the new staff that are just arriving in-country.  I'm nervous about this, but I can't forego socializing forever.  It may be that we end up hanging out over dinner...so I'm not sure whether I'll try putting off eating until I get back, or try to figure something small to eat while I'm out.  It depends on where they're headed and what my options are.  I'd like to not bail on being hospitable, but we'll see how it goes.



Some of the foods I've tried the past few days:


Meal 1-

  • Some form of egg with veg (frittata, scrambled, etc), fruit & half an avocado (so much better with lime, salt, & pepper!)

Meal 2-

  • protein salad...it's ok, but I still struggle with "creamy" things (I really hate mayo)...so by the end of the second time I had this I was over it.
  • Leftover pan seared chicken & potatoes with pesto sauce- YUM!!!
  • Today:  leftover brisket with butternut squash...it's ok, but the butternut squash is a little too mushy for me to really enjoy & pesto

Meal 3-

  • Tomato sauce with Zucchini noodles- first time making the noodles, and I'm not sure I did them properly...it just seemed soggy.  I ate it but didn't love it.
  • Pan-seared Chicken breast with roasted potatoes, slaw, & pesto sauce- by far the BEST meal yet!  And I had a friend over who loved it, too!
  • Beef Brisket w/ Butternut squash, fresh sweet peppers & cukes
  • Salmon with pesto, roasted butternut squash, and leftover slaw...I think. I'm not necessarily loving the salmon idea, but at least I have a plan for dinner!


Questions & advice- what are your go-to snack combos & emergency ideas?  I know I'm not supposed to snack long term, but occasionally, I've needed to the past few days and I'm not sure I'm doing it right...i don't feel like I have anything for a "mini-meal", so yesterday, i had some sauteed zucchini & onions, another time I had an apple.  Also, I'd like to begin preparing for the school year by having a few things on hand, just in case I get hungry, lunch fails, etc.  


Thanks & happy whole30-ing  B)

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Day 4 is in the books!  Things went pretty well, but I'm definitely not prepared enough for life outside my own kitchen.  I packed lunch, but didn't bring anything as a back-up or snack...that could have gone pretty bad.  Lunch was ok, but not as filing as I intended (or as edible) and then a group of us ate at Ikea (we were shopping and it was convenient)...I made the best possible choices, but not ideal.  All i could determine that was whole30 safe was steamed broccoli and bananas...they had salmon, but I wasn't sure if they'd used butter and didn't trust the answers I got from my questioning.  Thankfully, I wasn't really hungry and it wasn't a big deal to eat with friends while they enjoyed their desserts and what not.  They asked questions about Whole30, and it was a good time.  I had a handful of almonds when I got home that night, I intended to eat a small meal, but I just wasn't hungry...probably not the wisest solution, but I think I've learned my lesson.


But, it could just as easily gone the other way...I have got to be more prepared for this and try to find something that is easy to find/portable for these kinds of situations since it's pretty common in Singapore to be eating out and not get the full story on ingredients.

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Hi Arlamore & welcome to Whole30  :) 

A couple of pointers for you:

The egg/veg frittata you are having needs to have enough protein per serving which is 3-4 eggs for most people unless you're including another protein source in the frittat like chopped sausage or ground beef. Be sure when you're prepping it to count out the eggs accordingly.

The tomato & zoodle meal didn't contain any protein, or any fat - take another look at the meal template and try to make all your meals match this. Sticking with the template three times a day, the first within an hour of wakening, will cut out any need for a snack.

If you really must snack then make it a mini meal of protein & fat (& preferably veggies) - a boiled egg is a good option, along with some chopped raw veg - and not fruit as this will play havoc with your blood sugars & your appetite.

As far as portable foods are concerned I rely heavily on tinned fish for days out/road trips etc, and then know I can pretty safely find/bring a salad to add it to along with some compliant dressing, EVOO or half an avocado.

It's also useful to batch cook items like whole chicken or a tray of chicken thighs, along with roasted veg. I cook a HUGE amount of everything so that I can freeze a few spare portions to have for emergencies, and I always have some staples in my kitchen like olives, tinned fish, salad veg/power greens, pre-boiled baby potatoes, boiled beets, avocados & eggs meaning I can throw together some sort of compliant meal fairly quickly.

It takes a few days to figure it all out, but you'll there & if you've any questions just ask!

