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J's First Whole30


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Hello!  This is my first time jumping on the whole30 train and I'm excited! I'm glad there's a spot here to log what I'm eating and how I'm feeling. Today's day 2.  I got most of my recipes from ourpaleolife.com on their Whole30 reset planning section.  So far so good, and the groceries weren't as expensive as I anticipated. I'm having the hardest time not snacking, but making sure I'm doing so in a whole30 friendly way, and hoping that will subside a bit. Thinking it might be because I am only eating a main course at meals, without sides.


Day 1

Meal 1 - sausage egg muffins, cup of green tea

Snack - Musco Family green olives snack pack, cup of coffee, banana

Meal 2 - coconut chicken curry and cauliflower rice; half a cup of berries on the side

Meal 3 - Beefy ratatouille, seltezer water with a splash of 100% cranberry juice

Snack - hard boiled egg, 1/2 avocado with a bit of Cholula hot sauce


I also had about 50 fl oz of water. I felt fine, started the day with yoga, and slept well.


Day 2 (what I have planned)

Pre Workout - 1 hard boiled egg, three apple slices, 1/4 avocado

Meal 1 - sausage egg muffin, green tea

Snack - Apple, cup of coffee

Meal 2 - coconut chicken curry, musco olives snack pack

Snack - 1/4 cup berries

Meal 3 - beefy ratatouille


I was VERY tired when I woke up this morning, it was a struggle getting out of bed, but I did so at 5:30, ate my preworkout meal and went to a strength training class. I think I'm hungry, but may also be restlessness at work!


What's everyone's recommendations on not feeling like I want to snack all the time? Eat more at meals?

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Hey there! Welcome, and congratulations! :)


I had to consciously add more fat to my meals to reduce between-meals hunger and avoid snacking. Don't count the fat you used to cook it, and don't count the fat that you're guessing is in the protein. I also found that I wasn't drinking enough water, so whenever I want to snack and it's not time to have a full meal again, I drink more water, which helps with the need to do something throughout the day (the physical motion of snacking is a habit, too, not just the actual consumption part).


Hope this helps! Good luck! Look for a moderator's response on the meals - they're very good at catching all of the details.

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Day 3


Breakfast - sausge egg muffin with 1/4 avocado, green tea

Post Workout - Hardboiled egg and 1/2 avocado, iced coffee

Lunch - mixed greens with roasted chicken, cucumber, avocado, and salsa; GTs Kombucha (1/2 cup), banana with cashew butter

Dinner - TBD, but probably slow roasted pork and veggies (it's in the oven now)


Today is day 3 and I feel like I'm in the stage where I want to punch everyone in the face- didn't really experience the hangover phase at all, but little things are making me furious today.  May also be other hormonal things!  Other than that, so far so good. Not sick of eggs and avocado yet!

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Sounds pretty tasty! Cashew butter sounds intriguing - what brand do you use? What's in the sausage egg muffin? Also - important to note quantities of what you eat, especially protein.


Try not to punch everyone in the face. :) This is a good time to reach out to your partner or a good friend and ask for their forgiveness in advance and their time today to do something that helps you let go of the rage. Chop something!  :D

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I've been terrible about posting but have still been compliant and working hard!

Day 4 I woke up so so so tired. Beyond tired. My energy picked up through the day, but I was absolutely pooped early on. I can't recall exactly but my guess is that I had lots of coffee on Thursday.

Day 4

Meal 1- 2 eggs scrambled, sausage patty (homemade from pork), 1/4 avocado and a small serving of sweet potato hash Browns

Snack-banana and cashew butter

Meal 2 - leftover pork and Brussels with garlic jalapeño 'mayo'

Meal 3- lemon artichoke chicken over steamed broccoli

Day 5 was better in terms of being sleepy and I spent ally of the day cooking whatever else was in our fridge from our grocery haul so it wouldn't go to waste

Meal 1- same as day 4

Meal 2 - pork and sweet potato hash with Brussels on the side

Meal 3 - roasted red peppers, eggplant and chicken in tomato sauce over cauli rice

Day 6 - felt fine and experienced my first time eating out in whole 30. It was hard to be around tempting delicious things but I did well!

