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Committing to start Sat 8th Aug! What is the best meal planner template?


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Hi all! I'm starting my journey next Sat (I'm having to do a fair bit of prep to get compliant stuff as some of its not that easy to get in the UK country side.) I have pcos so looking at resetting my body and hormones!


I will be the only one in my house hold following the plan but as I'm the only cook (The man is just an awful chef) they will be eating what I make for most meals at home.


I really like to follow a plan (hey I'm a project manager its in my nature) so I would like to know what meal planners have worked for people. Also any good family meals that can be served to all whilst being compliant  :) The only thing I cant contemplate eating is bell peppers. 


I've persuaded a work friend to do it with me but if anyone else is starting soon say hello as I think i'm going to need support as a diet soda and sugar junkie!



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Im in the UK too and I ignore all the things we can't get here in favour of meat, fish, veggies, ghee, olive oil, home made mayo, eggs, avocados, salad leaves and so on...and my previous diet coke addiction replacement: fizzy water.

I do the majority of my shopping in aldi with occasional trips to booths and waitrose

I don't really do special recipes...I adapted the foods we already ate (chili, lasagna, roast chicken and red meats, oven baked fish, seafood, soups, grilled steaks, omelettes, potato wedges etc) and overdose regularly on vegetables ;)

Good luck!

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Hi beau & welcome to the forum.


What is it you're trying to find in the UK but can't? You may find it's not really necessary (Yes, I'm looking at you coconut aminos...!!)

As for meal plans, many people use the plans on The Clothes Make The Girl website - here's the link to week one.

A good family meal that everyone likes is nom nom paleos kalua pig - can't get enough of this stuff....

Good luck!

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Haha just yesterday I Amazon ordered some coconut aminos and fish sauce. Also ordered myself a larger slow cooker as i only had a mini one!


I have just finished reading nom nom paleo and post noted the Kalua pig- so glad its yummy!


I do love Aldi and we have just had a Lidl built near us in Melton too. I do love shopping at waitrose for some of the rarer ingredients. We actually only have a small tesco and a large Coop (expensive!) in my town. Its a right pain!


Im for sure mostly scared of giving up my fizzy pop so I was hoping fizzy water with a slice of lime will help me cope! I realized I was addicted when i couldn't contemplate life without it: I realize that's not a healthy place to be.


Working from home today just so i can go butchers later and get myself some beef bones. I really cant wait to make some of the stuff. Today's experiment is homemade almond milk!

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I gave up diet coke on my first whole30 and I'm not going to lie, it was hard. But it is one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health and I've not drink it since except for an accidental sip of my sisters after that w30 and it was so revolting I physically gagged!

Oh and aldi...read the labels. You'd think their more expensive versions of things would be better ingredients wise but that is not true in my experience.

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Hi I'm in the UK too and like Britishgal, I just adapted the family meals to be compliant.  Nothing really changed too much for us but I was a lot more aware of what was in the scarce packaged stuff I used to buy.  I buy relatively few packets now and the fridge is bursting with meat and veggies... which means I'm also shopping at least twice a week to ensure we keep it fresh.  I use Aldi mostly and top up with a few things in Waitrose or Asda (why doesn't Aldi sell liver???). 


I'm on my second W30 so have found meal planning much easier this time around as I settled back to my 3 good meals a day and no snacks really fast.  I have a standard breakfast which I eat every day which is a 'quiche' of eggs, coconut milk and whatever veggies are in the fridge at the time.  I make enough to last 4 days unless the kids fancy a slice that is :) or my other brekkie staple is home made (of course) liver pate with crudité. That is a really cheap option as 90p worth of liver makes a HUGE amount of pate.


I had a slow cooker bone broth on the go 24/7 last time so even if it was a late one and we needed an instant supper I could whip up a tom yum soup in no time with that.  I roast 1 or 2 chickens on Friday night and make the broth on Saturday.  The broth can be topped up all through the week and will go through until Wednesday before it gets a bit bitter.  The cooked chicken meat also last a good few days and I use that for lunches with either a salad or a bowl of leftover veggies from the previous nights dinner.

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Ive just been to the butcher and got some beef bones so I am on for beef broth. I will probably cook around 2 chickens a week cause even now we get through a lot of chicken; although i've tend to batch cook breasts (i bought  shed loads so been using them up haha) and will stash the bones. I'm proper craving some liver now haha Pate is an excellent idea!!! Ive not cooked pate for ages either.


I'm not anticipating a great deal of change in the evening meal but getting used to eating breakfast is going to be a challenge. I commute so have been a little addicted to my green smoothies. Im thinking some kind of muffin/quiches that I can eat once im at work? 


What do you all eat re and post workout? i normally have protein shakes so trying to decide on what to replace them with...

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why doesn't Aldi sell liver???

My mother and I have had this discussion a few times!

The butcher in our Booths says he sells hardly any liver nowadays and often has to go through to the back to get mine as he doesn't bother putting it out any more.

I love liver...just don't understand the British squeamishness about it!

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I love liver...just don't understand the British squeamishness about it!


Nor I.  At least that means it's cheap though :)  I'm the only one in my house who eats it so that means that big pot of pate is all MINE!! yummy!! On that note, I'm off to Waitrose to get a supply to make pate tonight.  It's about the only thing I can afford there mind you :(

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Ive just been to the butcher and got some beef bones so I am on for beef broth. I will probably cook around 2 chickens a week cause even now we get through a lot of chicken; although i've tend to batch cook breasts (i bought  shed loads so been using them up haha) and will stash the bones. I'm proper craving some liver now haha Pate is an excellent idea!!! Ive not cooked pate for ages either.


I'm not anticipating a great deal of change in the evening meal but getting used to eating breakfast is going to be a challenge. I commute so have been a little addicted to my green smoothies. Im thinking some kind of muffin/quiches that I can eat once im at work? 


What do you all eat re and post workout? i normally have protein shakes so trying to decide on what to replace them with...

Yep, the little egg/veg muffins work well - just make sure you're eating enough to get your protein portion in. When eggs are your only source of protein you should be eating as many whole eggs as you can hold in one hand, which is 3-4 for most people.

I sometimes make a frittata with whatever veg I have in my fridge (courgettes, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions & spinach usually, with some olives thrown in for good measure, & for added fat) - sometimes I'd add minced beef, sometimes not. Anyway I'd thrown in 12-15 eggs, cook it in the oven until it was *almost* done then slice into wedges that I could grab, reheat (I found that under-cooking slightly worked best for reheating purposes so as it didn't get all dry & rubbery!) , & go in the mornings.... 

PreWO the recommendation is for protein & fat so something like a hard boiled egg works well, or some chicken & olives/mayo....

PostWO the recommendation is for protein & starchy carb - the favourite option is roast chicken & sweet potato but tinned tuna in spring water is a good portable option.

I haven't had pate in a very long time although I'm a big fan - anyone care to share a recipe?

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My simple pate recipe...


fry onions and bacon in oil of choice until well broken down and then add garlic if you like until it is softened.  Add diced livers (I find lamb liver too acrid for pate but beef and pork work well) and cook thoroughly until it starts to break down a little. 


Add water periodically to stop it sticking then towards the end of cooking (probably 10-15 minutes) season with salt, pepper and a dash or two of balsamic vinegar. 


Once the liver is really soft remove from the heat and allow to cool.  I use a stick blender to whizz mine to a smooth pate but blend according to your preference as sometimes it's nice to have chunky bits of liver in there.


I love chicken liver pate but the only recipe I have ever used has a ton of butter and brandy in it... I need to work on an alternate version.

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