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Days 3 + 4: So, this is still the worst. Plus, I'm supposed to go to a brewery.

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Honestly, I have no idea how how I'm writing this right now, especially after a full (okay, half) day of work. My eyes have stopped focusing on the screen, my head is full of cotton and all I can think about is another glass of ice water because it's all my body seems to want (along with pizza, but I'm pretty sure that's not on the "Approved Foods" list).


This is my second time doing the Whole 30 and boy was I spoiled the first time. Three years ago, my personal trainer cousin introduced me to the plan. I read through everything on the website and planned my shopping list. I spent one week eating healthier in general (yogurt, beans and grains included) before diving in. I never hit this groggy, fatigued wall that I'm dealing with now. Truthfully, I thought it was a myth. And now I'm eating my words, along with kale, almonds and blueberries (not together, that'd be a weird meal).


Why am I a cotton-headed, exhausted, somewhat-confused Whole 30-er? Probably because this time around, I decided on-the-spot to give the plan another go while I was elbows-deep in a Chinese food and craft beer binge. I started, as I promised myself, the next day. Yesterday.


Ahh, yesterday. The day started off well. As soon as I took my first sip of black coffee, I knew I was serious about this. I went for a walk, had a delicious breakfast and sat down to work. I was full until lunchtime, when I made myself another healthy plate. Then around 3 p.m., I was ready for a snack...and bed...and an Ibuprofen. As if set by a timer, the nightmare that is Whole 30, Day 1 set in at the dreaded 3 o'clock on the dot.


I tried to focus my eyes on my phone long enough to Google something along the lines of, "Whole 30, day 1, awful." This is apparently a totally normal reaction to starting the program - albeit one I skipped entirely the first time - and I have nothing to worry about. I do, however, have articles to read that I don't understand, articles to write that I can't find the words for and a hunger that no amount of salad will curb. Thank God for the lack of portion and volume control on this plan, or else I'd be eating my desk right now. I'm kidding. I'd be eating a pizza.


I'm about to run out of veggies, but I have enough food to get me to tomorrow, when hopefully I'll feel like a human again and can trust myself to drive a car. Until then, I'll be curled up on my couch, a huge bottle of water in hand, Ibuprofen beside me, The Bachelorette on TV, whining that everything feels weird.


To all my fellow Whole 30 beginners, I feel ya. This sucks. Stick with it.


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Congratulations on the decision to do this again!


I'm starting my second time through the Whole 30 today, and (thankfully) am not feeling the same feelings as you.  My first time through the program was so successful, I extended it to about 40 days before I transitioned back into everyday foods.  But the program really did change how I look at food, and evaluate everything I eat.  I've completely cut out sodas, other high-sugar drinks, and all the junk food.  I've significantly cut down my dairy and cheese intake as well.


Because the first time around changed my diet for the better, I'm hoping that this second time through will not be as hectic as the first.  Although, when I look back and remember that I lost 22 lbs. without exercising one time, I know that all of the frustration and headache is worth it in the long run.


Best of luck to you!

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Thank you Lindsay for sharing your pain with us (and so comically).  I am in the beginning, like today, on a Monday I started.  What the poo was I thinking?  

Although my day 1 is not as dreadful as yours I now horrifically frightened on day 2.  I will press on because I "ain't no quitter" but I will be on the look out for the said devil mentioned. 


Good luck Lindsay, keep us posted.

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I got through the walls by drinking plenty of water.  Also by having a stash of carrots and celery close by.  There's something satisfying about that crunch as you bite down!


Most of all, though, my wife did the Whole 30 with me.  Having that person who's going through similar feelings as you gave me more confidence going forward.

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Congratulations on the decision to do this again!


I'm starting my second time through the Whole 30 today, and (thankfully) am not feeling the same feelings as you.  My first time through the program was so successful, I extended it to about 40 days before I transitioned back into everyday foods.  But the program really did change how I look at food, and evaluate everything I eat.  I've completely cut out sodas, other high-sugar drinks, and all the junk food.  I've significantly cut down my dairy and cheese intake as well.


Because the first time around changed my diet for the better, I'm hoping that this second time through will not be as hectic as the first.  Although, when I look back and remember that I lost 22 lbs. without exercising one time, I know that all of the frustration and headache is worth it in the long run.


Best of luck to you!

