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So, my doctor prescribed an antibiotic and a cough syrup on Monday for my bronchitis and sinus infection.  I started taking the antibiotic right away but I resisted the syrup until last night, knowing it had some form of sweetener in it.  I finally caved and took it last night because coughing fits were keeping me from sleeping.  I've been drinking Throat Coat tea and lemon water but I don't have a sore throat, just deep, rumbly coughing fits that are the hallmark of bronchitis.


I know that a doctor's orders trump the requirements of the Whole30, but does this mean I need to re-start (again)?   :(


The syrup was still quite bitter but I know it was not compliant.  It definitely did NOT awaken the sugar dragon, though.


Appreciate any insight.




-Lauren (GGG)

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Hi Lauren, you can read the "Do I have to start over" article linked below.  You are right though, doctor's orders trump Whole30.  Also, if sweetener was the only off plan ingredient in the syrup, we generally consider that a "pass" (in this sort of situation) as sugar does not reset your gut like soy or dairy would.  All that said, an antibiotic is going to kill off all the biotics, not just the bad ones.  So consider adding in a probiotic and giving your Whole30 an honest assessment at the end and see if you would want to extend.  You may not be feeling as awesome as you could have been if you hadn't gotten sick so may choose to benefit from a few extra days of Whole30'ing.


I hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks, LadyShanny.  I think I'm going to take the pass on this one.  Since Whole30 is about things making you healthier or less healthy, it felt a little absurd to be refusing my PRESCRIBED medication (but I did say no to hubby's offer of a sugar-laden Hall's cough drop).  As it stands, I will have a full 44 days (as of December 20) of no gluten, grains, dairy, and legumes (and alcohol).  My first 14 days had some hidden sugars, sulfites, and conscious SWYPO (but compliant ingredient) choices, so I'm not overly concerned about gut-disruption at this point.  I'm also planning a slow-roll reintroduction, but I might need to adjust on the fly to roll with the holidays (easier to do in Asia than in North America, though).  It is unfortunate, however, that despite my best efforts in terms of food choices, I might not be feeling the full benefits of the program due to my illness (which I in NO way attribute to the program, as some naysayers would do!).  I can see doing a Whole7 or Whole14 in January (not to mention the couple days of Whole30 compliant eating in between each introduction of a new food group).


I am already planning to do a Whole30 in North America when (date TBD) I re-patriate.  I'm curious to see if I will find it harder or easier.  The newness of the program itself will have worn off, but the availability of food products and ingredients to make compliant recipes will make up for novelty factor (I hope).  And then I get to balance more social eating situations with friends and family vs. the ability actually read labels and ask waitstaff about cooking methods and ingredients.




-Lauren (GGG)

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