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Eggless Whole30?


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When I breastfed my daughter she had a cows milk protein intolerance and was getting dairy through my milk. So I cut out all dairy products to make her better. She was instantly a new baby with no rashes or sickness. I had glowing skin and felt great which I put down to breastfeeding. Once I stopped my adult acne came back.

My dr recommended I do a food intolerance test 'yorktest' to determine if my skin could be related to a food intolerance.

My results.......top of the list I have a huge intolerance to cows milk. With egg yolk and white following. Also chilli Pepper and yeast. I already figured out yeast years ago.

Then moderate sensitivity to sesame seeds and gluten.

So I'm petrified of giving up eggs. I always eat them. But I a really want to give it a go and get rid of this adult acne I've had for 15years.

So looking for recipes online I kept coming across Paleo recipes. I've been read Robb Wolfs book and I've decided to give Paleo a go.

Do you think whole30 will be too restrictive without egg?

I just need to overcome the obstacle of breakfast and not having eggs.

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It can be done - I have egg sensitivities as well. I can tolerate eggs once in a while, but not everyday.  Google Whole 30 eggless breakfast and you should have some options provided for you.


Please stay away from the eggless breakfasts that list only fruit and nuts as ingredients - these are not good options for breakfast, and will not give you a great whole 30 experience.

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Many people do whole30 without eggs.

It's going to be very important for you to wrap your mind around the fact that breakfast is not some special meal with special "breakfast" foods, but just another meal, in which you eat protein, fat, and vegetables. Google whole30 no egg breakfast to find a lot of past discussions on this.

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It can be done. I do not have an intolerance to eggs, I just don't enjoy them and prefer not to eat them. My husband and I did our first whole30 last Feb with great success! My biggest tip would be just to plan and prepare what you are going to enjoy the day or night before. And yes, embrace the idea of something other than breakfast foods for breakfast.....who says we can't enjoy a bowl of chili or some fish!

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