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Coffee and cream


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I just finished my first whole 30 and reintroduced cream in my coffee.  I really don't want any other dairy but I am having a really hard time going back to coconut milk or black coffee or green tea plain.  They seem like a pretty disgusting brews without cream and milky delights with it.  Also, the black coffee and tea seem very hard on my stomach and the milky coffee doesn't.  I was nauseous the whole time after drinking black and basically stopped but now everything seems to be working right including elimination with the addition of cream.  I had no bad reaction to the cream, just a better stomach in the morning. Do I need to go back to coco milk until I am finished with reintroduction? I think I want to pretty much stay compliant for the future except for cream.  I really missed nothing else that I wasn't eating.  I might relax a little with the added sugar at the end of the reintro period but legumes and grains hold little appeal for me although I will test them out.

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kjb, after your reintro process is complete - you get to decide.  If you want heavy cream in your coffee and can enjoy it without consequences...that will be part of your own program that you will develop.  


That's the beauty of a Whole 30.   Different things for different people.  One size does not fit all and this is very individual for each of us.   Black tea and coffee is something I can't do.  It's too acidic for me.   


Coconut products...I can't do those either.  Kudos to you for conducting the reintro.  It's necessary and the most important part of the Whole 30 process for finding your way going forward.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having trouble with the reintro.  I just don't want to do it.  I tried a few rice crackers and felt miserable, but I felt miserable a few days ago with no reason and no intro.  I did go off of prilosec a few weeks ago, about two weeks into the original whole 30 and it worked fine but now my mouth and tongue are back being stingy and sore often and I have some indigestion at night.  The rice crackers and cream are the only things that I have tried.  There doesn't seem to be lot of point to continuing if I am having problems without adding foods.  I feel like I might have to go back on prilosec but I just dont know why it has gotten worse.  I quit nuts altogether a few weeks ago and that helped for a while but now the tongue and stomach pain is back. I have stopped losing weight and don't know why.  I am definitely sleeping better but not perfect.  

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Sorry you are having a rough time. I do not do well with rice at all, so you are not alone if you want to keep that off your plate. And cream? I get the whole appeal of it but if I had gastro issues requiring a purple pill, I would eliminate both coffee and cream and give my stomach lining a break.

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