Thank you! I've started & stopped a handful of times since I did it for real a few years ago, but this time I'm in it for the long haul.


You're so lucky! I'm totally shocked to be feeling this way - I didn't have a touch of the "carb flu" the first time, and honestly, if I had, I may not have stuck with it. I know what's coming - the through-the-roof energy, the great skin, the weight loss - so I'm just barreling through this until all of that kicks in. I. Can't. Wait.


Thanks for reminding me of how truly well this works. I had a really successful time the first time too. This time, I plan on taking a day or 2 off after the 30 days & then jumping into another one. 


I lost about 22 pounds the first time, too! And I honestly don't remember exercising even once. 


Good luck to you - let me know how it's going along the way :)

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Thank you for the hilarious read. You rock!


And I can't wait to read your write up when you hit Tiger Blood. :P

Aww, thank you - YOU rock! I will totally write a million posts when the Tiger Blood FINALLY kicks in. I'll have so much energy that I'll be typing a mile a minute. Last time I did the Whole 30, I had to quit caffeinated coffee. Which, if you knew me, is not at all like me & totally unexpected.

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Thank you Lindsay for sharing your pain with us (and so comically).  I am in the beginning, like today, on a Monday I started.  What the poo was I thinking?  

Although my day 1 is not as dreadful as yours I now horrifically frightened on day 2.  I will press on because I "ain't no quitter" but I will be on the look out for the said devil mentioned. 


Good luck Lindsay, keep us posted.

Haha, you're welcome, and thank you for the compliment! How'd your Day 2 go???

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I started yesterday, thus on day 2. I hit the wall today, similarly at about 3pm. I can't stop thinking about or craving sugar...I'm praying the craving goes away. Any tips on how to overcome this?

How's it going now that you're past Day 2???


There's something about 3 p.m., isn't there - I don't think there's been a single day in my life when I don't crave something bad for you at 3 p.m. 


I haven't actually had any serious cravings, other than wanting to grab a sandwich just for the ease of it. The good news is that my experience with Whole 30 has shown me that the cravings will completely go away before you know it. Seriously. It's like the diet secret that nobody tells you. People will be saying, "Can't you just have a little bit of ice cream, can't you just have one slice of pizza..." and you'll be like, "Well, no, Whole 30 says I can't, and also, I don't even want it." And then everyone will look at you like you have three heads, but it won't matter.


When I want something sweet, I'll make mashed sweet potatoes with a bit of coconut milk, or drink tea that's not really sweet but that has a "sweet" flavor, like vanilla. Also, fruit is your best friend here. Pineapples will taste like candy in a day or 2. And can we have dried figs? They end up tasting delicious too, and kind of hearty.


Get through this part. It becomes very, very worth it.

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I got through the walls by drinking plenty of water.  Also by having a stash of carrots and celery close by.  There's something satisfying about that crunch as you bite down!


Most of all, though, my wife did the Whole 30 with me.  Having that person who's going through similar feelings as you gave me more confidence going forward.

Isn't it weird how water becomes your best friend? I can't get enough of it. 


I find that steamed veggies help me a lot when I'm starving & need to eat, eat, eat. You can have a huge bowl of steamed veggies, get full and barely consume any calories. 


It's totally great having someone doing it with you. I've had a lot of support this time as well as last time, so even though someone wasn't eating the same exact way, it was OK. Plus, I live alone, so I have total control over what's in my kitchen.

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If days 1 + 2 were designed by the devil, days 3 + 4 were designed by his lazier, yet still evil, henchman. Is it getting better because I'm used to it? Or am I getting used to it because it's better? I may never know.


Day 3 actually started off (kind of) promising. I woke up without a headache, but had a bit of the sniffles. I Googled "carb flu" to figure out if this was the norm. It kinda is and since I didn't have any other cold symptoms (besides a really dry throat - there isn't enough water in the world to quench my thirst right now, what is that???), I chalked it up to the nightmare that is the beginning of Whole 30. Plus, after I got out of bed & was up and around, the cold-ish symptoms went away. "Yay!" I thought. "I'm freeeee."


To make sure I warded off the carb flu for the rest of the day, I kept a few tips in mind: drink extra water (yeah, okay, I have not stopped drinking water even for one second), add sea salt and extra fat to your food and don't, under any circumstances, exercise. Umm, eat salt and fat, and skip a workout? Best diet ever, amirite?


