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Organic Apple Cider


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On the homestretch of the Whole 30 - today is Day 24. I'm so used to eating this way and find I am not hungry anymore. This weekend I will be attending an Organic Fall Festival featuring organic meats,

eggs, veggies with lots of free samples. They will be having Organic pressed on-site apple cider.

Can I drink this??

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The moderators discourage juice. One of them calls it "natures candy". They are okay with using it as an ingredient in a recipe, but not just to drink. You could always tip a little in your mouth and then discreetly get rid of it back in the cup (I can totally see myself doing this and getting caught), but I think I'd just pass this year. I'm sure others would say a little taste is okay, but I'm always on the strict side.

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Probably would be best to skip the cider.

I am not in the middle of a Whole30 right now, but still staying pretty much compliant. if I really wanted a taste of cider now, I would just add an ounce or two to a glass of water. Then I could enjoy the flavor a bit without a huge sugar rush. I do this occasionally when we have juice in our house. In fact I am getting ready to add a little splash of grapefruit juice to my Natural Calm. Miss my red wine, but this combo is actually pretty good before bed...

Have fun at the fall festival! There is a big one here at a local farm on Sunday but I am not sure we can fit it in this weekend. :(

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My opinion? In this situation, drink the damn cider.

We discourage juice as a regular part of your daily diet, because (a) it's liquid calories, and (B) it's mostly sugar, with the pulp, fiber, skin, and valuable nutrients stripped out of the final product. But in this circumstance - a special occasion, a social festivity, and homemade, freshly pressed cider, I would absolutely have some. And some may mean a small glass, or two glasses, or just a few sips - that's up to you.

As long as you're not experiencing massive sugar withdrawal to the degree that some apple juice is going to send you running for the nearest fried dough stand, I'd say there are zero negative consequences in this particular context.

Best - and enjoy!


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Well, I went to the Organic Fall Festival on Saturday and it was so much fun! I did have the cider, just a small glass...and it was the most delicious cider I have ever had, hand pressed in an old cider making "contraption" from the early 1900's. The dinner was delicious and everything fit into the Whole30 plan. Grilled organic chicken strips on sticks served with a spicy thai almond butter dipping sauce, grilled steak strips on skewers with a chimicurri sauce made from cilantro, basil, olive oil and spices. A roasted butternut squash soup and a yummy green beans side dish with leaks and cranberries and roasted onions. I passed up the beautiful roasted potatoes with fresh rosemary. There was pumpkin pie and apple crisp with almonds for desert.

I passed on the pumpkin pie, but had the apple crisp/almonds and took off the oatmeal topping. Organic coffee finished the meal.

It was a spectacular fall day with temps in the low 70's as we were surrounded by the gorgeous fall colors outside in a beautiful valley (Western Wisconsin) while sitting on hay bales, eating this gourmet organic dinner while the sun set. Perfect!

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