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Questions & advice- what are your go-to snack combos & emergency ideas?  I know I'm not supposed to snack long term, but occasionally, I've needed to the past few days and I'm not sure I'm doing it right...i don't feel like I have anything for a "mini-meal", so yesterday, i had some sauteed zucchini & onions, another time I had an apple.  Also, I'd like to begin preparing for the school year by having a few things on hand, just in case I get hungry, lunch fails, etc.  


Thanks & happy whole30-ing  B)


I try to keep a couple of HB eggs on hand at work. That and a small handful of carrots and you have a mini-meal. Others without access to a refrigerator keep tins of tuna, jars of olives.  Basically you do want to avoid snacking on just fruit as it may spike your blood sugar, or just nuts as those can bother your GI tract.

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Hi Arlamore & welcome to Whole30  :) 

A couple of pointers for you:

The egg/veg frittata you are having needs to have enough protein per serving which is 3-4 eggs for most people unless you're including another protein source in the frittat like chopped sausage or ground beef. Be sure when you're prepping it to count out the eggs accordingly.

The tomato & zoodle meal didn't contain any protein, or any fat - take another look at the meal template and try to make all your meals match this. Sticking with the template three times a day, the first within an hour of wakening, will cut out any need for a snack.

If you really must snack then make it a mini meal of protein & fat (& preferably veggies) - a boiled egg is a good option, along with some chopped raw veg - and not fruit as this will play havoc with your blood sugars & your appetite.

As far as portable foods are concerned I rely heavily on tinned fish for days out/road trips etc, and then know I can pretty safely find/bring a salad to add it to along with some compliant dressing, EVOO or half an avocado.

It's also useful to batch cook items like whole chicken or a tray of chicken thighs, along with roasted veg. I cook a HUGE amount of everything so that I can freeze a few spare portions to have for emergencies, and I always have some staples in my kitchen like olives, tinned fish, salad veg/power greens, pre-boiled baby potatoes, boiled beets, avocados & eggs meaning I can throw together some sort of compliant meal fairly quickly.

It takes a few days to figure it all out, but you'll there & if you've any questions just ask!



Thanks for tips!  I haven't had to snack much beyond the first day...but I've had a few times where the meal wasn't quite tasty (so I struggled to keep eating a second portion of it...not quite the same as a craving, I think).  So, I've wished I had a few back-ups of things I know I like and can whip up when the meal goes South.  I've been incorporating more starch-y veg and I think that's helped a bit.


I should have noted that the tomato sauce had ground beef :rolleyes:  I cooked the beef and the onions, carrots, and celery with cooking fat (and I didn't drain when I mixed the beef and sauce together)...would I still need another fat for this meal?  I'm a little confused on when I can count the fat I use to cook items as the fat I'm eating.  When I saute veg in oil, does it count?  But pan-searing a chicken breast doesn't?  (I'm guessing based on whether it seems oil is absorbed or released from my food).



I've been mindful of seeking out protein and fat sources for meals...veg is pretty easy to find anywhere, so now I just need to get those go to protein/fat sources when I'm in a pinch. But, the next few weeks involve a lot of social outings around the city as we welcome new staff to the country and help them get settled and familiar...I can't always get a full Whole30 compliant meal when I'm eating out here.  Is it conceivable to eat a mini-meal/snack before (or after) I head out (probably protein/fat since they're hard to come by safely outside my kitchen) then enjoy some veg or salad with friends.  That was my thought last night, before I got home too late and decided I was too tired to scrounge something up and grabbed the almonds.  Or is that a really terrible plan?  I'd rather not beg out of all the social stuff, if I can figure out a way to do it successfully.


Thanks for the help!!

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The meat you're using to cook with pretty much all stays in the pan, so unless you're eating fatty cuts of meat I'd add more. I always add a second source - a handful of olives, a dollop of mayo, a half an avocado..... The fat will keep the cravings at bay & provide energy so it's vital to include enough or you'll start to struggle.

It would be better if you could eat three full meals per day as recommended. Your digestive system needs some down time in between meals and if you are constantly have mini meals throughout the day then this won't happen and it will certainly impact on your results. If it's just very occasionally then run with it but make them properly composed mini meals as suggested, not nuts or fruit. I'd probably opt to eat a full meal at home though and just go for a sparkling water or a herbal tea or something when out. That way you're still inlcuded in the social stuff, but you're not compromising your Whole30 in any way.

Hope this helps!

