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Gin's First Whole 30


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10 kids?!?!??!

Wow, you're so close to finishing! Well done!

Yup, I'm in the middle of a bunch of 10. It's a his/hers/ours kind of deal. My parents had 5 including myself and my dad died when I was about 6, a brain tumor. My mom remarried, and my "new" dad had 3 kids from a previous marriage bringing us to 8. They then had 2 more together. So I've had the good fortune of growing up with 2 amazing men as my dads and with a pretty giant family. Seven of us are still quite close as adults (my step-siblings are mainly not involved as adults).

One of my primary health motivators, besides my own Crohns Disease experience, is that my dad died of a brain cancer at 42 and my mom died of pancreatic cancer at 64 and my sister had ovarian and cervical cancer before age 45!!! So, yeah, I have a pretty vested interest in taking care of myself as well as I'm capable of.

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IT'S DAY 30!!!!!!!!

But briefly, the rest of Day 29:

Lunch: 1/2 avocado, chicken, red peppers, tomatoes, mixed greens with cilantro salsa on top. Super filling, so filling I didn't eat my berries with coconut butter!

Snack: the berries with coconut butter to tide me over, had to go to a memorial service last night and no time for dinner til after

Dinner: delayed til almost 8. After the memorial, friends gathered at a diner. Nice to not even feel tempted while feeling sad for a loss. Came home and had a little bit of leftover cabbage chorizo mix over some squash, then scrambled 3 eggs to fill out the meal.

Slept great last night. Woke up well rested at 6, so jumped out of bed to make breakfast for the family. Cooked up some pork belly and scrambled eggs, had with some fresh strawberries and coffee. Got some chores done before work, even got a pork shoulder (which I'm hoping is super fantastically awesome because it cost $27 at Whole Foods) into the slow cooker with some homemade salsa and onions. Hoping for carnita-like goodness when I get home tonight.

Today's the day to mull and ponder my Whole 30. I'm a little trepidatious to move on into re-introductions, but it's time. I feel great, really really great. Like almost scary good, but I like it :D

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And there you have it folks, another satisfied customer. Congratulations. I'm glad you did so well. I hope you enjoy the next step as much you seem to have enjoyed this. Keep rockin it and things should only get even better from here.

Best of luck.

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Lunch was thrown together but turned out pretty tasty: some ground beef cooked up with some garlic, couple cups of red cabbage and then I added this delicious horseradish mustard we found that's compliant. It was delicious and pretty darn filling.

We're going ahead tomorrow with the re-introduction plan from ISWF, it's weird to make a quick grocery list with some dairy items for the weekend! More about that in the re-introduction section I suppose. I've been working today through putting my thoughts about the Whole30 on paper, the changes I've seen and my plans for post-Whole30, or "life" going forward.

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My Whole30 Goal Evaluation

Goal #1: I completed all 30 days without any slips or cheats. It was so much easier than I anticipated and even pleasurable.

What helped me do it right?

I had partners. My sister did the Whole30 with me and she lives in the same house. My husband was super supportive and even though he didn't do it with us, made huge changes in his eating and sleep for me and feels better too. He encouraged me the whole time. This forum is an amazing source of support, there are so many wonderful people all working together towards health and well-being.

I shared my Whole30 with people I needed support from. At work, I told a few friends and they've been so supportive and I think helped a lot in staying on the path. I told my girlfriends about it and now a few are considering doing it themselves. I shared it with my extended family and explained why I was doing it. Everyone has been amazing supportive, no nay-sayers at all, so I guess I picked the right people to tell!


This was the very first goal that popped into my head. Sugar and I go way back, to early childhood. I spent any spare change at the dime store on candy and always worked at convincing my parents that dessert should come first (they were sensible people and modeled the Whole30 before it existed). Sugar made an evil friend when I went to college: diet pop. I've struggle at cutting out diet pop and sugar for a long time. Even with the significant motivation of both my parents dying early from cancer and knowledge of the ill effects of both those items as far as cancer risks, I still struggled with them.

Not once during this Whole30 have I craved sugar or pop. I can't tell you how free that makes me feel. I'm tearing up just a little typing this. I would not have believed this 31 days ago.

Goal #3: Enjoy the time spent preparing and making food. Check.

Most of the meals I've made have been a lot of fun. We've experimented with new veggies and cooking methods. I'm learning to use and love my crock pot. Grocery shopping is sort of like a treasure hunt and we've tried to treat it as an adventure "What can I eat?", asked with excitement and curiosity. My husband has been generous with his appreciation and compliments on all the hot home made meals and the leftovers. He's got a new favorite: Leg Of Lamb Roast with roasted veggies. I've discovered some great music while cooking away. I've also gotten to be pretty efficient and inventive when standing in front of the fridge thinking "what do I eat" on a lunch break, cooking it up and getting back to work with healthy, satisfying foods. We're buying a quarter of a grass fed cow from a local supplier, and I have to study up tonight to place my butcher order! Learning all kinds of new stuff and I believe that keeps a person young.

Goal #3: Improve my sleep and energy. WOWZA, that's the word that comes to mind

I need, am not ashamed of it, about 8.5-9 hours of sleep each night. I really love a totally dark bedroom and glad for the black out shades I and thick curtains I already had. Consistently getting good sleep makes me feel great.

We (my husband and I like to go to bed at the same time) are working on maintaining a consistent schedule of getting to bed (because it's fall and dark early) by 9:30 so we can be asleep by 10. We're fairly often getting the tv off well before it's bed time and are considering shutting off the cable and tv service completely because it's good for us.

My energy: I can't remember ever feeling this evenly and consistently energized. It feels good.

Goal #4: Enjoy thoughtfully caring for my body, put the time in I deserve

I have enjoyed this entire process. I had 2 bad days (day 5 and 15). I can't remember ever feeling as good as I feel now.

A key for me: reasons and not rules.

Yes, the Whole30 has rules, but there is a reason for everyone.

Thanks to everyone who's been here for it. Tomorrow I'm going to write my Whole30 Success Story :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been so long since I've checked in and I totally missed your Day 30! CONGRATS! Did you write your success story? Please share the link :)

I feel like a little bit of a tech idiot because I'm not sure how to share the link. But it's titled "I believe and Now is the Time". Thank you for your support through the Whole30. I feel like I have a group of Whole30 friends :)

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