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Starting April 25. Anyone else?


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Anyone not sleeping still? I ate dinner around 6:30 and have been unable to get to sleep. I need to be up in five hours. Ugh!

I found when I wasn't sleeping because I had so much more energy now that when I just finally went and laid down that I actually immediately fell asleep. I just needed to lay down and let my body know it was time to go to bed. I don't know if this helps or not. Good luck. 

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Yippee Day 22! It is nice to be receiving compliments from people that notice a change in my appearance and skin. I got my hair cut over the weekend and my hairstylist noticed how I have lost weight, my skin looks better, my hair is healthier and when she washed my hair that I lost no hair. I also noticed this not happening this morning after the shower. When combing out my hair there was no hair in my hand or on the comb when combing it out while it was wet like I am used to. I see my dimples back in my cheeks on my face since it is thinning out and keep noticing more and more changes in my body. 


I went to a BBQ over the weekend. For dessert they had fresh pineapple slices and blueberries. I have never been a big fan of fruit. I tried the pineapple because that I figured wouldn't be too bad. I couldn't believe how sweet it was. It was like candy. I asked my friends if this was how pineapple normally tastes if there was something different about this pineapple. I have tried it before and do not recall it tasting like that at all. They said it was normal. I couldn't believe how candy-like it was now that I was sugar free for 20 days at that point. I think I should try some other fruits before this is over. Perhaps I will like other fruits now if I try them at this time. Before a lot of them tasted too sour to me. I bet they wouldn't now. 


My only concern is that I had a lot more energy from this process during the first two weeks then I am now. One of my big issues before this was needing to take naps. As soon this started that stopped. Over the past week I have been getting tired again at work during the day and have taken two naps again. When I nap it is serious. Yesterday I took a nap from 3pm to 6pm. Then I couldn't go back to sleep until midnight. I don't like that this is happening. 


I also am still dealing with craving soda for the past week. I wish that would stop. Soda was a big problem for me before. I was so surprised it wasn't an issue at the beginning and now the third week in I want one everyday after work or if I see some other random times. Maybe it has to do with my cycle. I would definitely crave things around that. Fingers crossed that is what it is. If so, perhaps that craving will pass as that happens. If so, then this will just be another learning process along the way. Maybe that also ties into me being tired. 


Good luck everyone! I hope everyone has hung in there. We are almost done and to the next phase. I am looking forward to continuing this healthy eating as a way of life with just bringing a some things back into my life that I really miss. 

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Not much time left!!! Still here! Some days are easier than others. I know I'll finish this since I'm just so close and unwilling to fail. Of course, I do have to buy someone my favorite birthday pie tomorrow, which will be very hard to not share a slice! But pie will still exist in another 8 days... I'm amazed at how I have been able to not have sugar for 22 days when I am a sweets freak! I'll really have to figure out how to have many more sugar-free days in the future (and balance that with still having my favorite pie sometimes). Come on guys- home stretch!!!

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Hi all, I'm glad you have this thread. I just joined the forums but I started my W30 on April 25.

Today I'm dealing with strep throat. It's miserable. The hardest thing is that it came out of nowhere so I was completely unprepared. Luckily I had some frozen homemade chicken broth and had leftover chicken from last week. I hope the antibiotics kick in because the slippery elm bark tea is not quite enough to smooth the soreness.

ctgraham what you said about pie still existing in 8 days has been my mantra.

Good luck everyone and hang in there!

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So happy to read we're all still in it!  I love reading everyone's posts about their progress and are so very happy to be amongst such a determined group.  It's Day 23 and going so fast that I can hardly keep up with the days.  Honestly........I believe that's all the more reason not to stop here.  I have at least 50 pounds I want to lose but even more of a reason is how I am feeling.  I wouldn't trade this for the world!  I am ready to make this a W60.  At this point in the game I can't imagine re-introducing anything back.  I feel that I'm just not ready to ride my own bike.  I think another 30 will re-affirm these good habits.  My hubby on the other hand is very willing to eat the way I eat but he does want to re-introduce.  I will oblige him in that :).  I've read a couple more posts here of considerations to continue going.  I am ALL in and in fact have committed already.  The ones of us who do this I think we should keep this same thread as it has our precious start date as a title :)!  Hang tough my friends. 

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Hi all! Still going really well here! Will be going past 30 days if anyone wants to continue on with me!

I am having a treat on Monday (day 31) and continuing on for another round!

I don't feel I'm ready to ride my 'own bike' either lol and feel pretty darn good. 

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I think it is funny how much I look forward to my salad everyday at lunch now. Yummy yummy yummy! :) 


If you haven't made the Asian dressing in the book yet I do recommend it but with a couple tweaks. I cut the oil in half and doubled most of the other ingredients. I find that most of their dressings are too oily for me and have better flavor if I cut down on the oil and add more of the other ingredients. You should see the notes I have written all over my book in my ingredients. That seems to be the theme, less oil and more of the other ingredients. 

