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So sick tonight...

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I'm on the tail end of Day 4,its almost day 5, and I'm up with horrible indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea every 20 mins, I have a bad cold and headache that won't quit... I know I'm eating enough etc so is this just my body adjusting?! Because this is awful, I feel awful, and I'm really feeling discouraged :(

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I have no idea if you have a bug, besides a cold, or not, but this could just be your body detoxing. What was your eating like prior to starting? Moderators will ask you to post a day or two of meals.

Please keep with it. You will feel terrible for a few days, but that may just be showing you how much you need it. I finished my 30 this week and feel so much better!

Make sure you read the timeline. It helped me a lot! http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/

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So for breakfast today I had 4 eggs sunny side up, a yam grated and sautéed with ghee and onions, topped with homemade salsa and half an avocado.... I think I've been feeling gross because I have been finding everything very fatty. Normally, I eat healthy fats but not nearly as much and it's been hard to choke down :(

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Do you feel better this morning or are you still sick to your pants? It would be easier to see why you might have felt yuck last night if we see what you ate last night... if this meal made you feel ill as well, it could either be that you're coming down with something, or you might want to investigate FODMAPS... avocado and onions are high on the list and they can cause problems for people...

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What are FODMAPS? I see those mentioned and I'm not sure what they're referring to.

I feel better this morning but I've noticed once I start eating I lose my appetite completely and have to choke my food down, I think because everything is just so fatty to me from how I normally ate- I very rarely ate fat other than in homemade dressings or for sautéing foods.

Yesterday I had:

M1: Yams baked with olive oil and salt topped with 3 eggs scrambled with ghee,and sautéed vegetables (kinda like a hash) topped with avocado and salsa

M2: sirloin burger (compliant) topped with homemade garlic mayo and 2 eggs soft over easy, served with a whole pan of roasted veg (peppers, asparagus, mushrooms) drizzled with sunshine sauce

I couldn't eat dinner as I was sick to my stomach but managed to have a bit of fruit with coconut cream later on, and I kept that down.

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Maybe try eating more food like fats instead of the ghee and mayo? Olives are high in fat but they're more of a 'vegetable' than something like mayo which might be too creamy... altho if you're eating fruit and coconut cream, that's fatty/creamy also so...

Here's a good link to what fodmaps are... this one mentions how it triggers IBS but even those without IBS can have problems with them and avocado, garlic, onions are major culprits...


Here's the whole30 low fodmap grocery list to give you an idea of better, best, limit and avoid... I"m not saying that you do have a fodmap sensitivity and it could be that you're just eating more of one thing that your body can tolerate in smaller quantities over time... all good information to try and help


You can probably cut down on your fat a bit too... I see two or three fats with each meal... which is totally fine but if it's giving you problems, you might try taking off the avocado? Its on the fodmap list also.... you need your meals to keep you for 4-5 hours, so fat definitely plays a part but if you find your meals are keeping you much longer, you might need to adjust the balance.

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Also, sorry but the fact that you can eat sweet things (fruit and coconut milk) tells me that maybe this is your hormones being off... our bodies can almost ALWAYS process and find room for sugar and when out of balance, tend to sometimes throw a hissy fit when given fuel that is harder for it to use...

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That would make sense if I ate crappy before this, but I haven't. I eat a LOT of fruit and vegetables generally, I've always eaten to balance my macronutrients, it's just that things like a whole egg before was counted as a protein and as a fat (the yolk is fat, the white is the protein) . So adding fat to an egg meal seems like excessive fat for me and it's hard to choke down.

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I remember around day 12 I felt like the fat was seeping from my pours. I love fat, but for a while it seemed like it was even too much for me. This sorted itself out after the second week.

I had my gall bladder removed years ago, so I decided to try digestive enzymes to help digest the fat. I made sure ox bile was in the ingredients. It has made a world of difference.

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That would make sense if I ate crappy before this, but I haven't. I eat a LOT of fruit and vegetables generally, I've always eaten to balance my macronutrients, it's just that things like a whole egg before was counted as a protein and as a fat (the yolk is fat, the white is the protein) . So adding fat to an egg meal seems like excessive fat for me and it's hard to choke down.


I rarely added fat to meals where eggs were my primary protein (other than the little bit of cooking oil that stuck to the food) and I was fine, not hungry for 4-5 hours as recommended. You have to play around with it a little and find what works for you


Starting a Whole30 is generally a big change for anyone, even if they tended to eat very healthily before. You've said in other posts that you often have Greek yogurt. Just cutting out dairy, even if you'd already been off grains and legumes and added sugar/sweeteners, is going to be a big thing both physically and mentally, so it makes perfect sense that your body's out of whack. 


If it feels like it's just too much fat, cut back a little and see if you're still satiated for the 4-5 hours. 

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