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Breakfast woes on Day 3


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I feel like I am doing really well, I made some changes last year so havent been struggling too much with lack of sugar but I am starting to get really stressed out about breakfasts. I have always needed to eat as soon as my feet touch the floor and there are so many foods that make me feel ill just thinking about them first thing, basically anything savoury turns my stomach. Any suggestions to get through this. I love all eggs and veges and have many great recipes to get me through the day but I just cant face any of them first thing. For the last year I have been eating low sugar crackers and cheese and a fruit smoothie.

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The only way I"ve ever known to get over not wanting savory things for breakfast is to eat savory things for breakfast.

It might be rough the first couple days but you just make a template meal, eat as much as you can physically stomach, wrap it up and eat from it again as soon as you can (as in, as soon as you aren't feeling sick... not as soon as you're hungry).

You can easily do bland savory things for breakfast and work your way to seasonings... plain scrambled eggs with salt and some roasted veggies?

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How about some kind of a korma? Sweet from the coconut, yet savoury with the protein element...

Or a sweet & sour might work - that way you could include some fruit within the recipe.

Either way, as SugarCube has said, the only way to get over it is to face up to it, and just do it, until it become your new normal.

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