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Hi crew! I loved catching up on your posts. Congratulations on making it this far and taking command of your health in such a meaningful way. My roommate and I in Alaska are on Day 23 (one day behind you guys) and are going strong. My sister's graduation in Syracuse, NY was this weekend and I packed all my own food for the two days of flying, both days. Quite proud of this. Honestly, cooking and learning how to incorporate fresh, real foods into my diet as been the best part. And yes, my stomach is flatter, my skin is glowy, my runs are easier. But it pales in comparison to how tasty the past three weeks have been. At my parents house, I found a carton of cherry tomatoes and took such pleasure popping them in my moth. They were sweet and whole. Nature's candy. I wasn't thinking about anything else. The hardest part? Navigating restaurants. This weekend was riddled with non-Whole30 potholes - from Chinese dumplings to German pretzels to Danish desserts. I adhered to the program as best I could, but am sure some non-compliant cooking oils and added sugar snuck in there. Trying not to feel too guilty about this. I'm aiming for honesty and effort, not absolute perfection. I'm also considering keeping close to the Whole30 lifestyle for a few weeks more, to extend some of these benefits. Do any of you veterans have experience with reintroduction - either the slow kind or the fast kind? Which did you prefer?

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Today is def a struggle. I actually gagged trying to finish my sweet potatoes this morning lol. Nothing 'sounds good' but I decided sausage and eggs for dinner would please my tummy. Just a little blip in what has otherwise been an awesome experience. 

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I'm feeling GREAT!!!!!!!!! Today was my last day at work...I'm moving back to DC, and I'm very excited to do so with my new eating habits. I HAD to have lost at least 10 lbs. That's not what it's all about...but I'm astonished by how clothes are fitting me now. Gah! If I do another round of this I may just get back to where I was this time last year. I haven't been working out at all, so I can't wait to incorporate that into my daily habits once I move. I was diagnosed with a labral tear in my right hip, which halted my gym activities. Things are feeling much, much better...and I think that with continued rehab and a slow reentry into the gym, I may see some real transformations mentally and physically.


My co-workers put together a big goodbye surprise (that was such a surprise I scheduled a meeting at the same time they planned the celebration, lol...whoops!) and they got a WIDE array of cupcakes. I mean...every kind of cupcake you can imagine was right there on that table. Red velvet, banana cream, s'mores, chocolate-chocolate, lavender and vanilla, etc, etc, etc. There were like fifty cupcakes!! I DID NOT HAVE OR EVEN TOY WITH THE IDEA OF HAVING ONE! I felt bad, because it was for me...but everyone understood. And I've already had to tell some colleagues that I've changed my eating habits to explain myself at group outings, so they had my back.


I'm feeling pretty great today, honestly. There's so much happening in my life right now, but I'm really glad that I committed to this.

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Yesterday was our health fair for work and also where I had to do the annual blood drawl with them so that my deductible will stay lower in our new upcoming fiscal year change on July 1st. They measure your height, weight, body fat, etc. I wasn't going to look but I couldn't resist after awhile. After all, I didn't break the rule by weighing myself it was required for my job and I can accept this since it is not a food related issue at this point. The book often says be an adult and make your own decision about things so I did. Anyways, I have lost 15 pounds. I am so happy about this! This is really going to help me stay focused through these last few days which I need as I have a birthday party to go to this weekend and several social gatherings. I cannot wait to see the blood work results now! I did a blood panel right before I started this and my triglycerides and cholesterol were higher than they should have been. I am so excited to see if they have come down as well. 


It has been great seeing all of your posts. I am looking forward to keeping this way of eating as a part of my lifestyle in many ways. Have a great weekend everyone! We are almost to the end of stage one, congratulations almost graduates!  :D

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Last night I was hanging with some friends. I brought my own dinner - pork, a vegetable stir fry mix, and avocado. Then one of my friends broke out a fresh bar of nice chocolate, and offered it to everyone. She was so apologetic to me because she knew I couldn't have any, but I really didn't want any. It was just amusing to me that she couldn't seem to grasp the fact that I didn't want any chocolate, or any of the other food she offered me - cheese, guacamole, whatever. I just could not convince her that my meal had satiated me, and I was content with not snacking. It's that kind of situation that makes me realize what a stark difference where I was before and where I am now. I am a little nervous about backsliding into old habits though. I don't want to leave the Whole30 cocoon! 

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I found when I wasn't sleeping because I had so much more energy now that when I just finally went and laid down that I actually immediately fell asleep. I just needed to lay down and let my body know it was time to go to bed. I don't know if this helps or not. Good luck.

