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Best way to treat low blood sugar


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I'm a type 1 diabetic who started her first Whole 30 today.

I have had problems controlling my sugars so I'm pretty well convinced that I'll have at least one hypoglycemic episode during the program. I've been advised by just about everyone that glucose tablets are the best way to treat this.  I'm pretty darn sure glucose is NOT Whole 30 approved though. So what's a diabetic to do? Start the Whole 30 over the minute I have to treat a low? I'd reach for something like fruit, but I'm afraid that won't hit my system fast enough. Surely I'm not the only Type 1 to have done a Whole 30 so I'm asking the others out there what they did to treat lows during their program.

Thanks in advance!

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First, make sure you're keeping in touch with your doctor during this. Your insulin needs may change and letting them be aware may help you. 

ive used juice boxes in the past. There are also dates hat basically are nature's candy. Both of these should hit the system quickly in the case of lows. 


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You're definitely not the first to ask this. Hopefully over the 30 days, your blood sugars stabilize and you won't need to use them much, but glucose tabs to treat a low are fine. It falls under doctor's orders, which always trump whole30. 

If you knew that drinking juice would hit fast enough that you were comfortable using it, that would be great, but if you haven't tried it and aren't comfortable relying on it, that's okay, just use the glucose tablets.

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