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Bactrim for Adult Acne

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I will have been taking Bactrim, an antibiotic, for the treatment of my adult acne (I'm 28) for 5 weeks when I start my first Whole30 on January 4th. Is it Whole30 compliant, or should I stop taking it and see how my skin does after finishing the Whole30? My dermatologist prescribed me to take it for 8 weeks before returning to see her on January 25th.



Kelsey Gmelich

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You may continue to take doctor prescribed medication during a Whole30 no matter what. An antibiotic is hard on your gut bacteria, so you will not have the same experience doing a Whole30 on and off an antibiotic. However, since you have already been on this medication so long, I would say keep going with it. To help with the way antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as the stuff you want it to kill, start taking a good probiotic supplement now. Two that I like are Primal Flora and Prescript-Assist. Both are available from Amazon.com. The probiotics will help you keep some good gut bacteria going. 

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