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I gave in...


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I am so mad at myself right now! Pizza is my demise, any pizza, any size, any toppings. I just cannot get enough of it. I was doing good for day 3 today when a guest at the hotel I work at came in and offered a slice of pizza. I said "No Thank You" but then she offered again. Then she INSISTED I take a piece of pizza. I took the lsice and placed it in the back office. I left it alone for a good 5 minutes as I had just eaten a small snack ( an apple, and a hard boiled egg). Then I took a bite, and it wasn't that tasty so I said "eh one bite won't make me start over I'm ok". THEN, I ended up eating the whole damn slice....I gave in! Starting over tomorrow and I must get up the strength to deny pizza!!

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Do yourself a favor and prepare yourself with a few one-liners like "oh looks good but I've been sick to my stomach all afternoon" or "I just ate" or "I can't tolerate dairy". In the heat of the moment your brain will betray you and opt for the high of the food instead of what it knows is healthier and makes it feel better so always be prepared!

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Funny, I read the post and thought "that's me"! but it's no....

after further examination I gave in and did it deliberately. I was frustrated. I was ready to give up. I was not feeling the support I needed from my friends and family and my finally got my positive feedback from a freaking piece of electronic equipment. Yep, I searched around the house (because I specifically asked that it be hidden) and found the freaking scale. thank GAWD I got some positive feedback from it with decrease of numbers, but learning what I have I realized that the scale is not the end all.

It went back in its hiding space until later

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