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A Diet Coke Addict's Whole30


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I have been holding off starting Whole30 for over a year. My in-laws have all completed more than one cycle and swear by it's benefits! But.......diet coke. How could I go an entire month without it?! No bread - fine. No dessert - fine. BUT NO SODA?!?!?!?! As my sister-in-law's Whole30 comes to an end I was telling my family about it and one of my sister's who suffers from chronic migraines read up on the effects and testimonials about migraines management after the program and she was on board! Which means for my sister (and really for myself) here goes 30 days without my diet coke!

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Day 1 - (Yesterday) Just like the program said I started off like a champ! I drank a large glass of water, had my meals all packed, and I even made mayo the night before! READY TO GO!...........but at about 11 AM I was struggling! I had a green tea with my breakfast but I wanted that soda. I didn't realize how much coffee and soda I drank before 11 AM until now!!!!! So I got up from my desk and took a walk around the building...that seemed to help for a while so by the end of the work day I had walked 2 miles! (Thanks FitBit)

With our dinner I had a LaCroix Grapefruit - delish!!! And that seems to quench my thirst for carbonation (not my thirst for aspartame) :blink:


Meals for the Day

Breakfast - Southwest Egg Scramble (pictured below)

Lunch - Salmon Protein Salad w/ baby spinach and balsamic vinegar

Snack - Baby Carrots w/ Wholly Guacamole

Dinner - Ground Turkey, Roasted Spaghetti Squash, and Basic Tomato Sauce

Day 1 Breakfast.jpg

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How many eggs were in your scramble Sarah? It could be that the lack of protein (& fat if that's just a 1/4 avocado) had you struggling by 11am. 3-4 eggs is the usual serving for most woman (check how many you can hold in one hand without dropping to see what your serving would be), and a half an avocado will provide improved satiety, and so a better start to the day...

Day one done - well done you :)

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I used to drink 4L of Coke Zero a day.  I was even "paleo" for 2 years while drinking it :ph34r:  But thankfully now its out of my life (4-5 years maybe).  My subs:

Seltzer.  I think I keep Polar Seltzer in business!

Kombucha.  Its fizzy.  And has flavor!  Its like healthy soda!!!  It is expensive.  But you can make your own!

I bought a Soda Stream to make my own seltzer (take that Polar!).  I'll buy one of those single serving Tropicana OJ containers and it lasts me over a week - just a splash per 1 L of seltzer.  

Oddly enough... during my first trimester seltzer repulsed me so I switched to water. Now instead of bring 2 liter bottles of seltzer to work with me, I cut up an organic lemon and put it in my Nalgene with water and drink that all day.  Even though seltzer no longer makes me want to vomit I don't NEED IT the way I used to and I'm trying to stick with the water with lemon... it is a heck of a lot cheaper!


Good luck with your W30!  Do read about the idea and "magic" of real food.  When you truly see what soda is... you might just realize that it isn't worth it and the decision to continue to abstain will be that much easier :)


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23 minutes ago, littleg said:

I used to drink 4L of Coke Zero a day.  I was even "paleo" for 2 years while drinking it :ph34r:  But thankfully now its out of my life (4-5 years maybe).  My subs:

Seltzer.  I think I keep Polar Seltzer in business!

Kombucha.  Its fizzy.  And has flavor!  Its like healthy soda!!!  It is expensive.  But you can make your own!

I bought a Soda Stream to make my own seltzer (take that Polar!).  I'll buy one of those single serving Tropicana OJ containers and it lasts me over a week - just a splash per 1 L of seltzer.  

Oddly enough... during my first trimester seltzer repulsed me so I switched to water. Now instead of bring 2 liter bottles of seltzer to work with me, I cut up an organic lemon and put it in my Nalgene with water and drink that all day.  Even though seltzer no longer makes me want to vomit I don't NEED IT the way I used to and I'm trying to stick with the water with lemon... it is a heck of a lot cheaper!


