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I was reading  my daily email, and it talked about breakfast. Here is a breakfast suggestion.


  • Breakfast burger: personal protein serving of ground beef; 1 egg; Rubin’s RedWhole30 Approved hot sauce (or your favorite brand); ¼ cup of freshly chopped cilantro.

Grill your burger, top with an egg fried over-medium. Sprinkle cilantro, top with hot sauce, and… good morning!

Where is the carb? Veggie? I have been working hard to get all the carbs in by slicing some sweet potato in, and worrying that I don't have enough veggies with onion, pepper, etc.
What have I missed? Is this not supposed to be the entire breakfast?
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What you see is an example of a compliant breakfast consistent with the Whole30 rules.

You don't have to have carbs at every meal: we typically recommend a fist-sized serving of carb-dense vegetables daily.

Yes, this example is missing veggies. The Whole30 meal template of protein, veggies and fat at each meal is a recommendation for best results: not a requirement.

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Then I should do much better by cutting down on the potato/carb! I have no problem eating veggies, really, but my plate tends to get too full (and my stomach!) if I eat all of what I thought I was supposed to be doing. 


Very good to hear that I can cut down on some of it. 

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Then I should do much better by cutting down on the potato/carb! I have no problem eating veggies, really, but my plate tends to get too full (and my stomach!) if I eat all of what I thought I was supposed to be doing. 


Very good to hear that I can cut down on some of it. 


You may do better cutting down on the potato/carb...everybody is different. The recommendation that Chris gave is general. See how you feel with less. Carbs affect mood, energy, and sleep. I am very active so I need more than most people do to have a healthy mood and energy level. Your mileage may vary.

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This is great information. I felt like I was overeating and stuffing myself for my 3rd meal because of eating carbs at every meal. Now I can reduce or eliminate carbs during my 3rd meal and see what kind of a difference that makes. This forum is awesome.

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