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Welcome to the Whole30 group!  The not snacking was my hardest part.  Not so much during the day, but when I got off work and headed home it was cheese/crackers, or whatever.  So, when starting the Whole30 I really had to understand if I was really hungry or just craving the grazing that I was use to.  I don't even bring snacks to work, because I know even if I am not hungry I will probably eat it anyway.  I can muster through if I do get hungry.  LOL!  I am on Day 24 and feel great.  Can I say all my cravings are gone, nope, but they are sure are resting!  Ha!  The meal template is the best!  You will figure out the portions that keep you satisfied and the ratios!  I do not like mayo or avocados, so the fat source is the hardest for me.  But I try and add bacon, and cook with bacon fat.  Plus some sort of olive oil/coconut oil.  :)

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Day 5- I feel great...I woke up really early (3:30AM) from a massive headache (pretty sure it was hormones & not Whole30 related) and once the meds kicked in, I was still wide awake and ready...and STARVING (an extra reminder from last night not to skimp on quality meals!)


Meal 1 (5:30AM) - 3 slices of Bacon!! (yes, it was sugar free), 2 eggs with peppers & onions (sauteed veg in olive oil), & home fries (also cooked with olive oil)

Mini-Meal 2 (10:00 AM)- Mini meal because I was hungry again...3 slices of bacon, a hard boiled egg, and some 3 sweet peppers

Meal 3 (1:00 PM)-  One can of tuna mixed with Avocado & chiles on Endive..but I only ate about half (I really struggle with creamy things) so I had another hard boiled egg to get some more protein, leftover cabbage slaw with lemon oil (I had two bowls).

Meal 4 (7PM...I was on a roll this afternoon SO MUCH ENERGY!!! and really not hungry at all, so I pushed dinner a bit)- oven roasted salmon, cabbage & onions sauted in avocado oil, and roasted butternut squash.

Snack/mini-meal (9PM)...bowl of cabbage & two hard boiled eggs

11PM...I feel hungry again, but i'm going to go to sleep instead, I don't think that's a terrible idea since it's so late at night, right?


I felt amazing today, I hope this is what they mean by Tiger Blood because it's incredible...I was SO productive.  But I feel like I'm still struggling with the food thing...I'm hoping it was because I did such a poor job yesterday evening and the fact that I've been awake for 20 hours now.  Lunch was ok, I did my best to get some protein and fat in there (that seems to be where I struggle) and Dinner was really yummy, and I felt satisfied and full afterwards...but then I was hungry 2 hours later (I did consider whether I would eat something bland, and I was..which is why I chose the hardboiled egg, the yolks are hard for me to choke down so I know it's not satisfying a craving or a treat....then added the cabbage since it was veg sauted in oil.  Now I'm feeling hungry again...so apparently, I need to keep tweaking. 

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Day 6- Ugh...so exhausted today.  I think I may have pushed things a bit too far yesterday and not enough sleep.  That made it tricky since today was my day to re-stock the fridge...and the last thing I wanted to do was climb out of bed and spend 45 minutes via public transit to hit the grocery.  Thankfully, I had already planned leftovers as breakfast...then I lay in bed and considered what I would do when I was hungry and how desperately I needed to get to the store but just didn't have the energy to tackle it. So, I improvised a little and used up everything I could find to make a compliant Meal 2.


Meal 1: Leftover oven baked salmon, cabbage (sauted with avocado oil), & butternut squash (tossed in avocado oil)

Meal 2: 3 Carrots, 2 Celery stalks, 1/2 pepper, 1 tomato, & one hard boiled egg & one hard boiled egg white (I really don't like the yolks, so I struggle to eat too much of it at any one time) in Italian Vinaigrette; 5 slices of back bacon


I finally had enough energy to hit the small food stall in my condo because I had absolutely no veg left...


Meal 3: Pan Seared Chicken breast with pesto sauce, broccoli & cauliflower tossed in EVOO, & potatoes and onions roasted in ghee


Two observations/concerns:


1) I feel like I'm eating SO much fat sometimes...is there a point where I should be concerned?  Or, should I be trying to incorporate more veg options that don't use a fat, like eating them raw or steaming them?  (Roasting is my favorite for pretty much ANY veg...so amazingly great!) 


