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Jan. 18, 2016 Start Date


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Darnell, that sucks. :( People only think about what *they* add to coffee, not what might be in it out of the package. Good for you for starting over, though -- you've got this. :)


Yesterday I had to talk myself out of weighing early. I presented lots of points to myself:

  1. The last time I weighed early in a Whole30, it was disappointing and made it easier to quit early.
  2. I'm near my period, so the number probably wouldn't be accurate anyway.
  3. That number cannot measure how good I feel, now or in a little over a week, so do I really want to weigh myself and try to put a number to how I feel? That's ridiculous.
  4. If I weigh myself, I'll end up telling my husband, whether it's higher or lower than when I started, and then he'll weigh himself as well, and I shouldn't start down that road.

I also realized that food is no longer in the forefront of my mind all the time. The chocolate at work doesn't call to me, I was utterly untempted by the cakes, cocktails, and cheese at my class last night. The first couple of weeks, I was focused on what I could or could not eat, but now it's no longer FOOD, but just food. It's just food. Delicious, and I want to eat it, but still...just food.

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Is today really day 20? I can't believe we are almost at the end.... I'm feeling pretty awesome at this point. I've been using the recipes from the Whole 30 book and it really has helped. I'm certainly not bored with the food.

How is everyone else doing?

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So my day was ruined by a cup of coffee. My coworker asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee and I said sure as long as it didn't have sugar or anything else in it. He assured me it didn't. As soon as I tasted it I knew it had sugar in it. It was instant coffee and the first ingredient on the package was sugar. I was so upset with myself for not checking the label myself. So I'm starting all over with day 1 tomorrow. The good news is I wanted to keep going after 30 days anyway just because I feel so much better. So I'm going to give it another go. I learned a valuable lesson. Don't consume anything unless you prepared it yourself. Good luck to everyone.

Did you drink the full cup once you realized it had sugar? It is a good lesson... it is SO prevalent that anything that comes in a package has sugar... frustrating but the way we have to live in the world... Good for you for restarting!

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Day 22! Just kind of swimming along. :D I did notice that Friday afternoon, I had errands and so didn't get a nap in...but didn't feel the lack of that nap.


Saturday morning, I didn't eat enough veggies with breakfast, so had a sudden blood sugar drop and felt really, really ill. I did nap after that (well, after eating as much as I could so I stopped feeling sick). 


I've started looking ahead to reintros, and trying to decide what I really want to bring back. It's my intention to only bring reintro'd food back on occasion, and stick to template/W30 as much as possible, because I don't want to lose how good I feel. So I'm aiming for conscious, mindful reintroductions, and honesty about how those reintros make me feel, both physically and mentally.

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Day 22!!!!


My brain is giving a serious last ditch efforts into getting me to eat sugar reward things. It is quite amazing the lengths my brain is going to get me to give in!!! If anyone gets the emails, it is discussed in the Day 21 email.... I saved mine from my first go around and reread this email whenver I think my cravings will get the better of me. But I know I got this!!!


I survived my Stepson's birthday cupcakes on friday and my husband's birthday ice cream last night... and he also had a huge salad from the restaurant he works, which involves lots of cheese, bacon, lots of pulled hcicken and pork, with hot bacon dressing... I was able to resist. It looked and smelled so good!!!


@darnell707! That sucks!!!!! but good for you for starting over!!!

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Oh man Darnell,I'd be so mad!! I was mad at my husband last night for not reading the iodized salt he bought..it had dextrose. I freaked out,but then found in the book about salt and dextrose..we don't normally buy iodized salt..

I'm also thinking what I'd like to do long term..no matter what my re-intros say,I'd like to eat things sparingly and only good quality...I'm trying to find a grass fed cheese..

Good job everyone! We're in the home stretch!