During the morning and early afternoon, I was actually able to focus - literally and figuratively - on my computer screen. I banged through a few hours of work and thought, "Wow, I managed to actually get some stuff done today." The Tiger Blood hadn't kicked in, yet but the carb flu seemed to be gone, so I was happy. I followed all of the recommendations to keep the carb flu at bay, until 4 o'clock, when I was feeling pretty awesome & had my work day behind me. "I'm just gonna go for a little walk," I thought.


Yeah. What the [curse word of your choice] was I thinking? After my embarrassingly easy 20 minute walk, over no hills, mind you, I managed to drag myself up my steps and flop onto my couch, completely spent. I was exhausted, thirstier than ever and the cotton had once again filled up my head. I stayed that way until about 2 p.m. today, when a big bowl of steamed chicken, shrimp and veggies seemed to knock me out of my haze. (P.S. I went to bed at 8:30 last night. The sun had not set yet. Don't tell anyone how uncool I am.)


This evening has been better than the last few, but I'm dreading facing tomorrow & this feeling of being a beat slower than life. I've had a strangely high number of concussions in my life, and this is just what that feels like. It's like somebody woke you out of a deep sleep, shook you awake & asked you quick-fire questions. You know the answers, you just can't access them.


I don't blame people who can't make it past this stage. It's really tough. We have lives to focus on and work to do and places to drive to, and it's practically impossible to do any of that while feeling like you're under water. Thank God I had a really good experience the first time around, or else I think I would've given up by now. I know what's coming, though, and it's so very worth it.


Oh yeah, about the brewery. Back in February, I got my boyfriend a Groupon to a great brewery in Yonkers - we haven't gone yet and it expires on June 12, which is definitely before my Whole 30 is up. We may go on Memorial Day or I may push it off a week or so. Either way, it's going to be a big challenge, because I love craft beer. Stay tuned.

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Hi there


I've merged your two topics together to make one log - this keeps the forum tidy and will make it easier for you to read back on as you get through the 30 days and see any patterns around foods such as energy, mood, sensitivities, volume etc - it also makes it easier for the mods to take a quick glance if you need any troubleshooting done.

Let me know what you'd like to call your log and I can change the title  :)

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I am on day 4 and I drove home yesterday thinking, "how can I feel this bad?"


I had an argument with my husband last night because I put all of his non-compliant foods in a box in the pantry and he complained it was a pain to open the box.  RRRGH.


I love the homemade mayo so much I had breakfast mushroom frittata with a little mayo, tuna and salad with mayo for lunch, broccoli and mayo for dinner with some ground beef.  I may need to lay off the mayo.


Day 4 I feel less hungry.  Day 3 I thought I would never make it.  Hopefully day 5 (FRIDAY!!!) will be better?


Oh also I think I need to get a tooth pulled today.  That should be a fun part of day 4.

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When I want something sweet, I'll make mashed sweet potatoes with a bit of coconut milk, or drink tea that's not really sweet but that has a "sweet" flavor, like vanilla. Also, fruit is your best friend here. Pineapples will taste like candy in a day or 2. And can we have dried figs? They end up tasting delicious too, and kind of hearty.


FWIW, many of us find that feeding a sugar craving with sweet tastes, even fruit--and especially dried fruit--actually fuels the craving and prohibits the sugar dragon from going to sleep. It can actually be a better approach to eat more protein and fat. . . .

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I am on day 4 and I drove home yesterday thinking, "how can I feel this bad?"


I had an argument with my husband last night because I put all of his non-compliant foods in a box in the pantry and he complained it was a pain to open the box.  RRRGH.


I love the homemade mayo so much I had breakfast mushroom frittata with a little mayo, tuna and salad with mayo for lunch, broccoli and mayo for dinner with some ground beef.  I may need to lay off the mayo.


Day 4 I feel less hungry.  Day 3 I thought I would never make it.  Hopefully day 5 (FRIDAY!!!) will be better?


Oh also I think I need to get a tooth pulled today.  That should be a fun part of day 4.

So sorry you're having a hard time! I'm on day 6 and still not feeling great. This damn headache is persistent.


It can't be easy doing this with other people in the same house who are eating a different way. I live on my own, so it's pretty easy to keep everything in the kitchen Whole 30-compliant.

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