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Study conducted at Rockefeller University to determine what happened to fat cells when obese people lose weight. Four men lived at the University and lost an average of 100 pounds each over a six month period on an extreme 600-calorie per day diet. What "shocked" the researchers was the fact that all regained their lost weight when they left the hospital setting.

So they:

... repeated the experiment and repeated it again. Every time the result was the same. The weight, so painstakingly lost, came right back. But since this was a research study, the scientists looked at more than just weight loss; just as in the first study they measured metabolic changes and psychiatric conditions and body temperature and pulse. And that led them to a surprising conclusion: Obese people who lose large amounts of weight may look like someone who was never fat, but they are very different. In fact, by every measurement, they seemed like people who are starving.
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Most individuals who lose a large amount of weight regain it two to three years later. One theory about regaining lost weight is that people who decrease their caloric intake to lose weight experience a drop in their metabolic rate, making it increasingly difficult to lose weight over a period of months. A lower metabolic rate may also make it easier to regain weight after a more normal diet is resumed. For these reasons, extremely low calorie diets and rapid weight loss are not recommended.


Losing no more than one pound per week is recommended. Incorporating long-term lifestyle changes will increase the chance of successful long-term weight loss.




Whole 30.   There's your hope for long term weight maintenance.

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I came here with morbid obesity and diabetes. My so worth it moments will be different from those who are naturally thin.


I like long-term success stories.  I'm fond of one from a morbidly obese individual - she released 135 lbs pounds and has maintained her optimum setpoint for 10 years.  She's beat the odds of rebound weight gain.  She's in that 5%.  


I want to be in that number.  Ten years from now and waaay beyond. 


She said...Where is it written that not eating donuts is somehow deprivation?


And eating healthy whole foods is punishment?  She said she no longer gets it when people try to shove food her way because having treats prevents deprivation.


She loves the way she feels and looks ten years down the road.  Her last donut was 10 years ago and she doesn't feel deprived.  She said "I mean my last donut."   Trigger foods for her are no longer worth coming completely undone. Moderation doesn't work so well for the former morbidly obese.  


Relatives and well meaning friends may want you to take the pressure off.  I had many who wanted to help me on the weekend.  Go ahead and take that pressure off,  blow it on out there with a thrill eating full on food bender.


Budget every weekend for a food blowout.  Treat yourself or ruin yourself.  


Morbid obesity and diabetes were not so worth it moments and treating myself with play foods and snackstorms won't help me with my new goal of weight stability for the rest of my life.


I accept that responsibility.  



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As the different diets came and went, our body weight ideals got smaller and smaller. What was the epitome of female attractiveness in the late 1800s was considered positively heavy by the 1920s.


The trend has undeniably been toward thinner and thinner as the ideal at the same time as we as a society are getting larger and larger.

Three technologies enabled us to make dieting our obsession: the bathroom scale, the full-length mirror, and photography. All three give us objective evidence of our size and contribute to our national weight preoccupation.


Nearly all who worry about their weight have a dream weight, and for many, that weight becomes the weight which, they are convinced, they will be their true selves.
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Post Whole Digger


Eat Brain Candy.   Fish.  Fish.  Fish.    aquarium2-smiley.gif?1292867549


Eat fish every day for a week - become smarter and more alert.  Eat fish for 30 days - improve cognitive function and brain chemistry.  


Take your brain pills. explanation-smiley.gif?1292867591 Fish.  Fish.  Fish.

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I saw that friend of mine, he said,
"You look different somehow"
I said, "Everybody's got to leave the darkness sometime"
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying
I'm laughing through my tears
I'm laughing through my tears
I'm so happy that I can't stop crying
I'm laughing through my tears
I'm laughing through my tears
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Ode to Whole 30



So hold me up, Oh
I know you'll never let me down
Need you to hold me up, I
I need someone like you around
So hold me up, Oh
Hold me up, No
I know you'll never let me down
Said hold me up, Oh
Hold me up, No
I need someone like you around
Can you hold me up

I wanna tell you secrets no ones ever heard before
I wanna give you everything, all of my heart and more
Cause you came and saved my life
In the lonely hour
In the lonely hour

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Weight Stability is similar to love and marriage.   What gets you to the altar can be quite different than what keeps you married in the long-term. 


Not recognizing the transition and adapting can get you into trouble.  It is a slightly different process.  The practices are a little different. 

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Weight Releasing


Transitioning to Maintenance


Switching the mindset to a permanent way of living to keep it off


Completely change your relationship with food forever and never skip breakfast


Physical activity and exercise is essential to maintaining.  In the beginning you might be able to have lower levels of activity but it changes as you tool along.  You ramp up those activity levels and stay active every day.  Couch mode no longer serves you.

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