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Freaking Out


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a) While seed/vegetable oils are discouraged, they are NOT forbidden during a whole30. You'll be fine!

B) The scale is NOT your friend. It is NOT a measure of progress. How you are FEELING is. How you are relating to your food choices is. How you are looking is. the number is arbitrary; the number LIES; and the number should not control you.

check out this post: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/78-weight-loss-not-happening/page__p__349#entry349

c) give the acne a few weeks. it may actually get a little worse before it gets better. If it's centralized on the sides of your face/down your neck...can I ask how frequently you wash your hair, oh, or how often you change your pillowcase? It's likely not the root of your problem, but it's probably not helping :)

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My wife has celiac disease and cannot tolerate many foods besides gluten. Based on frustrating experience, I agree that you can't trust restaurants and that even when people think they are being compliant at a restaurant, some of the time (most of the time?) their food is cooked with some non-W30 ingredient unless they asked A LOT of very specific questions AND their server actually knew the answers. I believe that most people do not start over on this basis (especially since most assume they were compliant anyway).

However, since you have food intolerances, I suggest that you contact the restaurant in advance and ask as many questions as you need to feel safe and/or compliant. You can ask for a steak to be cooked without oil, but you also need to make sure that they don't dust it with any seasonings that might contain gluten, soy or other problematic ingredients. A salad with lemon or balsamic vinegar should be fine, but you may want to ask about croutons. Then you can go out knowing that you are eating the safest, most compliant food possible.

In respect to the scale, I encourage you to try your best and see if the scale loses some of its pull the longer you can stay away from it.

My acne cleared up fairly quickly, but I have had recurrences even while on a Whole30. I found that food was one cause, but hormones and stress were equal players, so some of the time diet alone won't keep me from breaking out. Hopefully you will start to see and feel a difference soon.

Hang in there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So sorry, I didn't realize this was getting any replies! I don't usually get involved with forums so this is kind of new to me.

Renee, my acne had actually cleared up when I went paleo about a year ago, but the doc wanted me to do some allergy testing in January and I had to eat all of the things that normally make me ill. Shortly after that my face broke out really bad and I have not been able to shake it, even though I went right back to paleo.

I haven't noticed any difference in how I look or how my clothes are fitting. I am on day 19 today and I just posted about all of this again earlier this afternoon on another board because I didn't realize this post was still here :(

J, I do normally call ahead and then make my intentions very clear when I get to a restaurant. I was wondering more about the oils and butter they use to cook in. I don't want to derail my efforts because I inadvertently eat something that isn't whole30 compliant.

Thanks for the replies!

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