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I have a lovely compliant proscuitto from Trader Joe's and was thinking of it being a stand-in for bacon since I can get way more proscuitto for the price of compliant bacon (whaaaaaa?!?!?!?). 


Anywho, that got me to thinking (probably overthinking) - I've gotten the impression from reading the forums that bacon is more a fat than a protein even though the shopping list has it under proteins. Should I could proscuitto toward my protein serving or my fat serving? Two thin slices wouldn't do much to alter what other proteins I have at a meal, but it would affect other things if counted as a fat. 


Feel free to tell my brain to chillax and just have a slice of proscuitto ;)  I'm on Day 6 and about to kill all the people asking me if I want fruitcake.  :blink:

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Okay - try to relax.  Try not to overthink things.  Just enjoy them.


Bacon I consider to be mostly straight up fat.


Whereas prosciutto I consider both protein and fat - however 2 slices I would not consider really enough to count as a protein or a fat.  Consider it a condiment that is both a small amount of fat and protein!  :D Unless of course you are eating the entire package of prosciutto.....

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