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Anaphylaxis after Whole 30

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I recently completed the January whole 30, but failed to do the reintroduction properly (poor planning on my behalf). However yesterday, almost a month later I had an anaphylaxis reaction to what we think was an antibiotic. I was just curious if anyone has had a whole30 reveal such a serious allergic reaction to food, antibiotics, etc. I'd say that since completing the whole30 my diet has stayed close to whole30 but not 100% compliment. I am seeing an allergist next week, and planning on starting another whole30 immediately in order to be more strict with what I'm putting into my body.

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Is it an antibiotic you've had before? I have a friend who is allergic to most antibiotics (penicillin), you may find this info helpful: http://www.healthdirect.gov.au/allergic-reactions-to-antibiotics If penicillin is an issue for you, be aware it can be an added ingredient, even if it's not the "active ingredient", a good chemist you can trust is important if you have medication reactions.


I had a really extreme reaction (not anaphylaxis) to one (long before Whole30) and found for that particular one, extreme reactions are quite common but although very uncomfortable and unpleasant, it's not actually dangerous, causes no long term damage. It's very good at what it does, fixed what I took it for (which was very serious), just made me violently ill too.

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