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Start Date January 8th


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Hello!  My name is Sharon and I am a 36 year old mom of 3 (soon to be 4 as we're in the process of adopting) in Northern British Columbia.  After a very stressful Christmas Season at my job, I spent too many nights bringing dinner home for the family in brown paper take out bags.  I had developed bad habits long before that, but it went out of control for most of November and December.  Mood swings, lethargy, headaches, gastro-business that is all kinds of unpleasant-ness and an inability to motivate myself to get off the couch once my work day are no longer acceptable to me. 


January 8th is my start date as its the day after payday, and I can get grocery shopping done, meal plan and prepare my family (especially my teenagers) about the significant lack of junk food they're about to notice :)  


And, I know we're not supposed to pay any mind to the scale, I stood on New Years day and found myself weighing in at 291lbs, and am interested to see ALL of the victories through the program.


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We're nomad's of sorts, thanks to our job, We've been in Fort St John since June, before that we spent 2 years in the Okanagan, and before that, 5 years in the USA. I'm excited to start... minus the diet coke withdrawal ;-)



Hi!  Moderator SugarcubeOD and I both grew up in Northern BC (Prince George)!  It's always like "home" seeing someone from up that way.


You'll do great, just trust the process!

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Good Luck, Sharon! I'm sure you'll do GREAT :)

I'm starting on the 9th and I'm so excited about this program! Cannot even wait to see the improvement to my health!


Good luck breaking the news to the kids about the junk food LOL... they'll thank you in the long run :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sharon how are you doing? I started on the 8th as well.  Can't believe I've gone 20 days without so much as a piece of gum.  I'm mostly doing this just as an exercise in self discipline. The most dramatic thing I've noticed is that I do not spend my day looking forward to going home to eat a decadent meal.  Food shouldn't really be a hobby....maybe????

I thought that not drinking would be my biggest hurdle, but it hasn't really been too bad.  My friends have been very supportive and I just plan ahead as much as possible.   So feeling strong I can make it 10 more days!! fingers crossed.

Anyway, hope you're doing well and would appreciate hearing how you feel on day 20 as well.

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