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I am seriously torn about what to do this weekend for Valentine's Day.  It will be a rare evening away from my toddler, AND I even have the opportunity to sleep in the next day. To wine or not to wine?  It's so close to the end I am considering indulging.  My goal for this 30 days was to regain control and be more mindful and I would say I am FULLY there.  The stubborn part of me says, "then you can't say you didn't go 30 days without wine!"  Disclaimer: Also, I realize that my goals for this might be slightly different than the rest in this thread- I hope no one judges me, as I don't judge anyone else for what they want to accomplish with this process : )


But throughout, I haven't had a single slip up or cheat.  I made Whole30 compliant ribs last night, and Whole30 compliant hot "wings" (drumsticks!), for my SuperBowl-loving husband.  They both turned out fantastically.

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Your goals may be different than anyone else's goals during a Whole30... in fact, every person has different goals. But the fact of the matter is that you made a 30 day commitment to yourself and choosing to drink wine on Valentine's day is breaking that commitment to yourself.

No one here can make you keep going and no one is going to shame you if you choose to stop your Whole30 but please spend some time thinking about what making a commitment to yourself means and why it being 'so close to the end' is sufficient.

I would also say that since you haven't had wine in close to 30 days, you may feel TERRIBLE if you drink it... no kidding, I'm not trying to make you feel bad but it's happened to a LOT of people here... and do you really want to waste a sleep in, toddler free day with feeling gross. As well, if you're going to drink the wine, it's likely that in the spirit of the evening, you may go offplan on other things too... which would completely negate any re-introduction you were planning...

Just food for thought...

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Wow! I had to look twice at my Whole30Daily email to realize it truly did say Day 22. This is flying by and is easier everyday. I did overeat yesterday.... but nothing that was not Whole30. I had planned, planned, planned for superbowl foods.... and totally hit the jackpot on yummy stuff. Did compliant bacon wrapped chicken tenderloins, guacamole, veggies, buffalo chicken wings, ranch and plantain chips (really only a couple as a test to see if they did or did not come with brakes -- totally had brakes) salsa.... and lemon sparkling water. I always love when I can show people what I can eat, while they keep thinking I can eat "nothing".  Have 2 more challenges. Valentines day, should be easy. Babysitting the grandkids.... but have a Valentine Bunco party that will have a lot of sweets. I plan to bring a bag of nuts and dried fruit...just in case I am tempted. But I have passed up so many things and really have no cravings (but a few habits). Playing bunco... has always been a munch fest, this is my opportunity to change that. So the compliant snack is an emergency measure. (Kinda like the Lara Bar that has traveled in my purse since day zero....same one :)  Going to eat a very filling dinner before I go. 


Wishing you all well!  Day 22! Can you believe it!  The last week! 

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Glad everyone is doing well. I have a few challenging moments with food that relate to boredom and habit. I just pondered if I was really hungry or wanted junk food to watch football and make myself feel better. I quickly left the kitchen and found something to do that was distracting. I'd like to stay on this plan as ,uch as possible because fhe benefits have been great. The one thing I miss the most is beer. I plan on reintroducing that and maybe condiments but we shall see. One day closer to completion, keep it up everyone!

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Day 23:

I'm so glad that we're expected to eat and not be hungry between meals. I'm an early bird, so my breakfast is at ~6, so I eat lunch around 11, then I'm hungry again at 4, but usually can't eat dinner till about 6. So, compliant roast beef, hot dogs, or leftovers, plus leftover veg, and guacamole or ranch dressing have been my saviors when I get home at 4-4:30. Just enough to settle the grumbling stomach, but not so much that I can't eat a full meal at supper.

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Today is a good day... not just because its day 23, but because I am feeling great. Ran Steps yesterday as part of my winter training and then hit it hard at dance class last night... legs are feeling it today, but its a good burn!!!


This 3rd Whole 30 for me has been easier, but also harder for me... The food stuff was much easier, because I knew alot of what I could have, but I found myself seriously unmotivated for working out this time around. I think it is more related to all the races I ran all through the fall and then it being winter. I really am not a winter lover and am counting the days until spring and early sunrises....


