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late afternoon challenge


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I've done two Whole30s, and I'm gearing up for another on Sept. 5.  My biggest challenge in the last two was dealing with hunger around 4:00 in the afternoon.  I get up extremely early and work out; I usually have a small pre- and post-workout "meal".  I then eat breakfast around 7:30, lunch at noon, and I'm hungry around 4:00.  This is when I get off work, and I don't eat dinner until around 7:00 when my husband gets home. I know the suggestion about avoiding snacks, but noon to 7:00 is too long to go without eating for me.  I LOVE Rx bars, but I'm afraid that relying on them at 4:00 each afternoon is keeping my sugar dragon alive. Plus, they aren't quite enough to satisfy the hunger, so then I frequently eat too many nuts or something else (compliant) when I get home.  I'd love any ideas for what I should do at this point in the afternoon -- what should I eat, how much, etc?  Thank you!

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Protein and fat is your best option for a 'snack' - something like a hard boiled egg or some chicken with mayo, a couple of meatballs & guac...

That said you might find that you're eventually able to push lunch back to 1/1:30pm and make it until 7pm without a snack. I regularly go 6-7hrs between meals.

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I push my lunch to 1:30 and dinner is 6:30--7:00. . I do not snack  Period.

If you make sure you have enough protein and FAT at lunch you may find 5 hours easy and 6 hours doable, especially if you are fat-adapted  

Banish those Rx bars! They have more sugar than protein. Eat food, not products!

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I haven't snacked in 2.5 years, even with a lorra lorra emergencies- ambulances, hospitals and long stretches of lonesome highways...200 miles inbetween towns. I bought one larabar in the beginning to see what all of the fuss was about.  Meh. 

All manufactured bars and denatured protein powders are pretty much DOA. They can live on the shelf for months. The shorter the shelf life, the more life giving the food is. Old fish and on the verge of spoiling proteins hanging around the butcher/meat counter lets you know when it's time to go.  The unpleasant aroma says it's time to be thrown in the bin. Spoiled vege and produce, ditto. Be led by your nose and senses. 

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