I think this is such a great lesson.... often times we CAN be awake and alert more hours in the day and the energy we have gives us that opportunity but knowing that as soon as you stop, do your bedtime routine and lay down, your body knows what to do... that's powerful!

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Yesterday was our health fair for work and also where I had to do the annual blood drawl with them so that my deductible will stay lower in our new upcoming fiscal year change on July 1st. They measure your height, weight, body fat, etc. I wasn't going to look but I couldn't resist after awhile. After all, I didn't break the rule by weighing myself it was required for my job and I can accept this since it is not a food related issue at this point. The book often says be an adult and make your own decision about things so I did. Anyways, I have lost 15 pounds. I am so happy about this! This is really going to help me stay focused through these last few days which I need as I have a birthday party to go to this weekend and several social gatherings. I cannot wait to see the blood work results now! I did a blood panel right before I started this and my triglycerides and cholesterol were higher than they should have been. I am so excited to see if they have come down as well. 


It has been great seeing all of your posts. I am looking forward to keeping this way of eating as a part of my lifestyle in many ways. Have a great weekend everyone! We are almost to the end of stage one, congratulations almost graduates!  :D


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Today is day 28! There are no words to describe how much better I feel and look. Just as I've read my body composition has really changed, my attitudes, my tastes...just everything. The hubs and I felt that we needed to at least try the restaurant experience as that's going to be an issue long term We both would much rather cook at home but we needed to do this. Our special orders just for bare salad and steak took us 50 minutes to get the food. It was exact and perfect when we got it and we tipped well however we just don't care to do it again. We love Whole Foods stores now and very surprisingly my gear-head hubby gets in their and preps with me. It's just been great! Weigh day is Wednesday but honestly I'm not sure I will weigh. It's just not a big deal the way it used to be. I definitely have decided to go right into a W60 without stopping. Going to keep my training wheels a while longer. The hubs is going to take the Slow Roll in to re-introduction. Keep it up everyone and please post your victories on Day 31. I'm so excited for us all.

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So definitely continuing past Tuesday or whenever 30 days is. And.... drum roll, tomorrow I'm going back to the gym after a year long hiatus! I have everything prepped so I can just throw my clothes on, eat my prewod meal, grab all my bags and jump in the car. I've missed it and I'm excited (a little anxious and nervous) but happy to get back to it!

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I went out with my NYC family last night. These boys have been with me through the ups, the downs, and the in betweens while I've made a life for myself in this crazy town. We've also been a drinking bunch. (A HEAVY drinking bunch!) Anyway, we went to one of my favorite places...a restaurant in Hell's Kitchen where we are regulars. I stuck to W30 like a champ. I did not drink, and while they all had seven rounds (SEVEN!!) I enjoyed my club soda with a twist. It was weird to be the sober one, and one thing I noticed was that it was kind of hilarious to see how they get after so many drinks. I might actually like being the only one sober after a night out drinking. I've never noticed how goofy they get. I also never noticed just how bossy one of my friends gets, which was kind of weird to see. And upon reflecting, I think that we all just fall in line to appease him, but last night I wasn't really having it. That was nice--to stand up for myself and my boundaries.

They continued on to get pizza after four hours holding  down the bar (total drunk people decision making), and I decided to head back home instead of go along with the group. I had a nice healthy dinner early into the evening (the grilled chicken, peppers and onion skewers without the signature aioli sauce, grilled asparagus, and pureed sweet potatoes), and that held me over.


It was a good night, and I found that I can hang out and be me and make smart choices about what I put into my body.


All is well!!


Two days to go.


(I have to admit, while I plan to continue with Whole 30, I am looking forward to having at least one glass of wine or champagne on day 31...I've just completed grad school and I'm moving to another city after being in New York for so long. I've been putting off toasting the next chapter of my life with close friends and loved ones, and I'm planning one last send off for Wednesday evening. I don't see myself having more than one round, but I feel like I can't leave without toasting my time in the Big Apple.)

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Day 29! Yoo-hoo! Cannot believe 30 days are almost gone. I've learned a lot about some bad habits that I had/have. I'm going on vacation to wine country in a few weeks, so will not directly continue on with program.

I am going to do another round, but want to shift the focus. I was compliant the whole 30 days, but want to eat more balanced meals and rely less on potatoes. I used almost daily, switching between white and sweet potatoes.

Snacking (boredom) is still an issue and is shaping up to be a stronger addiction than I anticipated. I eat cashews with fruit when the cravings hit during the four hours I lay awake trying to fall asleep.

About a week ago, I started drinking 8+ glasses of water consistently and want to keep this forward.

