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Starting September 28 anyone else?


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Thanks Hawk for posting the timeline. On there it talked about finding another types of rewards besides food. Yesterday I went and got a massage for just that reason. I wanted to reward myself in a relaxing way for all of the positive choices I have made. Glad to know I'm on the right track. 


Suzanyk those were all great links that you provided. Thanks to everyone for providing links that are really helpful and thought provoking. 

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I started on 9/28, first time. Just getting around to joining a group. What fats do people eat in morning?. Does a compliant but greasy sausage count for both protein and fat? Also, 1-3 cups of veggies means raw or cooked down? Also, thoughts on snacking?

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I started on 9/28, first time. Just getting around to joining a group. What fats do people eat in morning?. Does a compliant but greasy sausage count for both protein and fat? Also, 1-3 cups of veggies means raw or cooked down? Also, thoughts on snacking?

For best results, build meals of protein, veg and fat that satiate you for 4-5 hours. Have meal 1 within 1 hour of waking. Focus on filling your plate with vegetables. Salads: you generally need a LARGE mixing bowl's worth to be satiated.

Start with using the compliant sausage as your protein, fill your plate with veggies and add a compliant fat.

Snacking is discouraged, again, for optimal hormonal balance, eat every 4-5 hours.

Until you get to a place where your meals satiate you this way, if you find yourself genuinely hungry between meals (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), the guidance is to have a mini meal of protein, carb and fat

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It's eerie. It's like you are all in my head! I can so relate to all of your posts. I was thinking today that I might want to do a Whole 60 or Whole 90. Past evidence proves that I'm not good at controlling myself. I know that I need longer than 30 days to change my behavior and habits.

AB_MN- as for fats, I might not always be the best at making sure that I have enough but sometimes simple things like sautéing my meat or veggies in ghee or olive oil helps. Also adding avocado or a handful of nuts to a meal can work too. Hope that helps!

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Suzanyk! Thanks a million for posting these. Really hit home and has reignited my confidence... especially part 3.

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome everyone!  What a nice bunch of people, and doesn't it feel great to be part of a "team".  I didn't realize how empowered I would feel just from reading a few kind words from strangers, but it's a very special feeling and I can't thank you enough.  I had a horribly hectic day at work today...but it made me realize something.  Up to the last minute of my busy day my brain was still functioning...I didn't have that end of the day, burnt out,  frazzled feeling!  Maybe I'm not just getting old after all.  I plan to read the posted links...right after the Cubbies win!!  (and me without a beer)! 

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Hi Everyone,


It's been a few days since I have posted but have been reading your posts for inspiration.  


Jeanie- if you can go camping without eating smores and tortilla chips and salsa, I know I can navigate a weekend in SF coming up staying W30 compliant!


Susanyk- the articles you posted were extremely helpful.  Not sure how I missed those when I did my first W30 a year ago.  Thank you!


Hawk- timeline is great too.  I'm right there on day 11 feeling the food rut setting in.  Time to get creative and break out the WellFed cookbooks.


It's baking season and the temptations are all around.  Don't even want to mention what's in our house compliments of well-meaning friends and neighbors who love to bake.  I would dump it all but I have 3 kids and a husband who are not doing the W30 with me.  They're supportive but they love these treats.  Unlike me, they can have a cookie and call it a day.  I have trouble stopping at one, so slaying the sugar dragon ( or at least significantly taming it) is my intention for doing this W30.  So far, I have not been tempted.  I just feel too good after these 10 days to go down over a piece of banana bread. 


Wishing you all well and I truly appreciate the helpful tips and personal accountability this forum provides.


GO DAY 11!


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Good morning guys,


have any of you experienced insomnia during the Whole30?

I've been waking up around 3am and can't go back to sleep straight away. But before the Whole30 that wasn't a problem. 

I remember having the same issue on my last Whole30. I have dinner around 8pm, go to bed at 11pm. I do yoga every night and I'm not hungry in the middle of the night. I don't know what's the problem here.


Any experience to share or advice??

no advice but have had that, too.  Before W30 I rarely woke up.  But now, I wake up and am very hungry in middle of night which i never had happen before.  but, i'm able to imagine the big breakfast around the corner and go back to sleep.  And, what's really new is that i am so hungry in the mornings.  that never used to happen.  i'd still eat something like toast but now i'm truly hungry.  very interesting how body is adapting and changing to new rhythm / intake of food.

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I will also say that now on day 11, bloating is much less and sugar cravings are less (hope I don't jinx myself here).  I still have cravings mid-afternoon and miss that can of diet pop about 3pm, but less of an urge to eat late at night which is wonderful.   

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Hi all

Lyrick! We wore the remote out last night switching between Hawks and Cubbies and no beer here either. What are we becoming? Ha!

Working from home today so making the best of the gorgeous weather here in the Midwest and working in my screened-in porch. Already went for two walks and planning another later. Got to take advantage of sunny and 70 degrees before all hell breaks loose!


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Hello everyone. Hope you are having a great Day 11.


I just got back from having lunch with a friend. She chose a sandwich place which I was a little worried about. So I went online to look at the menu to find something to eat. I found a salad but I had them leave off the non compliant bacon and cheese. I brought my own dressing that I made before hand because I knew there dressing wouldn't work. It was really good and I was glad I checked before hand and didn't accidentally mess up my whole30. 


This Whole30 process is really helping me plan ahead and make good choices and not just go through life eating on autopilot. 