2) While poking around the forum, I read about coconut milk having soy lecithin and checked mine out (I hadn't used any yet)...but then thought I'd check my coconut cream and discovered it has Carageenan  :(.  I thought I read the labels, but must have overlooked this since my biggest concern is checking for sugar.  I used about a 1.5 tablespoon of the cream to make ranch dressing my first day....which I used to make my protein salad that I had for lunch on Day 1 & Day 2 (I didn't even use half the recipe of ranch...and didn't eat all of the protein salad, I can only take so much mayo in my life)...I'm so sad and frustrated because I've done so well this week.  I haven't had caffeine (I realize I can, I just don't care or need it), I haven't reached for anything to help with sugar cravings...and very little fruit this week.  I haven't even had a cup of tea because I didn't want to trick myself into switching out one sweet thing for another (it's a naturally sweet herb tea, I think it's licorice root that makes it sweet, and it's Whole30 compliant).  I feel good about the choices I'm making and generally, the way I'm beginning to feel...given my sweet tooth & love of all things carb, coupled with bad food habits of constantly eating and over-eating....I have done an incredible job this week, and I'm really proud of that.  So, I can't start over again right now...not 5 days after my failure.  Instead, I'd already thought about letting my whole30 continue longer than a month, so I think maybe that's what I'll do...add a couple days to the end, that way I don't have to feel discouraged by seeing Day 1 again..I'll do a whole30+

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1) I feel like I'm eating SO much fat sometimes...is there a point where I should be concerned?  Or, should I be trying to incorporate more veg options that don't use a fat, like eating them raw or steaming them?  (Roasting is my favorite for pretty much ANY veg...so amazingly great!) 



You don't seem to be eating too much fat. If you're used to eating low-fat or low-calorie, it may seem like a lot, but it really doesn't look like a lot from what you've listed. If you like your veggies roasted, keep roasting them. 


Since you don't like mayo and creamy things, try olives or coconut flakes (they're really good toasted so they get a little brown around the edges, just make sure you find unsweetened ones with no sulfites). Or you can make olive oil based sauces, like chimichurri or Moroccan dipping sauce or pesto. Or occasionally, use nuts to add a little fat, if you can keep them around without eating way too many of them. For me, most types of nuts, if I buy them raw, I can eat them occasionally and leave them alone most of the time, but once they're roasted with salt or other seasonings, I'll overeat them. Other people can't even keep raw ones around without overeating them. So know your own limits -- if you can have them around and just use a small handful here or there (maybe a couple of meals a week, not every day) for a different fat source, great. If not, go without them.


Really, it's okay to eat fat. It's a big part of what keeps you full between meals. 

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Day 7- Woke up with a headache and a little stuffiness, but took some meds and laid in bed for about 45 min...then I felt great, lots of energy and ready to take on the day.  Meal 2 & 3 were a little tough since I was out showing others the city from 11am-8pm, and had to scrounge something together at salad shops (about the only thing I can trust in the city).  Not the most ideal, but reasonable, I think?


Meal 1- 4 egg frittata with one pepper, one leek, fistful of (thawed) frozen spinach and garlic cooked in ghee, 1/2 cup of watermelon cubes (I started with about a cup...but was so full and made myself finish up the frittata instead of finishing up fruit, yay me for passing up my fave fruit!)


Meal 2- One hardboiled egg, fistful of rotisserie chicken breast, & peppers over mesclun...the shop didn't have oil & vinegar (only premade vinegarettes and I didn't want to chance the ingredients) so I ate it dry with a handful of almonds for some fat, one banana


Meal 3- Romaine Salad with 1.5 hardboiled eggs, fistful of chicken breast, capsicum, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes tossed in olive oil & balsamic vinegar


Confession- I weighed myself this morning.  It was wrong, I know.  But I felt so good (yay for non-scale victories) and was really curious to see how it translated to the scale...because I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in losing weight as part of improving my overall health.  But, I get it.  I need to not fixate on that number and allow the program to do it's work...so I've placed it underneath my king size bed, in the very center, behind filled suitcases, storage boxes, and shoe organizers to keep it from happening again.  I feel great, I feel like my body is changing and I feel less flabby and that feels really good, my energy is definitely increasing...hoping it will be more consistent going forward since it's week 2.  

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No weighing. That is one of the rules of the program (not a recommendation)!  I know it is difficult, but you have to not use that as your motivator (or demotivator). I don't mean to sound harsh, it is just part of the program.  I believe it really teaches us to use other things to motivate us.  I really wanted to weigh in the beginning, but on Day 27 I am so glad I didn't give in to the temptation.


Good luck to you!

