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Stomach ache?

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I'm on Day 12 now. For the last five-ish days, I've had a stomach ache. Nothing major, just a dull ache. Usually it's there when I wake up in the morning. Today it didn't start until after breakfast. Is this normal? I'm wondering if it's from eating more meat/more fat than I'm used to? I wasn't on a "low-fat diet" before by any means, but I'm definitely eating more fat than I was. I also only had meat at dinner before vs. at each meal. Is my body just trying to get used to this? I've been incorporating coconut milk & have wondered if it's the guar gum in that, but I don't know how likely that is. I feel like it's more likely to be from eating more fat, but don't know if that's a normal reaction...

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It would helpful to know what you have been eating over the past few days to see if we can help pin point the cause, although bear in mind that we don;t do a Whole30 in a bubble so it's entirely possible that the stomach ache is unrelated.

List out each of your meals, giving specifics on portion sizes, veg types etc & we can take a look....  :)

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If you were eating a lot less meat and fat before, your gut may not have sufficient quantities of the bacteria needed to digest meat and fat. That could cause stomach aches. If this is the problem, you could take digestive enzymes to provide your gut with what it needs to efficiently digest meat and fat. After a few weeks, your gut should be up to speed and able to go on without digestive enzymes. If this is not the problem, digestive enzymes won't help. 


What you should know about digestive enzymes
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Thank you both. I had the stomach ache still over the weekend, but didn’t have it yesterday. I then had it this morning [surprise surprise, I had ground beef with dinner last night]. I really think it has something to do with the fattiness of the ground beef/the amount of meat in general. I’m glad to hear that it isn’t unheard of. I’ll look into those digestive enzymes. Here’s what I’ve been eating, generally.

Breakfast: coffee with coconut milk, casserole [eggs, compliant sausage, spinach, peppers, onions, zucchini], & a serving of fruit [usually a banana].

Lunch: last week I was having chicken, a sweet potato, & an avocado. I was told on another thread that I might want to cut down on starchy veggies, so this week I’m having a big spring mix salad [with some olives & olive-oil based dressing for my fat] & either chicken or ground beef. Today it’s ground beef so we shall see if my stomach ache returns after lunch.

Dinner: last night I had ground beef sautéed with onions, zucchini, garlic, & peppers & a small sweet potato with some ghee. Tonight we’re having chicken with an olive-oil based marinade & roasted veggies [zucchini, snap peas, peppers, onions, carrots]. Tomorrow I’m making pork chops with roasted asparagus & broccoli. The first time I noticed the stomach ache was the morning after I had spaghetti squash with meatballs.

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