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Hello everyone. Hope you are having a great Day 11.


I just got back from having lunch with a friend. She chose a sandwich place which I was a little worried about. So I went online to look at the menu to find something to eat. I found a salad but I had them leave off the non compliant bacon and cheese. I brought my own dressing that I made before hand because I knew there dressing wouldn't work. It was really good and I was glad I checked before hand and didn't accidentally mess up my whole30. 


This Whole30 process is really helping me plan ahead and make good choices and not just go through life eating on autopilot.

Way to go!,,

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Hello! I have not posted in a few days but things are going great. I was nervous last night as we had a girls night out. Started with dinner and ended at a dessert bar. I checked the menu before and figured out what i was having and then at the dessert bar I had tonic water and lime.  I was so proud of myself.  


Great job everyone!  I agree with AngieWG, it is all about planning ahead!  


Have a great Friday! 

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I haven't posted in a few days. I've been pretty blue. Yesterday I worked my last 12 hour hospital shift! I accepted a position as a home health nurse and I start Monday! I am really looking forward to normal weekday hours, being home for both breakfast and dinner and having weekends off. I have been struggling with eating enough on my 12 hour work days.

I'm feeling pretty good. The one thing I am noticing is that I am hungry as soon as I wake up in the morning. I have never been hungry in the mornings in the past, and often wouldn't eat anything until after noon.

A weird thing is that I am finding that I have to chew my food really thoroughly and I gag if I try and swallow before. I've never had that before. Eating fast or on the run had proven to be difficult now. I know it's healthier, but it's weird to get used to these things.

Anyone else struggling with staying off the scale? I am. I put the scale in the garage because it's been calling to me. I really want to see how I am doing in the weight department.

Hope everyone else is having a great day 12!

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Hey Tata, I don't know where you are, but for me the barometric pressure along the east coast has been truly energy zapping...and all the rain, a real slog to get through the days. I also think that 12 hour shifts are brutal and being tired and sleep deprived is a guarantee for oncoming sadness...

So, congrats on making the move to a new job and taking care of yourself. What you are doing nutritionally is really fundamental to finding your mojo also...just keep putting one foot in front of the other and getup and move...it will help you feel better.

We are here for you!

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Hi Tata

Congrats on new job. Sounds much better in many ways for you

I am also waking up hungry most mornings which is new. I think the hardest thing is going from 5-6 meals per day to 3. Still need a snack once in while but am adjusting slowly. Per the scale. I think of it as taking a vacation from it. So happy not to have it looming over my head. Trying to have faith in the program that I will be same weight or less at end.

Anyone else hitting the wall energy wise? I am wiped out last few days.

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Just checking: did you have tonic water or soda water?

Soda water is just carbonated water. Tonic water can contain things like high fructose corn syrup, making it non-compliant.

Sorry, I had the carbonated water with lime.  I do not like Tonic water, not sure why I put that. 

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Happy Saturday!

Congrats on the life-changing job Tata. Good luck on Monday and let us know how it goes!

Today I took a 5 mile walk and really enjoyed the time. I've noticed since this round of W30 started I'm walking a lot longer and feeling really motivated to continue.

I too am loosing some sleep but I figured it's the change from a lousy diet that enabled me to be a slug! I'm not tired so I guess I'm getting enough sleep.

Tomorrow is the Chicago Marathon that my friend runs yearly. He hurt himself this week and won't be running. He's really really bummed about it. Imagine all that training for nothing. So a bunch of us are taking him to dinner tonight to hopefully cheer him up. We're going to an Italian restaurant (Noooo!). Wish me luck in staying away from the bread, pasta, pizza, wine and all the rest that will be lurking!


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I KNOWyou have what it takes to have avoided pasta and bread...and even tiramisu???

Isn't it interesting that we think: all that training for nothing.....just like we think, oh no, I've blown XXX days of a whole 30 by going off road...might as well quit...when a simple hit of a reset button can just keep the program on track.

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Well, day 13 in the books.   Feeling good but craving things like popcorn, cereal and snacky foods.  Find myself wanting to have a snack after dinner and between meals.  Have not been having snacks for the most part because I really want to break my snacking habit.   What's with my desire to out food in my mouth every time I walk in to the kitchen? As a mother of three, grade-school kids, I'm in the kitchen a lot!

Just aware of my tendency and habit of snacking throughout the day now that I am not doing it!   


I hope you're all feeling great and ready to kickoff the second half.



jeanie793- love to hear what you ended up having at the Italian restaurant.  Having dinner in SF tomorrow night at an Italian place.  Was thinking about a seafood dish if available. 



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I survived Thanksgiving! I am so proud of myself! I ended up brining a salad and I made an avocado dressing for it. I ate that with some sliced beef (no gravy). The desserts looked AMAZING! But I reminded myself how much better I would feel if I did not eat them. My husband and I talked about how much we would have eaten. Including some of the candy the kids got! It is shocking, and we still had a great time!

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Sarah R...congrats on the success...it isn't rocket science...just a combo of steely determination and some organization in advance. Well done!!

Kellygirl, are you sure you are eating enough and following the template at meals? And also drinking enough water? When I do those things I find I am just not hungry between meals. Now I know that sometimes has nothing to do with a snacking habit...I had a very bad one at work..snacking while bored...but seem to have kicked it by being so full. Hope you can regulate it because pet of the benefit I got from my w30 was the feeling that I am making choices for my health, not holding on to some runaway sled on a snowy hill...

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