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Anyone else lacking a gallbladder...

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I don't know that this is considered a "medical condition", but wasn't sure where to post. I am on day 13. Day 4 I started having some, ummmm, we'll call them toilet troubles. (Anyone else that has lost their gallbladder knows what I'm talking about.) The first 2 days, I thought it might be the canned coconut milk in my coffee-too much fat? Buuuttt, this has continued almost every day even after no more coconut milk in the coffee. Other than that, things are good-have lost weight, sleeping well most nights, etc. Though the food I eat is limited, the daily variety makes it hard to try and pinpoint the culprit.

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A low fat 'diet' is the culprit for causing a gallbladder not to flush bile out and stones can more easily form.   Low fat dieting is conducive to gallbladder problems, especially in women who are more prone - and becomes more noticeable when a high fat protocol is introduced after dieting. 


Once a gallbladder is removed, a low fat program is then considered the best course of action to ease digestion.  So there's the catch.   If the gallbladder is removed, low fat is the way they'll tell you to go.

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I see from your first post that you started with stomach issues and apparently things have not improved. 


Diarrhea can be complicated. I typically recommend using the over-the-counter medication of your choice to stop loose movements. Sometimes, once the cycle begins, medication intervention is the only way to make it stop.


If you would post a review of what you have been eating and drinking for the past several days, we may be able to offer some guidance about what would help. It also helps to know about your stress levels, sleep, exercise, etc. 

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Black coffee, either fried (in ghee) or hard boiled egg for breakfast. Banana, citrus fruit, apple, mixed nuts, currants, pickles as snacks. Last couple days was a creamed broccoli soup for lunch. Mashed potatoes and broccoli or cauliflower or green beans for dinner. My diet before was not great, all this fruit and nuts (and altogether healthy food) daily is new to me. Maybe that is part of the problem, my stomach is like whoa, what is all this healthy stuff!?

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I also had my gallbladder out when I was 18 and am having a little trouble here on day 9, but today is really the first time I've had some stomach upset despite eating by the template this whole time. I think it's related more to a possible corn and/or soy exposure yesterday than the amount of fat I've consumed. In fact, I've noticed a huge decrease in my gas and bloating almost immediately since starting this program. I've been googling on this topic and it seems like those of us without gallbladders may need to be careful about what kinds of fat we eat (coconut seems to be a good one) and maybe need to eat a few more carbs, plus making sure to include enzymes and probiotics and possibly bile supplements. So I'm trying those suggestions and hoping that it works for me, because I otherwise feel really great so far, despite the detox symptoms.

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Black coffee, either fried (in ghee) or hard boiled egg for breakfast. Banana, citrus fruit, apple, mixed nuts, currants, pickles as snacks. Last couple days was a creamed broccoli soup for lunch. Mashed potatoes and broccoli or cauliflower or green beans for dinner. My diet before was not great, all this fruit and nuts (and altogether healthy food) daily is new to me. Maybe that is part of the problem, my stomach is like whoa, what is all this healthy stuff!?

Um, you are eating far too little, as evidenced by all the snacks.

Have you seen the meal template? http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf For best results, design each of your meals to meet the template.

Where is your protein at each meal? When eggs are your sole protein at a meal, the serving size is the number of whole eggs you can hold in one hand without dropping them. For most folks, that's 3-4 eggs.

Nuts can be hard to digest for some. You might try dropping the nuts and see if that gives you relief.

If you are geniunely hungry between meals, the recommendation is to have a mini meal of protein, carb and fat, or at least two of those components. Avoid having fruit by itself as a snack.

Confirm the pickle and any dried fruit is compliant.

Here is a past thread on Whole30 without a gallbladder that you might find helpful.http://forum.whole30.com/topic/162-whole30-without-a-gallbladder/

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