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Day 18 and I could throw in the towel!


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I am on day 18, but yesterday and today have been terrible attitude wise. I see my success, my clothes fit better, my skin is clearer, And I do love the food I'm eating. But yesterday and today I just have this, oh screw it attitude! I don't like it but it is what it is..... Trying to stay on plan for just 12 more days. Even though I feel so good, any tips?

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Hi!  This happens.  First, make a list of all the reasons you started Whole30 and really think about how terrible you'll feel if you break your committment to yourself.


Second, are you female? If so, are you nearing your period?  The week leading up to and of our periods is often a time when we need more nutrients overall but also more carbs and more fat. The need for these macros and the lack of getting enough can lead to all sorts of different reactions including a highly irritable one as you are noting above.


If you like, post a couple days worth of your food (include portions), fluids, exercise, stress, sleep and any other relevant information (nursing, breastfeeding, autoimmune condition) and we can review and see if anything stands out that could be causing your malcontent.

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Food boredom? I know you said you are loving the food you are eating, but maybe this is the time to find a great new recipe or a high quality bit of steak or fish.... something special that's not the same stuff.... even if the same stuff is normally yummy.


Whatever it is.... it's not you. Not really. It's a nasty voice in your head that's having a tantrum. Hang in there!

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Hang in there! Try some new recipes and remember why you started in the first place!


I've made two attempts in the past and I gave up like clockwork on Day 21. I felt exactly like you are feeling now, even though there were so many positive changes that were happening. Food boredom was big for me, although I love to cook, I now look back and realize I was tired of all the same meals. I'm on Day 6 of attempt #3 and I know what to look for now, this time I'll finish!

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