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I'm on day 19 and still struggling with constipation. Last week I started eating a low FODMAP diet plus whole 30. It's been helping with stomach pain and bloating but not regularity. Last week I had a BM 3 days in a row which was awesome! But right now struggling with no BM for 4 days now :/ I really don't know what to do at this point. Wait for things to get better and trust the process or start taking digestive enzymes or probiotics. Considering buying these but I don't know if they'll help or what you guys think: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000GFSVPU/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A01750182121WPTMEL9O2

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Bowel movements pretty much just happen if you add the right ingredients to your gut for long enough... The missing ingredients are often enough water, enough fat, enough food in general. Sweet potato is a good veggie to add for supporting good bowel movements. 


I have become a fan of taking a good probiotic supplement even when you are eating great meals. 

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My last 4 days consisted of pretty much the same food:

Breakfast: 2 or 3egg scramble with veggies(zucchini,tomato, kale, spinach, red pepper) procuitto. Ripe banana/or blueberries/raspberries or pineapple

Lunch: fresh salad or sautéed vegetable( spinach, kale, carrot, cucumber, tomato, pepper, radish) with ranch if fresh or sautéed in avo oil. Usually eat with acorn squash and chicken(with skin on for extra fat) usually have a fruit listed above.

Dinner: canned salmon/tuna with Mayo, paired with cucumbers and tomatoes and acorn squash. Usually a fruit as well

Eliminating high FODMAP foods right now.

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As of right now im going to start drinkng about 5oz of GTs kombucha before each meal and see how that goes. I also purchased these probiotics: http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Bounty-Advanced-Probiotic-Capsules/dp/B00A4QBLC6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1453397241&sr=8-2&keywords=natures+bounty+probiotic+10#customerReviews

and just want to make sure they are compliant and if taking them would be a good decision for my digestive issues. I also came across these and was wondering which one you would recommend more. http://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Ultimate-Care-100-Garden-Life/dp/B00AR0ENJ2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1453397612&sr=8-2&keywords=raw+probiotics+garden+of+life


Doctor also told me I'm lacking vitamin D so thinking of taking that, Magnesium and a digestive enzyme. Hoping these supplements will help. But I want to know that this is ok.



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