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reintroduce several items on same day, then one at a time?


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I'll be starting the reintroduction phase on July 1st and will be attending a cookout on July 4th.  If I were to reintro several different items at the cookout, would I then be able to eat compliantly for several days and then follow the reintroduction schedule and pay attention to how each item makes me feel?  I don't want to waste the opportunity to evaluate each item individually, but also would rather not have to eat so restrictively at this event.

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A Whole 30 is a big commitment with big benefits. And the reintroduction is as important as the Whole30 part.

Contrast that with one cookout. There will be many more. :-)

Eating a bunch of non-compliant things right after a Whole30 has derailed many a person.

Why not be compliant? Or, introduce ONE food/food group that day in accordance with the reintroduction protocol.

It's your choice of course, but since you haven't done your reintro, you don't know how those cookout foods will affect you. Or how many days it might take to get back to your Whole30 state so you can do proper reintroductions.

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"I don't want to waste the opportunity..."

What you're thinking makes makes no sense really, you're not proposing a reintro at the cookout, you're planning to skewer your Whole30 experience, grill it, and smash it between two pieces of bun.

The waste would be to throw out 30 days of good hard work like that. I agree with ArtFossil. Pick one thing to reintroduce. That's a good idea!

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Many people would be messed up by eating a variety of off-plan things on the same day and might not recover from it in a few days of compliant eating. You might be lucky and get by with it, but you would be running a risk of wasting your 30 days. 

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