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results -- Whole 30 day 31


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Hi everyone, I thought I would share my results from my Whole 30.  I am a pretty active person (exercise several times a week, eat pretty healthy) pre-Whole 30, but the results I experienced on this were amazing and prove to me, more than anything, that something or some things I was eating did not agree with me.  I lost 12.5 pounds and 12.5 inches, with 4.5 of those inches from my stomach, which is the bloat being gone.  I was on the high end of "normal" weight for my height prior to starting.  In addition, my stomach feels better (no feeling like I'm going to puke after eating, no pain, no general fullness all day), i have more energy, my exercise has improved dramatically, and my nails are stronger and my hair is thicker, even on my eyebrows.  I am nervous to do reintroduction, and probably won't reintroduce for the sake of doing it, but will instead do it if I want something.  As for now, I thought when I started on day 31 I would want bread, cheese, etc., and I don't want any of that.  I do look forward to a glass of wine tonight, but that full feeling I used to get from eating bread is not something i desire any more.


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