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Any Whole9 groups starting in June?


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Do you mean Whole30?  There are lots of groups that have just started or are going to start in the next couple of days.  Take a look through the threads in Join Whole30 (where you posted) and link up with one of them :)

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There's a Whole9 life thread that they're taking one month per principle of the Nine Factors but that's not something that is official or has any recurring start dates... I'm positive that they don't mind you jumping in and joining them.  They're not all doing Whole30 for 9 months, they're working through the 9 Factors linked here: http://whole9life.com/2013/01/whole9-our-9-factors/

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Yes!! Join us! Currently we are focused on the Outdoors factor. Just jump right in with us, your goals for each month are your own. We share ideas, successes, challenges, book recommendations and more.

You've seen our thread, right now it's a few below this one.

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