I was also lethargic for most of the program. I plan to get my lab work done so I will know if medication needs to be adjusted. If medication needs to be changed and energy comes back, hopefully this will motivate me to work out more. Not sure if this is a chicken and egg thing.

Day 30 here we come!

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Wow my Whole 30 was almost blown yesterday! I was at a birthday party for a friend. I brought a veggie tray with the sunshine sauce and roasted red pepper sauce (both recipes from the book). Everyone loved the sauces, especially the roasted red pepper.


There was in typical fashion a ton of food at this party and two cakes. I am just happy I brought these things because there was literally nothing there I could eat at this party. Then I saw a bowl of fruit. Yea, something I could eat besides my veggies. There was this one friend there who had eaten three servings of it by the time I decided to try some. She couldn't stop talking about how good it was. Since I am not a big fruit fan I figured, good, if this is so fresh & yummy perhaps I will like these now to. Another pineapple experience (this is in reference to a previous post).


Anyways, I put a scoop of fruit on my plate. I was waiting for a fork to come from the kitchen. In the interim the person who brought the fruit was discussing it with my friend who couldn't stop eating it. All of a sudden I catch her say honey. I was like "WHAT WAS THAT!?! Did you say there is honey on here?" I was a second away from putting that fruit into my mouth and Day 29 turning into Day 1 all over again. I couldn't believe it. I thanked her for having said that in that exact moment. I asked if I could put the fruit back in the bowl since I hadn't touched it yet but the one friend eating all the fruit offered to take it for a fourth serving. 


I am so thankful for divine timing that saved me from that almost horrible mistake yesterday which would have resulted in starting all over again on what is thankfully still Day 29. Whew! 


With that said, my biggest take away from the whole party was in regards to the desserts. There were two beautiful desserts there. One lemon cake and one super gooey chocolate cake. While I am a fan of both flavors I have always been a chocolate girl all my life. This is what surprised me most though about yesterday. In the past when I have gone to events like this and those items are there I could smell them before I could see them. I would then even have a taste for them in my mouth before I ever got to eat them and look forward to that part of the evening. Which I am sure always led to me having a bigger piece than I ever should have. At the party yesterday, I never smelled these desserts. I noticed them when I got there but then put them out of my mind. I knew they weren't for me and that was it. I then again, like I said, never smelled them, not even when they cut them both up and everyone around me was eating them. It didn't bother me when everyone was talking them and how good they were. This really surprised me about the chocolate cake especially. I was totally fine not having any. Someone even said to me "Are you going to go out and have a big piece of cake on Day 31?" I told them "No. I am actually not interested. Maybe some rice."  :) I still miss rice but even that has gotten less. 


It was also really nice to see that the one dish that was totally wiped clean was my roasted red pepper sauce. It's nice to see people fussing over something so healthy for them. 

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Day 30!! We did it. I'm extremely low on funds, and find this 'diet' costs me a lot more in groceries. So I will be attempting to follow what what food I have on hand and going back full force next Wednesday. Congrats to everyone who stuck it out :)

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Yahooooo! We are at the finish line. So proud of all of us!!! I recently discovered something really cool. I was reviewing various stats from my Fitbit and took a look at my resting heart rate for the past 6 weeks. Prior to W30, my resting HR was consistently in the low 70s. Each week on W30, it came down a few beats every week, and as of now, my resting heart rate is 59!!! Didn't change my work outs, just my food. So, it seems to me our hearts don't have to work as hard just because of the foods we've been eating. And, my sleep quality and quantity have both improved. Very eager to weigh in tomorrow, but need to remind myself that even if I haven't lost as much I wanted to (likely can point to nuts, coconut, and increased meat consumption), I can tell I've lost something. And I also learned that all those folks who will continue drinking their coffee black, or with coconut milk or oil- I AM NOT ONE OF THEM! Every day for the past 30 days, I tried my coffee various ways. I will be adding sugar (hopefully, much less) again since I never came to appreciate it W30-approved. A lot of the recipes, however, I will continue to prepare. I really think I've made progress on what I actually want to eat. Go, us!!!  :)

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Day 30!! We did it. I'm extremely low on funds, and find this 'diet' costs me a lot more in groceries. So I will be attempting to follow what what food I have on hand and going back full force next Wednesday. Congrats to everyone who stuck it out :)

I don't know about where you live but here in Montana our Farmer's Markets just started up again a couple weeks ago. This is perfect timing. It has allowed me to continue to eat healthy for less money. I will continue to do so throughout the summer now with all of these great new recipes. I am really excited about this summer because of Whole 30 now. Also check online and see if Bountiful Baskets is available in your area. They are something I use as well. You participate the weeks you want and they are an affordable option as well. They have a FaceBook page to. It is very helpful for when you get something in your basket you are not familiar with. Best of luck to you. 

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