Good luck with your W30!  Do read about the idea and "magic" of real food.  When you truly see what soda is... you might just realize that it isn't worth it and the decision to continue to abstain will be that much easier :)


Thank you! I will definitely read up about it!! Good to hear from someone else who kicked the habit! & I had hot water with lemon this morning and I actually liked it!!!

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1 hour ago, jmcbn said:

How many eggs were in your scramble Sarah? It could be that the lack of protein (& fat if that's just a 1/4 avocado) had you struggling by 11am. 3-4 eggs is the usual serving for most woman (check how many you can hold in one hand without dropping to see what your serving would be), and a half an avocado will provide improved satiety, and so a better start to the day...

Day one done - well done you :)


Thank you! I had 2 that morning so I will try to hold those eggs later when I get home. This morning I had 1/2 the spinach fritatta which ends up being about 3 eggs and so far (10 AM) I am feeling pretty good! 

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Day 2 - Felt the same when I woke up this morning -_- sleepy....but I started my day with a large glass of hot water with lemon and it was sooooooo good. I was shocked! I made sure to have the correct serving size of eggs this morning (aka half of the spinach frittata recipe which ends up being about 3 eggs) and still felt full and good up until noon. The major headache happened at 1:45 - all of a sudden my eyes wanted to close, my head was pounding, and all that I could think is DIET COKE. But I stayed strong, drank a cup of black coffee and felt much better about 15 minutes later.

We had a surprise this evening and had dinner at my parent's house but I just took some of all of the ingredients and made it for my sister and I so it would be compliant.

Meals for the Day

Breakfast - Spinach Frittata

Lunch - Chicken Meatballs (from Whole30 book), steamed broccoli, and Ranch! (from Whole30)

Snack - Almonds

Dinner - Pork Chops, steamed potato, eggplant, and onions (with a little more ranch!)

Watching Olympics Snack - Kale Chips!!!! and they were actually yummy!!


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Day 3 - Started to feel better this morning. Drank my hot water w/ lemon on the way to work, ate breakfast, and had a cup of black coffee after. I am finding that a small cup of black coffee is majorly helping with the headaches. I am also feeling REALLY full throughout the day & I don't feel like I am eating too much food either! Before starting my journey I was on a diet program in which I was not having a lot of success and I was ALWAYS tired and hungry. I would count the minutes until my next meal or snack....but now I pack a snack just in case but I never need it. 

I'm also finding myself back in the kitchen everyday and I love it. Work is super busy for me (basically 24/7) and I'm also a mom to a 18 month old so it became very easy to make the quickest thing or order in rather than spend the time to make dinner. 

AND having huge successes with beating temptations at work. We had clients in for a class today so there were donuts and bagels for breakfast, and then sandwiches and salads for lunch with FOUR 2L OF DIET COKE right outside of my office. But I stayed strong - it is just 30 days right?

Meals for the Day

Breakfast - Southwest Scrambled Eggs

Lunch - Chicken Meatballs and Broccoli in Tomato Sauce

Dinner - Beef Brisket w/ Greek Salad

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Day 4 - My husband has been annoying me yesterday and today (way more than he usual does at least :)) I guess I might be in the "Kill All the Things" stage in my timeline. I am surprised how easy I am finding the process over the past four days, but I already think I understand why the highest quitting happens during Days 10-11. It is definitely a commitment (I avoided the movies tonight because I just didn't think I could handle it yet) and 3.5 weeks of SO MUCH meal prepping and planning will probably get a little tiring soon. I have a busy weekend full of temptations - my sister's baby shower is Saturday & Sunday my sisters and I are headed to a concert! Luckily I am making all of the food for the shower so I am going to make sure there are some compliant foods....

So far though - I think so good...

Meals for the Day

Breakfast - Spinach Frittata

Lunch - Egg Salad

Dinner - Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, and Roasted Red Pepper Mayo (WHICH IS TOTALLY DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Snack - Roasted Sweet Potato Chips (also totally awesome)

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AND I am starting over.....I got through 5 successful days, then fell flat on my face on Day 6 & 7 (baby shower and concert). I'm really bummed with myself for having drinks but I still haven't had Diet Coke since I started!


