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Chewing gum


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Sugarless chewing gum is a fake food that constantly messes with the digestive tract.  Sugarless gum and diet pop bloat the body and affect the pancreas.  Years of both give your body the wrong signals.  Sugarfilled gum rots the teeth. 


Sugarless gum can be replaced with spices.  Chew on fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, dill or brush your teeth.

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I am so glad you mentioned brushing your teeth.  I look forward to brushing my teeth so much more now so that I can get a taste of some sweetness!


Sugarless chewing gum is a fake food that constantly messes with the digestive tract.  Sugarless gum and diet pop bloat the body and affect the pancreas.  Years of both give your body the wrong signals.  Sugarfilled gum rots the teeth. 


Sugarless gum can be replaced with spices.  Chew on fennel, cinnamon, cardamom, dill or brush your teeth.

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So would one piece of sugarless chewing gum or a sugarless mint have that big of an effect on your success?? This isn't a snarky question...I've been thinking about it because I work in close proximity to kids and even though I brush my teeth before work, I still need freshning up at some point during the day. Gum wouldn't be worth sacrificing the effort I've put into this so far, so I'm interested to know your thoughts. Thanks!

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So would one piece of sugarless chewing gum or a sugarless mint have that big of an effect on your success?? This isn't a snarky question...I've been thinking about it because I work in close proximity to kids and even though I brush my teeth before work, I still need freshning up at some point during the day. Gum wouldn't be worth sacrificing the effort I've put into this so far, so I'm interested to know your thoughts. Thanks!

Yes on several counts:

- sugarless gum or mints have sweeteners of some sort. This is a black and white rule: no sugar or any sweetener of any amount on a Whole30.

- let's face it: gum and mints are not real food. We want you consuming real whole nutrient-dense food on a Whole30

- part of the Whole30 is changing your relationship with food

- the funkiness in your digestive system that gum chewing causes works against everything the Whole30 is aiming to do.

It's only 30 days and there are plenty of compliant breath-freshening alternatives out there.

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