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I was just introduced to this program this morning by my naturopath and I am very excited to get started! So much information on this site, but I have purchased a couple of the books and am enjoying reading all of the questions and comments. I am looking forward to starting my Whole30 next week! Start date 8/14/2016!

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Hey there! Welcome!

The Whole30 cookbook - if you got that one - is really helpful with knowing how to plan and what to expect. Something to know about the meal plan in the book: don't wait to make it yours. If you know something is going to be especially tough for you, let us know, and we'd be happy to help you find a compliant way to make it work better for you. I waited waaaay too late in my Whole30 to "make it mine" - removing meals I knew would just be an extra hurdle for me (and planning on-plan meals instead) and remembering to sprinkle the week with the on-plan foods I've always loved.

Some things I wish I'd done/was happy I did before I started:

  • Stocked up on "easy" foods I could make in the moment when I was feeling too worn out to cook the planned, elaborate recipe from the book (ie, cans of tuna + compliant mayo and relish + spinach = easy, compliant, nutritious)
  • Devised some things I could do when I was craving the emotional part of food (removing sugar meant I no longer had my longtime crutch for my depression, and I got blindsided a bit by having to deal with it on my own for the first time ever... not true for everyone, but many people have a "kill all the things" moment, and having a strategy ahead of time can help you deal with it better)
  • Tossed my scale (unless you have a nicer one than I did... in which case, give it to a friend)
  • Tossed all the foods I couldn't have

Best of luck to you! Let us know how we can help!

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Thank you for your advice! I will definitely utilize this forum for questions, concerns and suggestions. I am going to start the audio book version of "It Starts With Food" tonight and then "The Whole30" guidebook after that. I also bought the Whole 30 cookbook...any other cookbooks, Pinterest pages or things like that I can follow to get recipes?

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Hi Nursemerlyn -- for recipes my go to sites are meljoulwan.com and nom nom paleo.  I also follow the W30 recipe instagram feed and there's always new ideas each day.  The key for me to success is not to get bored so changing up the menus weekly has been one of my goals and none of the recipes gleaned from these places have disappointed.  Also, if you google 'best whole 30 recipes" you will get a ton of different sites and ideas.  Good luck and enjoy!!


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