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Not losing weight!


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I KNOW Whole30 is "not about losing weight" but I'm wondering if there is a "sure-fire" way to lose weight on a Whole30 ?  I love the "clean" of this program but I really can't afford to gain weight.  I lost about 1 lb. on my recent Whole(25).  I'm starting a Whole30 on Jan.1st.  I am vegetarian so this time will be using some Tofu and Tempeh.  (I used ONLY eggs and fish for protein on my Whole(25). Since I want to make this diet more sustainable after the Whole30 I want to keep using legumes as part of my diet.  I did not notice any problems when i added them back.  I need to get about 20 lbs of weight off to be healthy and comfortable again...

Also, can anyone address the issue of the "acidifying" effects of a high-protien diet ?   I have always read about and believed that we need more alkalizing foods in our diet….?


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Also, can anyone address the issue of the "acidifying" effects of a high-protien diet ?   I have always read about and believed that we need more alkalizing foods in our diet….?



Whole 30 is not a high-protein diet.  The recommendation is 1-2 palms of protein per meal.




1-3 cups of vegetables per meal, plus any optional fruit that is added to those meals -- those are mostly alkaline.


It's pretty balanced, actually.

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I'm starting a Whole30 on Jan.1st.  I am vegetarian so this time will be using some Tofu and Tempeh.  (I used ONLY eggs and fish for protein on my Whole(25). Since I want to make this diet more sustainable after the Whole30 I want to keep using legumes as part of my diet.  I did not notice any problems when i added them back.



I do not see tofu, tempeh, or legumes on the vegan/vegetarian shopping list.  Are they permitted on a Whole 30?

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I do not see tofu, tempeh, or legumes on the vegan/vegetarian shopping list.  Are they permitted on a Whole 30?


When they redid the lists when the new Whole30 book came out, they just left blanks in the vegetarian shopping list so that people using it could fill in whichever protein sources they were comfortable using. The book has a chapter on doing Whole30 as a vegetarian, I think it goes into a little more detail about optimal choices, but this article has a basic summary of the best options.


Basically, though, it sounds like 4windsrider has already done a W30 using eggs and fish as her protein and found some alternate protein sources that didn't cause negative reactions for her, and now is choosing to incorporate those. It's my understanding that that is exactly how the Hartwigs intended the vegetarian plan to work -- each individual finding the best options for herself. 

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I KNOW Whole30 is "not about losing weight" but I'm wondering if there is a "sure-fire" way to lose weight on a Whole30 ?

You're probably not going to like hearing this, but the most sure-fire way to get to an optimal weight, and also be healthy, while doing a Whole30 is to eat meals based on the meal template, starting with your first meal within an hour of waking up and then eating every 4-5 hours or so for the rest of the day; focus on getting good sleep every night; get some activity every day; and reduce stress as much as possible. And then, you have to be patient, because your body will do its thing at its own pace, which may not be the same pace your mind would really like. Focus on getting healthier and enjoying your life, and try not to worry about the weight. As long as you're making choices every day to make yourself more healthy, the weight will sort itself out.

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