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Day 18 and bump in the road


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Well, I'm on day 18 but not sure which direction I'm headed in. The program has been easy to follow--probably because it's similar to how I've always eaten and because I don't have a sugar dragon, but rather a fat dragon! I'm thrilled that I was so easily able to give up random snacking on things like pretzels and hummus and cheese and will keep going forward with that. My reason for doing the Whole30 was to see if I might better absorb my thyroid medication and see if it made a difference with the chronic inflammation I've experienced since having my gland removed 15 months ago. I get a blood draw Friday so I'll know part of the answer. Not sure on the inflammation tho. I'll have to see how that goes further down the road. The very same road on which I've just hit a bump.

For a reason that I cannot determine, about 5 nights ago I ended up extremely anxious just as I was dozing off to sleep. And for the next two hours experienced hypnic jerks every single time I tried to doze off. I have had this before, but nothing like this. I sleep very well for 8-9 hours every night. But the act of falling asleep just doesn't make sense to my brain on some nights no matter how tired I am. I thought it was a fluke but then it happened again on Sunday night. Huge rushes of anxiety (which I guess we can call anxiety attacks) for no particular reason.

Yesterday, I came home from work early, around 3, took the dog out, came back in and instant anxiety attack. It's frustrating because when I've had them in the past (with greater infrequency as time goes on) they were always for a "real" reason. But I'll be darned if I can find one now. I drank warm tea last night, took a calms forte and an l-theanine, stayed up a bit later than normal and went to bed with only a couple of false starts. But today it all started early this morning after my workout. Can it possibly be the drop in carbohydrates causing this?

I know we're not supposed to count and measure and weigh during the Whole30, but I do know that my carb intake has gone from roughly 50% of my diet to around 25%. The missing 25% has obviously been replaced by fat. And it's really been all good. I've followed the Whole30 to a tee. Done everything right so I don't know if I should ride out the next 12 days or call it quits right now. Perhaps grains, while not eaten every day, had some positive effect on my serotonin levels. I don't want to chuck it all in and I do have a call into my physician to see what we can do. I suspect I'll be subscribed some pill that I don't want to take. But I feel like I'm out of options at the moment.

FWIW, I'm a 50 year old female with one foot in menopause and the other not quite there yet. I did have my first period in 6 months around day 10, but I don't think it made much of a difference in how I felt. It was more inconvenient than anything else. There also might be a slim chance that my throid med is working all to well now and my dose is too high. But won't know that until Monday at the earliest.

Sorry to be so long. Any suggestions? Thoughts? I am going to add more carbs to every meal, probably in the form of sweet potato and see if that helps.



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Could you be low in magnesium? There's a good articly here on anxiety attacks and the need to supplement with magnesium

That's a good stab, but no. I've supplemented with magnesium for years. Nothing gets between me and my Natural Calm at bedtime!

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I often go through the "maybe I just need grains" scenario...if you think you need more carbs I would add more starchy vegetables and fruit if you can tolerate it. The "I need to eat grains" is your head talking (IMHO) because you want them, not your body needing them. I'd stick with a squeaky clean W30 for the duration of the 30 days and then try the reintroduction schedule if you seriously think you still need grains.

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