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Day 8- Challenge of the Day- Meal out with visiting friends to local Dumpling House.  Since it was they were only in Asia for a short time, it was important to them to enjoy the local food, so needless to say, I enjoyed their ice water :)


Meal 1- About 5/8 of 8 egg frittata made with onion, pepper, and spinach (all sauteed in ghee).  About 1/2 cup of watermelon (5-7 chunks)

Meal 2 (this was a bit of a mini meal since I ate REALLY late after meeting friends for lunch but it was too early to eat dinner)- Leftovers of frittata, guacamole (one avocado, lime, garlic, & salt) with carrot sticks

Meal 3- Ribeye steak & roasted broccoli (tossed in olive oil)



Day 9-

Meal 1-4 egg frittata with peppers, onion, & spinach prepared with ghee & watermelon

Meal 2- Pan Seared chicken breast (leftover...not very good reheated  :unsure: ) with zoodles (one zucchini) & pesto sauce (from the Whole30 book)

Meal 3- One hamburger patty (about 1/3 lb precook), one small roasted sweet potato with olive oil & onions, guacamole (2 avocados, garlic, salt, pepper, and lime) with carrot sticks

After dinner splurge- One glass of Perrier with squeezed lemon slice.  It's the first treat I've had since starting...and I bought it earlier in the week to celebrate Day 7, but just never did anything with it...but last night I felt a bigger temptation to just snack or eat something sugary than I have been experiencing, so I thought I'd treat myself to sparkling water and fold some clothes instead.


I made the guacamole ahead of time because I was supposed to head to a friend's for dinner...but the maintenance men took longer than expected and I stayed home.  I didn't realize until this morning that I had actually eaten TWO avocados at dinner, instead of one...I'm used to preparing it one avocado at a time but made extra in case others wanted some.   Oops...probably explains why I felt really full after that meal (probably more full than any other meal I've had so far).


I haven't felt as hungry lately, so my meals feel a little smaller and often, I'm having to force myself to sit down and prepare something because I know I should eat...particularly in the morning.  Honestly, I feel pretty good, just not hungry like I was before...on the flip side, I was having a little more temptation yesterday, not sure if the two are related or it's just a coincidence and I'd seen too many indulgences on TV lately.

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Day 10-

  • 3 egg frittata with peppers, spinach, and onion, and something else on the side (maybe some raw veg)  (I should have taken better notes...I can't remember but I do know it wasn't only a 3 egg frittata, I was just running low on eggs)
  • Meal 2- Hamburger patty with carrot sticks & peppers, simple guacamole
  • Meal 3- Walnut crusted pork tenderloin & roasted broccoli (with EVOO)


Day 11-Another late start day...Meal 1 was about 11am (yeah, I woke up that late!  :blink: ) 

  • Meal 1- 2 egg frittata with peppers, spinach, and onions with 3-4 strips of bacon
  • Meal 2- I packed my lunch to eat while working in my classroom....but I never really got hungry and was in meetings all afternoon, so never ate it.
  • Meal 3- I ate this a little earlier, pretty much as soon as I got home (5:30-6ish)....leftover pork tenderloin, one small sweet potato roasted in oil with onions, and sweet peppers (raw)



Day 12-Out in the city all day...lots of fun "exercise" with plenty of walking and a water park.

  • Meal 1- Sauteed cabbage, onions & ground chicken
  • Meal 2- Salad with egg, chicken, veg, olive oil, & vinegar
  • Meal 3- (Outback...and my first real meal out, other than a salad place) Steak, inside of baked potato (no skin since they rub it in butter prior to baking), and salad with oil & vinegar

I'm pretty proud of my Outback adventure, I asked questions and got pretty clear answers.  They were able to cook my steak in olive oil instead of butter, and even came back to warn me about the potato skin (I hadn't thought to ask about that....just asked that it be plain).  It's not very easy to do this kind of thing in Singapore, and it's crazy expensive, but it was nice to go out for something other than a salad! :rolleyes:



Day 13-slept REALLY late...and just felt lazy, groggy, and a bit tired today.  


Meal 1 (11:30AM)- 5 egg frittata with peppers, spinach, and onion cooked in ghee & blueberries

Meal 2 - didn't actually happen...I was out and about, wasn't hungry, and it would have been so late it was like an appetizer before Meal 3.

Meal 3- Pan-seared steak, sauteed cabbage w/ EVOO, roasted potatoes & onions with EVOO, and sauteed asparagus


Horrible stomach issues later that night  :wacko:


I've had a couple of days like this...I eat meal one so late because I've gotten out of bed so late, that it throws off the rest of my day.  Lunch isn't at a normal time, and instead just merges with dinner.  Not sure what the better option would be, it seemed like a bad choice to push Meal 3 to 10pm+...but I also don't think it will be an issue any more since I go back to work Monday at 7am.

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