Meal 1- Carmelized onion, aidells chicken apple sausage and sweet potato frittata

Meal 2- pork and sweet potato hash with garlic mayo

Meal 3- whole boiled lobster - ate plain, and a side salad with oil and vinegar

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Day 6 was the first day where my belly felt a little less bloted. Hoping that feeling sticks!

Day 6

Meal 1 - same onion, sweet potato and chicken sausage frittata, some blueberries

Meal 2 - 2oz smoked salmon, egg fried in olive oil, grilled tomato and onion, handful of blueberries

Meal 3 - 5 grilled shrimp, 1 grilled lobster claw, half grilled sweet potato, half grilled white potato, grilled onion and tomato. So delicious!

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So I mistyped- yesterday was day 7. Today is day 8. Feeling generally good, but having some tummy troubles. Will see if settles down- can't imagine what it could be!

Meal 1 - same fritata as previous days, plus 2oz smoked salmon, 2 slices of tomato and 1/4 avocado and a cup of coffee

Meal 2- grilled tuna steak with side salad with vinegar on it

Meal 3- lemon artichoke chicken over steamed broccoli.

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One of the mods posted the following helpful information about tummy troubles on another thread:


SugarcubeOD, on 04 Jul 2016 - 2:00 PM, said:snapback.png

Nuts are a definite culprit in later stage digestive distress... this can also be caused by too many raw veggies (cooked are easier to digest), too much bubbly water and sometimes too much coconut.  If you want, feel free to post a few days of what you've been eating including portion sizes and meal timing (and water intake) and we can take a look and see if anything stands out that coudl be causing it.


Hope this helps! Grilled tuna steak sounds delicious. What kind of vinegar are you using? Beware the balsamic - many brands include caramel color, which is a source of sugar.

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Thanks for all of that!!! I used just regular red wine vinegar on my salad and have been very careful to check the balsamics! They sneak in there!

Day 9

Meal 1- same old frittata, it was epically large, clearly.

Meal 2- chicken thighs with bacon and Tessamae's ranch dressing and green beans with bacon and cashews

Meal 3 - sloppy joe meat with asparagus and white potato hash

Day 10

PWO half a banana and one chicken nugget

Meal 1- fritata and coffee

Midday - kombucha and an iced coffee that i drank for about 8 hours

Meal 2 - chicken nuggets with balsamic ketchup and green beans with cashews and bacon

Meal 3- ground meat mixture (beef pork veal) with asparagus potato hash. Half a banana with cashew butter.

I'm feeling good and was focused and got a ton done today. Still a bit more fatigued in the gym than usual, but overall energy and sleep have been good!! Eczema is not clearing at all though :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still here- on day 18, I think! Maybe 19! all is going well. Only hiccup was when a family member made dinner and didn't realize we 'couldn't have even a little bit of sugar' and there was a bit of sugar in the marinade he put on our steak. Didn't eat the sauce, and didn't make a big deal so as not to create family tension for the rest of eternity. Headed on a business trip for 4 days so packed some rX bars, chomps, cashews and sea snax since I'll be eating on the run all weekend. Will try to be better about updating my log!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So we finished last week! I stopped logging here partially because I think I just got in the habit of things and wasn't thinking about it all the time, which I call a win!


I lost just about 10 lbs and 9 inches off of various body parts, which I'm very happy with.  I've, mostly, been able to keep up with the whole30 type of eating. I had initially planned to do a structured reintroduction, but wasn't really that compelled to reintroduce all that much, so I've been taking it slower.  I haven't seen much effect from anything 'off plan' but I likely haven't eaten enough in quantity.  I've maintained my weigh through the past week, which i think is good as I was expecting a jump up once I started eating non whole30 foods here and there. 


I plan to continue this 'most of the time' whole30 eating for the foreseeable future, it's gotten me in good habits and I feel good. 

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