So here goes Day 1 AGAIN!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
23 hours ago, SarahUlm said:

 but I still haven't had Diet Coke since I started!


So here goes Day 1 AGAIN!

As a former diet soda addict... this is probably a bigger accomplishment than sticking with the W30 for days 6 and 7.  Good for you getting right back to it!

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Day 1 (Take 2!) - Got right back on it today! Not sure what my emotional timeline will be since I am starting over after 6 and 7. I didn't stray too far from the W30 but far enough to feel like I need to start over and give myself the accomplishment of a full 30 days.


Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs and Avocado

Lunch - Steamed Chicken and Broccoli w/ Coconut Aminos

Dinner - Steak, Onions, and roasted potatoes


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Day 2 - Still feeling really good. Though my diet coke monster is still brewing in there. Every morning I get in the car I want to go to the drive thru for a soda, but I always make sure to have water in the car to help.

Meals - 

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs and Sausage

Lunch - Sweet Potato, Ground Turkey, and Guac

Dinner - Chicken Curry w/ Cauliflower Lime "Rice"

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Day 3 was yesterday. I did alright. I am finding it the hardest when I get stressed to not want to eat something that's "easy" (meaning anything bad from my freezer!) I still am craving a diet coke, though seltzers are helping with a little carbonation. I am still just amazed at how full I stay throughout the day! I'm dying to jump on the scale but I know that it will probably be a great surprise at the end of the 30 days!!!

Meals -

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs and Ground Turkey

Lunch - Left Over Chicken Curry

Dinner - Perfect Burger with Baked Potato 

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Day 4! I'm feeling really good. I am still avoiding situations where I know I will be tempted (like happy hour with my work friends tonight!) but I just keep telling myself it is 30 DAYS! That is a teeny bit of life that can change my life forever. Theoretically I am on my Diet Coke Whole30 Day 12, but had to restart from a mimosa at my sister's baby shower so I kept to the rules and started my count over. BUT 12 DAYS WITHOUT A DIET COKE IS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Meals - 

Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs and Ground Turkey w/ Salsa

Lunch - Left over Chicken Curry

Dinner - Grilled Shrimp with Spaghetti Squash

Extra Meal - Baked Potato w/ Ground Turkey and Salsa


Looking forward to finally making it through the weekend staying on plan!

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Days 5 - 7


The weekend I was struggling a little. Friday night I ordered non-compliant food, sat down to eat it, and then threw it out! It actually felt really good (except for that whole wasting money thing). I was stressed, my little one had a double eye infection and I wanted fried, fried, bad food. But I really didn't want to have to start over again so I held strong! Also, I may be on Day 8 (cause I started over) but I am really on Day 14 without diet coke!!!!!! 


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Way to stay strong.  Bummer about the wasted food though - its always handy to have my husband around for times like this - he'll eat the food I *almost* decided was worth it :)

Way to go on 14 days with no Diet Coke!  Just keep abstaining and honest eventually it will just be what you do!  Have you tried kombucha yet?  Its still my favorite "soda" beverage.  I've also started making my own iced tea this summer.  Since I'm not really doing a W30 right now I've been buying a noncompliant tea (it has candied mango and pineapple mixed in with the tea leaves) and use 2 bags to make 1/2 gallon of tea (so that has to be like 4 molecules of sugar per cup of tea - right?!).  Its just enough flavor that its not water.


Keep it up!

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Two weeks without diet coke!? Go you! 

You can definitely break this habit ....it just takes time. I was a habitual diet coke drinker especially in my early to mid twenties. I'd go thru a 12 pack in a couple of days. Yikes! I honestly don't even remember giving it up....I just started cutting back, drinking more water. Sparkling water was a lifesaver for me and I second Littleleg's kombucha suggestion. 

And tossing non-compliant food?! This takes a lot of strength. You got this!

Keep up the GREAT work! 

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