Unitl then, will cross train with running steps, and getting myself out in the cold for some miles..... 


My biggest hurdle will be this Saturday's upcoming Dance Comp with the studio. It's a one day comp and we have over 20 dances going... will be busy busy, but I will be armed with Epic Bars, hardboiled eggs, and some baby carrots... 


@sib1121- I can honestly tell you that the first glass of wine I had after my first whole 30 was a big let down. Made me all stuffy and crappy feeling... I find that I enjoy sparkling water with Pineapple juice in it way more as a "party drink" and I don't feel bad after drinking that!!!! 

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Oh my goodness!  I have been so crazy busy lately I haven't even had time to post here, but I'm still going strong and feeling great!  I had some things laying around the other night that needed to be used up so I took a few small sweet potatoes, one yellow onion and one apple and shredded them all together, added salt, pepper, cinnamon and two eggs and made the most delicious sweet potato pancakes ever!  I've been eating them for breakfast with an over-easy egg on top.  So yummy!

I have two questions for you guys...


1.  When you cook with a healthy fat such as olive oil, coconut oil or ghee, do you count that as your healthy fat for your meal or do you still add a healthy fat to your plate?


2.  This one has really been making me wonder and I have hesitated to ask it in the Facebook Group that I was added to because I don't want to start a heated debate, but I am genuinely curious......why is it a cardinal sin to mix a banana and an egg and call it a "pancake" but it is perfectly okay to recreate mayonnaise and ranch dressing?   I would think that society as a whole (at least in the U.S.) has more of an addiction to ranch dressing than we do to pancakes so if we are going to break the emotional bond with something I would think we would be doing ourselves a bigger favor by breaking ties with ranch than pancakes, but if you are going to say that using compliant ingredients to recreate non-compliant foods is not within the program, shouldn't that pertain to all non-compliant foods?  Why the picking and choosing?  Does anybody know the actual reasoning behind this?  Again, I'm not bashing anything or anyone.  I am honestly just curious, that's all.  I like to educate myself and I'm just thinking "out loud" here.

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SamL: If your day 1 was January 18, then day 30 will be February 16, yes.


Tracy, I just saw a convo about mayo yesterday, but of course today I can't find it. The mods give a lot of good answers to the pancake question here


The psychological difference between pancakes and mayo/ranch is vast. People can sit and eat a stack of pancakes (regular or banana and egg), but most people aren't chugging a bottle of ranch dressing. Making ranch from homemade mayo, with compliant oil, to make a healthy fat that's delicious on salads or for dipping veg into, is simply making a compliant version of a favorite food that doesn't have unhealthy psychological association. What do you traditionally eat ranch on? Salad and veg. To me, making a compliant version of mayo/ranch falls in the category of making oven baked fries. Yes, there are noncompliant versions, but that doesn't mean we can't make a compliant version. (And the fries are different from pancakes because they still resemble the veggie they came from, and they're not deep fried.)


Also...mayo is a good, simple way to add more good fat to your plate. (And it can fix some cooking sins, like when you accidentally roast the brussels sprouts too long  :rolleyes: ). 


So in answer to question 1: Yes, add more fat. Cooking fat tends to stay in the pan, unless you're dumping it on your plate after cooking.

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I usually add more fat to my meal, it really helps!!!


I personally see the difference between mayo and paleo pancakes as this- Traditionally mayo was made in a way that was compliant, Egg, oil, acid, salt, spices, but it is cheaper to mass produce and has a better shelf life with all the extras. So I don't feel like it's "Paleofied" in any way, just making it the old way (my great grandmother used to make it by hand this way)


As for the pancakes, I think it is the psychological aspect as well.... technically compliant, but not addressing the relationship with food part of Whole 30. The food part as fuel is the easier part of the whole 30 for me (still a challenge), it was addressing my relationship with foods that had me put in a lot of effort. 


For me, eating "Paleofied" baked goods and the like would not have helped my address the relationship with food that I have. I would just be "rewarding" myself still with food, even though compliant. 


But that's just my $0.02  


Day 24.... really day 24...


I made myself spaghettia squash with meatballs, roasted veggies and roasted garlic basil homemade sauce... it is the first time I made my own sauce and it came out great!!!!


Keep up the hard work folks, we are almost there!!!

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Thanks for the responses to my questions!  Interesting food for thought...pun intended.  LOL.  I personally do no like ranch dressing so I don't eat it on anything and I couldn't tell you the last time I had a pancake, "paleofied" or regular, so neither of those foods are problem for me.  I was just curious about the thought process.


That being said, I do know several people who have an unhealthy attachment to ranch dressing, who would probably have an easier time giving up pancakes than ranch, but maybe they are the minority.


Thanks for confirming my thought that cooking fat is not enough to satisfy the fat requirement.  I guess I just wanted to be sure I wasn't eating too much fat, even though it is all healthy fat.


Spaghetti squash with meatballs sounds amazing to me right now!  I'm going to have to go get a spaghetti squash.  :)

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@ TracyA... it is interesting to see how people view all the different aspects of this process... I enjoy hearing how people think about the different foods an the "why" behind it... and I agree there are some people who Love ranch as much as some love pancakes.... 


Oh and the spaghetti squash was so good... it's the first time I have had anything resembling traditonal spaghetti since my first whole 30 in Nov 2014.... I love spaghetti and is a FWB for me, so I was hesitant with the spaghetti squash being a little SWYPO for me, but it was even better than the tradiotnal spaghetti... I remember why I loved it so much as a kid...I bet if I ate traditional spaghetti now, it would taste way too sweet....



My husband made me lovely pork chops last night for dinner... so good... Cannot believe it is day 25 already... this whole 30 is flying by!!!

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@ TracyA... it is interesting to see how people view all the different aspects of this process... I enjoy hearing how people think about the different foods an the "why" behind it... and I agree there are some people who Love ranch as much as some love pancakes.... 


Oh and the spaghetti squash was so good... it's the first time I have had anything resembling traditonal spaghetti since my first whole 30 in Nov 2014.... I love spaghetti and is a FWB for me, so I was hesitant with the spaghetti squash being a little SWYPO for me, but it was even better than the tradiotnal spaghetti... I remember why I loved it so much as a kid...I bet if I ate traditional spaghetti now, it would taste way too sweet....



My husband made me lovely pork chops last night for dinner... so good... Cannot believe it is day 25 already... this whole 30 is flying by!!!

We love using spaghetti squash instead of pasta. I like to make spicy Italian meatballs for the sauce......so yummy.

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For my reintro, I am going to resume eating most things over time except for dairy.  I will stick to a Whole30/Paleo lifestyle during the week and be more relaxed on the weekends.  This has been an interesting challenge for me, in that it wasn't hard to accomplish the goals I set out for myself (more protein, quitting mindless snacking, eating larger meals that actually left me satiated for hours).  What I find harder is the fact that there are times I have been busy, and my husband is ordering sushi, and I couldn't partake in that.  It's made me think- what's really wrong with sushi once or twice a month?  Or what's wrong with Thai food once a month?  We rarely eat out, and rarely order in, we only do it when we have both had long weeks at work and just.need.a.break.  To me, I see that as life, and then the next day I can resume my more structured eating.

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For me I am probably going to add back in things like Ketchup and maybe some dairy here and there.. Prior to going off the rails during the holidays, I was living a 90/10 Dino Chow life. I really needed this whole 30 to reming myself how great I feel without the grains and how much better my body feels without them.


I will admit to having the feeling that I had before finishing my First whole 30... that, OMG what am i going to do without rules... Between my first and second ones I hadn't gone back into the SAD, so after my second one it didn't seem too bad... and I was doing well eating like that for over a year.. so i know I can do it... I just need to reset my mind again... I really went WAY off track during the holidays this time around and I gotta wrap my brain around the fact that I can do it without all the rules.... :)  

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